Peace means so much more than no war amongcountries. More small conflicts2 with family, colleagues3and neighbors and these also will break a person’s peace.
Since September 21, 1982, the International Day of Peace has begun with theringing of the Peace Bell at the United Nations headquarters, New York. Each year,the International Day of Peace offers a different theme4 around which people cancarry on conversations and try to get over conflicts. Over twenty years later, in2011, the date September 21 became a period of non-violence5 and cease-fire6.
The International Day of Peace can be a good chance for people of all colorsand backgrounds to join together around the theme of peace. Here are some ideasfor celebrating:
One of the activities of the International Day of Peace is the Global Momentof Silence. It is also known as the Global Moment of Peace. At 12 noon aroundthe world, people can take part in one minute of silence wherever they are. Then,all day long, at the top of each hour, someone in the world is joining in ThePeace Wave. It’s a simple and beautiful way to show appreciation7 for the peacethat comes through a moment of silence.
One activity for celebrating the International Day of Peace is to host or joinin a Global Feast for Peace. This is a simple idea of inviting a lot of differentpeople from different backgrounds, cultures to join in a meal. Then they can haveimportant discussions about peace.
Of course, peace needs building and hard work, not just celebrating. Makeeach and every day a day of peace as everyone works hard for it.
自1982 年起,隨著紐約聯(lián)合國總部和平鐘的敲響,9月21 日開始被定為國際和平日。每年的國際和平日都會提出一個不同的主題,人們可以圍繞這個主題進行對話,努力克服矛盾。20 多年后的2011 年9 月21 日成為非暴力和?;鹑?。
國際和平日可以成為一個讓各種膚色和背景的人圍繞“和平”這一主題走到一起的好機會。以下是幾種慶祝方式:國際和平日的活動之一是全球默哀。它也被稱為全球和平時刻。中午12 點,世界各地的人們無論身在何處,都可以參加一分鐘的默哀活動。然后,一整天,在每個整點的開始,全世界都會有人加入和平的浪潮。這是一種簡單而美好的方式,表達對默哀時刻所帶來的寧靜的感激之情。
1. peace 和平,心情,平靜,平和,和睦,和諧
2. conflict 爭執(zhí),分歧,矛盾
3. colleague 同事,同僚
4. theme 談話,書籍,電影等的,題目,主題
5. non-violence 非暴力
6. cease-fire 停火
7. appreciation 感激,感謝