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The Robin and the Cardinal知更鳥和紅衣鳳頭鳥

2024-06-17 00:00:00ElizabethT.

One April day, after a long, soaking1rain, Cardinal poked2 his head out fromunder the green branches to see if hewould get wet or stay dry. When he didn’tfeel any rain, he jumped down to theground, using the tree branches like aspiral staircase3.

Cardinal usually liked to stay in thesafe cover of the trees. He was a brightred bird, and it was very easy to find himin the open field4. If a hawk5 saw him, hecould become someone else’s dinner.

So Cardinal jumped around theedge6 of the field to look for worms7 inthe grass. He didn’t walk too far fromhis safe trees.

At the same time, Robin flew downinto the middle of the grassy8 field andpecked9 at the ground. Robin was mostlybrown, but his belly10 was a prettyorange color. He was very proud11 of hiscolorful chest and always walked aroundin front of the other birds. Robin found abig, juicy12 worm and ate it up.

When he looked up, he saw abright red flash13 at the edge of thefield. Robin flew over to see what itwas. It was a red bird.

“Oh, hello!”he cried.“I’m Robin.I didn’t know there were any other redbirds here.”

Cardinal was a little surprised andthen looked up at Robin. Robin was a bitbigger than Cardinal, but he was not asbig as a hawk. Cardinal thought he wassafe to talk to.

“I don’t think you are a red bird,”said Cardinal.“Your belly is orange.”

Robin looked at Cardinal and thendown at his own belly. Compared14 to thered bird’s bright feathers15, his ownbelly didn’t seem very special anymore.The red bird’s feathers lookedmore beautiful than his.

“Well,”said Robin,“I guess that’s true. Butyou didn’t have to say itout loud.”Robin’s feelingswere a bit hurt.“Iwas going to tell you thatall the best worms are inthe middle of the field,not on the edges.”

Cardinal said,“I don’t feel safe all the wayout there. I need to stay under the tree branchesso hawks can’t see my feathers.”

Robin thought about this. Maybe havingsuch bright feathers wasn’t that fun after all, ifit meant16 that Cardinal had to hide17 them.Robin felt sorry for Cardinal and came up withan idea.

“Tell you what,”he said. “You stay hereand I’ll bring you a nice worm to eat.”

Robin flew off to the centerof the field and began to peck theground. Soon he had a big wormin his beak18. He jumped backover to Cardinal.

“Here you go! ” he said.Robin dropped the worm on theground in front of Cardinal.

Cardinal was so happy andate the worm. “Thank you verymuch,”he said.“It’s delicious.”

“You’re welcome,” Robinsaid. He had a feeling that theywould become great friends. Andhe told Cardinal about it.

“Of course,” Cardinal said.“We are good friends now. And ifyou need help, I will do everythingI can to help you.”























1. soaking 濕透的

2. poke 從……露出,或伸出;探出

3. spiral staircase 螺旋樓梯

4. field 田地;田野

5. hawk 鷹;隼

6. edge 邊;邊緣

7. worm 蠕蟲;某些昆蟲的幼蟲

8. grassy 長滿草的;被草覆蓋的

9. peck 啄;啄食

10. belly 人或動物的腹部;肚子

11. proud 自豪的;得意的

12. juicy 多汁的;汁液豐富的

13. flash 閃光;閃現(xiàn)

14. compare 比較;對比

15. feather 羽毛

16. mean 意味著

17. hide 把……藏起來;隱藏

18. beak 鳥嘴;喙

鴛鴦相對浴紅衣 有趣的雌雄兩態(tài)
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