Coco was just having a normal but boring day in the garden. Her owner wastaking her for a walk when she ran away and fell into a fountain1.
Why did she run? Because she just wanted to and just did it for fun. Then shemet another dog, Bella. They wanted to be friends so they wouldn’t have suchboring days. So they became friends and had fun playing every day in the park,near the fountain.
One night, after having fun, their owners went to bed, and then the dogs saw athief2 in the neighbor’s yard. So they ran after him. They ran, and ran, and ranuntil a bridge showed up. It gave a shortcut3 to go to the other side. But the thiefwent through the bushes, because he knew that the bridge wasn’t stable4 enough.
But, the dogs didn’t know that first. When Coco stepped on the bridge, sheunderstood it wasn’t stable enough to go on. The bridge was shaking. Coco thenrecognized5 that it wasn’t wise6 to go on there. She held her hand out and tried toreach Bella.
“Woof, woof! Help! Help! ”Coco shouted.
“汪!汪!救命?。【让。 笨煽珊暗?。
“Hang on! Hang on! ”Bella shouted back and pulled Coco as hard as shecould. And, finally! Coco got dragged7 back to the soft, tall grass.
“堅持??!堅持?。 必惱舐暬貞?yīng)著,用盡全力拉著可可。終于,可可被拽回了柔軟茂密的草地。
So you see, birds of a feather8 flock9 together. Then the dogs went on runningafter the thief in another way. At last, they caught up with the thief beside a road.The neighbor arrived with the police after several minutes. The dogs got theirreward10 and went home happily.
1. fountain 噴泉
2. thief 賊,小偷
3. shortcut 近路,捷徑
4. stable 穩(wěn)定的,牢固的
5. recognize 意識到
6. wise 行為或決定,明智的,高明的
7. drag 拖,拽
8. feather 羽毛
9. flock 群集,蜂擁
10. reward 獎勵