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A Silver Braid銀色辮子

2024-04-29 00:00:00KateE.Anderson楊舟

What a mistake. Starting in the back of a large race with the walkers andjoggers2 left me in a mile-long human traffic jam. Running through a wide greenvalley in the Ogden Half Marathon, I already felt a sense of loss. And it was stillonly mile 1.

I started at the back of the pack to keep my nieces company. I thought I couldwork my way up to the two-hour pacer3 who was holding a bright orange sign. Butat the end of the first mile, I was still stuck between joggers and walkers, trying towork my way through the crowd. The pacer had left me far behind.

The two-hour half marathon had been a goal I’d chased4 for years. Betweengiving birth to five children, I’d done lots of half marathons and gotten decent5times: 2:05, 2:08, 2:02. But the elusive6 sub-two-hour evaded7 me.

This was my year to make that goal. I’d been training hard for that distanceand that time. I’d done the speed work and gone overboard on long distance bytraining for the full marathon. My goal time was within my grasp8. This was myrace. But in the back of my mind, I knew my time in the first few miles wascritical9. And that first mile wasn’t nearly fast enough.

To make up for the lost time, I would need to go faster than I had trained forthe remaining 12 miles of the race—a rookie10 mistake I had learned not torepeat long ago. It’s a factor for burnout and failure. Today, of all days, I did notwant to fail.






During the second mile, I finally worked my way out of the joggers in theback. I found a clear lane11 and plodded forward, determined to finish strong. Selfdoubtgnawed12 at me as I saw the two-hour pacer dip13 over a distant snowcappedhill. I wondered if I would ever see the pace group again.

That’s when a silvery braid bounced14 by me. Going a little faster than mycurrent pace, a woman about my height and build strode15 away. She was probably20 years my senior. And there she was, stepping away from me in my race.

I wondered how long she had prepared for this event. Months? Years? Thiswas clearly not her first half marathon. I felt it also wouldn’t be her last. I foundmyself accelerating16 to match her even strides. I imagined reaching out to holdthat braid like a guide rope. If I could hang on with her, I would finish strong.

Near the fourth mile, what felt like a miracle occurred. My silver-braidedcompanion17 and I caught up to the two-hour pace group. I relaxed, happy to bewith the right crowd. But she did not. She passed through the two-hour group,running steadily18 ahead of them.

Something in my heart was still attached19 to her flowing braid. I followedher, knowing even if I slowed near the race’s end, the pacer was behind me and Icould still make my goal. Coming down a path that crossed a forest, she ran evenfaster. I followed.

Around mile 10, the increase in crowd support inspired me to pick up mypace. The disco music at the water stop really got me going. I caught a secondwind. Silver Braid was slowing. I passed her as the music filled the air around us.


就在這時(shí),一條銀色的辮子從我身邊彈了過去。一位身高和體型與我相仿的女士跑得比我現(xiàn)在的速度快了一點(diǎn),大步地將我甩在了身后。她可能比我大20 歲。她就在那里,在我的比賽中甩開了我。





Mile 11, with the music behind me, I felt the sadness with my poor,tired legs. Glancing at my watch, I was excited to be far ahead of myprojected training time. But I also felt the strain20 of the additionalspeed. I was getting to the end of my endurance21. My body hit a wall.

Silver Braid passed me again. She gave me a thumbs-up and saidsomething encouraging my exhausted mind. Praising her steadiness22, Ifell in behind her. My focus was still on the end of her braid.

Mile 12 was the hardest mile. Knowing the finish line was close, but feelingthe aching body, I was tempted23 to walk. But just then, new inspiration foundme. A college-age girl from the crowd started shouting and running ahead of us.

“Go, Ann! That’s my mom! ”the girl shouted.“Keep it up, Ann! ”

Silver Braid had a daughter and a name. If Ann could keep going, socould I.

The thought crossed my mind that maybe someone behind me was watchingmy brown braid, needing my strength. A chain of runners stretched ahead of meand behind me. We pulled each other along.

I crossed the finish line a full 10 minutes faster than my old personal recordand eight minutes faster than my goal. 1:52! Looking at my watch, I couldbarely believe it. It was more than I had hoped for. But I couldn’t take credit24for it. I ran the race borrowing strength from Ann.

Ann finished a few seconds ahead of me. She hugged her cheeringdaughter and then turned to give me a hug. She said my persistence25had inspired her. I know her steadiness carried me.

That day, Ann gave me something that she didn’t know she washanding out. She gave me an example of fortitude26. Hard days andslow miles come to all of us, but we keep running. If we draw on thepeople around us, we can all finish strong.











草原歌聲(2017年1期)2017-04-23 05:08:52
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