Jimmy loved ice-cream. It was his favorite dessert1. He wanted to eat ice-creamall the time. His parents let him have a small dish each night after dinner, if he ateall of his vegetables. At home, Jimmy usually had milk or strawberry ice-cream. Hismother scooped2 it out of the carton3 and into his bowl.
Jimmy liked eating ice-cream at home, but he really loved going to the icecreamstand4 to get an ice-cream cone5. There were so many different flavors6 totry! Jimmy always tried a new kind of ice-cream each time.
When Jimmy turned eight, he had a checkup7 at the doctor’s office. The doctorsaid that ice-cream wasn’t a very healthy snack8. “It’s fine to have a little icecreamonce in a while, but not every night,”she said.
After the doctor’s visit, Jimmy and his mom drove home.“Can I still have icecreamfor dessert tonight?”Jimmy asked.
“I don’t think so, honey,”Mom said.“We should all try to be healthier.”
That night at dinner, Jimmy ate all his vegetables. But there was no ice-creamfor dessert. Instead, Mom came up with a new rule“. If we want to eat ice-cream,we’ll have to earn9 it by walking to the ice-cream stand,”she said.
Jimmy was willing to give it a try, so they decided to take their walkon Saturday afternoon. According to the map, the ice-cream stand was a kilometeraway.
Saturday was a hot and sunny day. Jimmy began to feel sweaty10“. I’m hot,”said Jimmy.“How much farther is it?”Mom checked the map on her phone.“We’renot even halfway yet. Do you want to turn around?”
Jimmy did want to turn around, but he also wanted ice-cream. Walking was theonly way to get it. Jimmy and Mom crossed several streets. They passed his schooland the playground. Jimmy’s legs felt heavy. He wanted to sit down, but there wereno benches11 around. There were a few trees, but they didn’t do much to shade12the sidewalk.
“Mom?”Jimmy asked. He was about to quit13. He looked up to tell Mom he was ready to turn around.
But when he did, he could see the purple flag at the top of the ice-cream stand.They were almost there! Jimmy started to walk faster. He could almost taste the cool,creamy14 ice-cream already. It was a long walk, but it was worth15 the trip.
1. dessert (正餐后的)甜點
2. scoop 用勺舀,用鏟子鏟
3. carton 硬紙盒,塑料盒
4. stand 貨攤,售貨亭
5. cone (盛冰激凌的)錐形蛋卷筒,蛋筒冰激凌
6. flavor 滋味
7. checkup 檢查;健康檢查
8. snack 零食,點心,小吃
9. earn 贏得,博得
10. sweaty 出汗的;吃力的
11. bench 長凳,長椅
12. shade 背陰處,陰涼處
13. quit 離開(某地);停止,戒掉
14. creamy 似奶油的,柔滑細膩的
15. worth 值得的