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中圖分類號:S718.4 文獻標志碼:A開放科學(資源服務(wù))標識碼(OSID):


An infrageneric taxonomic revision of the genus Osmanthus

LI Yongfu1,2, YANG Qinghua2, CHEN Lin2, ZHANG Min2, XIANG Qibai2, WANG Xianrong2*, DUAN Yifan2*

(1. Jiangsu Key Laboratory for the Research and Utilization of Plant Resources, Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing Botanical Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen, Nanjing 210014, China; 2. Nanjing Forestry University, International Cultivar Registration Center for Osmanthus, Nanjing 210037, China)

Abstract:【Objective】The genus Osmanthus Lour. species represented by sweet osmanthus has high economic and research values. However, species relationships within the genus have been controversial due to the lack of distinct morphological characters among species, and there is an urgent need for a taxonomic revision of the sectional relationships within the genus. 【Method】This study integrates multiple lines of evidence from morphological characters and molecular phylogeny to define section-level taxonomic units within the genus. Taxonomic treatments were provided based on taxonomic principles and nomenclatural codes. 【Result】Here we propose to divide the genus Osmanthus into four sections, first retaining O. sect. Osmanthus and O. sect. Siphosmanthus Franch.; secondly, creating a new section with O. decorus (Boiss. amp; Balansa) Kasapligil; then creating a new section with O. yunnanensis (Franch.) P. S. Green and O. serrulatus Rehder; and finally, merging O. sect. linocieroides P. S. Green into O. sect. Osmanthus. These four sections are all strongly supported morphologically, phylogenetically and geographically. 【Conclusion】The new revision ensures the phylogenetic relationships of each group are monophyletic and morphologically specific, which makes the species relationships more consistent with the evidence of systematic evolution, and provides an important reference for future scientific research and resource conservation and utilization.

Keywords:sectional relationships; taxonomic revision; phylogenetic relationships; morphological characters; geographic distributions

木犀屬(Osmanthus Lour.)隸屬于木犀科(Oleaceae)木犀欖族(Oleeae)Oleinae亞族[1-4]。該屬由葡萄牙植物學家Joo de Loureiro于1790年以桂花〔Osmanthus fragrans(Thunb.)Lour.〕作為模式所建立的屬級分類單位。英國植物學家Peter Shaw Green在1958年出版了第一本關(guān)于木犀屬的分類學研究專著“A Monographic Revision of Osmanthus in Asia and America”,基于宏觀形態(tài)特征和地理證據(jù)構(gòu)建了首個屬內(nèi)分類系統(tǒng)(表1)。他將屬下劃分為4個組(Section),圓錐花序組〔O. sect. Leiolea(Spach)P. S. Green〕為亞洲/美洲分布,共包含8個種,其圓錐花序明顯區(qū)別于其他4個組的種;木犀組(O. sect. Osmanthus)為東亞分布,共包含20種,聚傘花序簇生于葉腋,花冠管一般不長于6 mm,隔片在花藥先端延伸為尖頭狀;管花木犀組(O. sect. Siphosmanthus Franch.)為中亞至東亞分布,共包含2種,花冠管呈圓柱形;離瓣木犀組(O. sect. Linocieroides P. S. Green)為東亞分布,1種,花冠不合生為筒狀,僅在基部聯(lián)合[5]。又于1963年新增1個南木犀組(O. sect. Notosmanthus P. S. Green),包含了3個來自大洋洲新喀里多尼亞島嶼的種[6]。這一系統(tǒng)對木犀屬的分類學研究有著深遠影響,之后的《中國植物志》[1]和《中國桂花品種圖志》[4]都采用了這一分類方案。然而,一些形態(tài)學研究顯示,除了圓錐花序組與其他組的差異較大之外,剩余組別之間經(jīng)常發(fā)生形態(tài)上的趨同現(xiàn)象。使用不同的特征,例如葉片微形態(tài)、葉片脈序特征、葉片解剖結(jié)構(gòu)以及花粉微形態(tài)所構(gòu)建的物種關(guān)系只能部分對應(yīng)Green的分類系統(tǒng),無法完全達成共識,這表明了屬內(nèi)種的關(guān)系的復(fù)雜性和模糊性[7-11]。

2000—2013年,多項研究對木犀屬的分子系統(tǒng)發(fā)育關(guān)系進行了探討,證實木犀屬是多系群[12-15]。2020年,南京林業(yè)大學木犀屬植物栽培品種國際登錄中心桂花分類研究團隊(筆者)整合了形態(tài)、分子等多方面證據(jù),證明了圓錐花序組、南木犀組不屬于木犀屬,并對圓錐花序組進行了分類修訂[16]。2022年,國外團隊對南木犀組進行分類修訂將其分離出木犀屬[17]。上述研究理清了木犀屬的屬間邊界,但是木犀屬內(nèi)種的關(guān)系仍不清楚。高通量測序技術(shù)和生物信息學的發(fā)展為解決木犀屬的深層次物種關(guān)系帶來新的機遇[18-19]。2022—2023年,團隊基于廣泛采樣,整合了形態(tài)學和分子分析等多種方法,系統(tǒng)地研究了木犀屬內(nèi)的種間關(guān)系。基于全基因組多態(tài)性位點(SNPs)、單拷貝直系同源物(Orthologs)以及葉綠體基因組(Plastomes)的結(jié)果一致的將木犀屬解析為一個4分支的拓撲結(jié)構(gòu)。這些分支除了在系統(tǒng)發(fā)育分析中獲得很高的支持度,同時還在形態(tài)、地理分布證據(jù)上獲得相應(yīng)的支持[20-21]。第1分支由產(chǎn)自西亞的美麗木犀〔O. decorus (Boiss. amp; Balansa) Kasapligil〕構(gòu)成,該分支與其他東亞譜系共享最早的共同祖先。第2分支由原來的管花木犀組(O. sect. Siphosmanthus Franch.)構(gòu)成,主要分布于青藏高原東麓以及橫斷山脈地區(qū),該分支的花被片連合呈長筒狀明顯區(qū)別于其他種。第3分支由短絲木犀(Osmanthus serrulatus Rehder)和野桂花〔Osmanthus yunnanensis (Franch.) P.S.Green〕組成,分布于青藏高原東麓以及橫斷山脈地區(qū),主要特點為葉脈上凸、苞片邊緣具睫毛、花冠管極短。第4分支包含了木犀組和離瓣木犀組成員,分布區(qū)涵蓋華東、華南、朝鮮半島、日本,主要特點為秋季開花、花冠管較短或無。相對于Green的形態(tài)分類系統(tǒng),本研究結(jié)果支持將圓錐花序組和南木犀組分離出木犀屬(表1)。但是:①不支持以雙瓣木犀(O. didymopetalus P.S.Green)建立一個獨立的分組(即離瓣木犀組),而是建議將該種并入木犀組;②不支持將野桂花和短絲木犀劃入木犀組,而是建議將這兩種劃分到一個新的分組中;③不支持將美麗木犀劃分到木犀組或者管花木犀組中,而是建議將其劃分到一個新的分組。該系統(tǒng)將保證屬內(nèi)各個分支的系統(tǒng)發(fā)育單系性以及形態(tài)上的特異性?;诖耍狙芯繉⒛鞠瑢賱澐譃?組,并做了分類處理。

分類處理(taxonomic treatments)


Key to Sections of Osmanthus

1 Tepals basally united in a long cylindrical shape, corolla tube longer than tepals, leaf blade length less than 9 cm, shrub.Sect. Siphosmanthus (管花木犀組)

—Tepals basally separated or united in a cup, corolla tube equal to or shorter than tepals, leaf blade length 9-20 cm, trees2.

2 Veins are prominently sunken, with lateral veins forming a reticulate pattern, and leaf margins are entire, native to the Caucasus region.Sect. Caucasicorum (高加索木犀組)

—Veins do not form a reticulate pattern or it is not prominent, and leaf margins are serrated, native to East Asia.3.

3 Bracts ciliate, leaf margins densely serrated, usually 20-25 pairs, flowering time March-April.Sect. Ciliatorum (睫苞木犀組)

—Bracts glabrous or hirsute, leaf margins entire or if serrated then fewer than 15 pairs, flowering time September-October. Sect. Osmanthus(木犀組)

1 Osmanthus sect. Caucasicorum Yong F. Li, Yi F. Duan, X. R. Wang amp; C. B. Shang, sect. nov.(高加索木犀組 新擬)

Type. Osmanthus decorus (Boiss. amp; Balansa) Kasapligil, Phytologia 20: 446 (1970).

Diagnosis. This section is similar to the Osmanthus sect. Siphosmanthus, Osmanthus sect. Osmanthus and O. sect. Ciliatorum in that evergreen leaves opposite, inflorescences cymose, but differs from leaf veins depressed (vs. raised) and West Asia distribution (vs. East Asia distribution).

Description. Shrubs or small trees. The leaf blades are thick and leathery, with margins mostly entire, elongated lanceolate, 7-12 cm in length. Primary veins are prominent, while lateral veins are sunken, forming a reticulate pattern. Flowering from March to April. Cymes clustered in leaf axils. Tepals white united at the base into a cup. Chromosome base 23. Phylogenetically, this species shares the earliest common ancestor with the remaining species of the genus Osmanthus.

Distribution. This section is native to the Caucasus Mountains in West Asia (Turkey and Georgia).

Member. Osmanthus decorus (Boiss. amp; Balansa) Kasapligil

2 Osmanthus sect. Ciliatorum Yong F. Li, Yi F. Duan, X. R. Wang amp; C. B. Shang, sect. nov.(睫苞木犀組 新擬)

Type. Osmanthus serrulatus Rehder, C.S.Sargent, Pl. Wilson. 2: 610 (1916).

Diagnosis. This section is similar to the Osmanthus sect. Siphosmanthus, Osmanthus sect. Caucasicorum and Osmanthus sect. Osmanthus in that evergreen leaves opposite, leaf blade entire or serrate, inflorescences cymose, flowers androdioecious, but differs from the latter three sections by the ciliate bracts (vs. hirsute bracts in the latter three sections), flowering time (spring vs. autumn).

Description. Trees, up to 3-30 m tall. Leaf blade entire or serrate, with up to 25 pairs of serrations. Leaf veins are raised or flat on the upper surface. There are 8-12 lateral veins, forming a raised reticulate pattern. Inflorescences are clustered in leaf axils, with ciliate bracts. The corolla is white, reflexed, 3-5 mm long, with a short corolla tube. The connective is elongated into a mucro. Flowering in March to April. Chromosome base 23. Phylogenetically, this clade forms a sister group to O. sect. Osmanthus.

Distribution. The species of this section are mainly distributed in the eastern part of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in the Hengduan Mountains such as Yunnan, Sichuan and Xizang.

Members. Osmanthus serrulatus Rehder and Osmanthus yunnanensis (Franch.) P.S.Green

3 Osmanthus sect. Siphosmanthus Franch.(管花木犀組)Not. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 22 (5): 535. 1958.

Type. Osmanthus delavayi Franch., Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 613 (1886).

Diagnosis. This section is similar to O. sect. Caucasicorum, O. sect. Ciliatorum, and O. sect. Osmanthus in that evergreen, leaves opposite, leaf blade entire or serrate, inflorescences cymose, flowers androdioecious but differs them from leaf blade length less than 9 cm, corolla tube 6-10 mm (vs.<6 mm).

Description. Shrubs, typically around 2 m tall. The leaf blade is thickly leathery or long elliptic, measuring 1-7 cm in length and 1.0-2.5 cm in width. Leaf margins with 6-10 pairs of serrations, each pair ca. 1 mm long. The midrib is raised, with pilosity along the upper midvein, particularly dense near the petiole. Lateral veins are not raised on either surface. Petioles are 2-3 mm long and pilose. Inflorescences are clustered in leaf axils. The corolla is white, with a corolla tube measuring 6-10 mm in length and 1-2 mm in diameter, and lobes measuring 4-6 mm long. Stamens are inserted in the middle of the corolla tube. The connective is elongated into an obvious mucro. Flowering in March to April. Chromosome base 23. Phylogenetically, this clade forms a paraphyletic relationship with O. sect. Ciliatorum and O. sect. Caucasicorum.

Distribution. This section is found in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou, China.

Members. Osmanthus delavayi Franch., Osmanthus suavis King ex C.B.Clarke and Osmanthus × burkwoodii (Burkwood amp; Skipwith) P.S. Green.

4 Osmanthus sect. Osmanthus(木犀組)≡ sect. Euosmanthus Nakai. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 44:14. 1930.

Type. Osmanthus fragrans (Thunb.) Lour., Fl. Cochinch.: 29 (1790).

Diagnosis. This section is similar to the Osmanthus sect. Caucasicorum, Osmanthus sect. Ciliatorum, and Osmanthus sect. Siphosmanthus in that evergreen leaves opposite, leaf blade entire or serrate, inflorescences cymose, flowers androdioecious but differs them from autumn flowering, corolla tube length generally less than 6 mm.

Description. Trees or shrubs. The leaf blade is leathery or thickly papery, elliptic, long elliptic, or elliptic-lanceolate in shape, with an acuminate apex and an attenuate to cuneate or broadly cuneate base. The margins are entire or serrulate, and the leaf surface is typically glabrous. There are 6-8 pairs of lateral veins, occasionally up to 10 pairs. Petioles measure 0.8-1.2 cm in length, occasionally up to 15 cm long, and can be smooth or hairy. Inflorescences are clustered in leaf axils. Corolla white or yellow. Corolla tube campanulate or connate only at base. Filaments are very short, and the connective is elongated into an obscure mucro. Flowering in September to October. Chromosome base 23. Phylogenetically this clade forms a sister group to O. sect. Ciliatorum.

Distribution. Anhui, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hainan, Taiwan, China and Korea, Japan. Average altitude 500 m.

Members. Osmanthus armatus Diels, Osmanthus attenuatus P.S.Green, Osmanthus cooperi Hemsl., Osmanthus didymopetalus P.S.Green, Osmanthus enervius Masam. amp; T.Mori, Osmanthus fordii Hemsl., Osmanthus fragrans Lour., Osmanthus gracilinervis L.C.Chia ex R.L.Lu, Osmanthus hainanensis P.S.Green, Osmanthus henryi P.S.Green, Osmanthus heterophyllus (G.Don) P.S.Green, Osmanthus insularis Koidz., Osmanthus iriomotensis T.Yamaz., Osmanthus kaoi (T.S.Liu amp; J.C.Liao) S.Y.Lu, Osmanthus lanceolatus Hayata, Osmanthus pubipedicellatus L.C.Chia ex H.T.Chang, Osmanthus reticulatus P.S.Green, Osmanthus rigidus Nakai, Osmanthus urceolatus P.S.Green, Osmanthus venosus Pamp., Osmanthus × fortunei Carr..




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學生天地(2019年28期)2019-08-25 08:50:54
西江月(2017年4期)2017-11-22 07:24:09
博客| 韶山市| 金秀| 乌鲁木齐县| 得荣县| 惠州市| 桓仁| 梁山县| 黎城县| 保山市| 富锦市| 湘西| 土默特右旗| 黑河市| 新化县| 平凉市| 清水河县| 潍坊市| 平江县| 芦山县| 资源县| 钦州市| 长春市| 遵化市| 湘潭县| 社旗县| 浑源县| 黄陵县| 小金县| 广饶县| 西盟| 湘阴县| 迭部县| 嵊州市| 八宿县| 香港| 栾川县| 祁连县| 永济市| 黑山县| 即墨市|