Exercise 3
1.Going to college brought about a dramatic" " " " " " "" (transform) in her attitude toward life.
2.He felt all hot and"" " " " " " """ "(sweat). How he wished he could have some cold drinks.
3.The artist combines different" " " " " " " """"(technique) in the same painting.
4.The date of the move has not been"" " " " " " """ "(definite) decided yet.
5.They are reported to" " " " " " " """"(escape) to the other side of the border successfully.
6.Her own twelve pictures sold fairly well,"" " " " " " """ "(most) to friends and family.
7.A powerful searchlight cut into the night,"" " " " " " """ "(bounce) into the sky.
8.This button is for" " " " " " """" "the volume and the height of the car seat is" "" " " " " " """. (adjust)
9.His wife inspired him" " " " " " " """"(write) his first novel. She is such a rich source of" "" " " " " " """(inspire) for him.
10.There were two loud" " " " " " """" "and then the building collapsed. Witnessing this, he made a loud," " " " " " """" "noise of fright. (explode)
11.When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel" "" " " " " " """and bad about the" " " " " " " """"results. (disappoint)
12.Mozart" " " " " " " """"his last opera shortly before he died. All his works are arranged in their order of"" " " " " " """ ". (compose)
13.We find our" " " " " " """" "table a great convenience. It takes little space when"" " " " " " """ ". (fold)
14.They will be" " " " " " """" "their new designs at the" " " " " " """" "tomorrow morning. (exhibit)
escape from in turn unfamiliar with sharpen one’s skills
on the move go wild to one’s heart’s content get across
1.Increased production will," "" " " " " " """, lead to increased profits.
2.Well, to sum up, what is the message that you are trying" " " " " " " """"?
3.Don’t jump off a train when it’s" " " " " " " """".
4.The book will help you" " " " " " " """"and move you to the next level.
5.It’s easy to let your feelings" " " " " " " """"when you’re upset.
6.I’m"" " " " " " """ "this type of machine so I make a few mistakes while operating it.
7.The driver managed"" " " " " " """ "the vehicle and shout a warning.
8.If you do something"" " " " " " """ ", you do something enjoyable for as long as you want to do it.