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2024-04-12 00:00:00
歐亞人文研究 2024年1期

The Chinese school of Russian literary studies: possibilities and paths——Key speechat the final conference of the society for the study of Russian literature in 2023

Сapital Normal University Liu Wenfei

Abstract: The creation of a Chinese school for the study of Russian literature is an urgent task facing ChineseSlavists in the new era. The author of this article came up with the idea of creating a Chinese school of Russianliterary criticism in 2015. Later, he further explored the possibility and path of establishing this school throughvarious methods such as project proposals, academic seminars, lectures, and scientific publications. This article isone of the latest expressions of the author’s thoughts. The author believes that the study of Russian literature in Chinahas a long historical tradition, a rich academic heritage, an integrated research system and a well-organized team oftalents. At present, by making full use of the hard-earned conditions and unique academic opportunities in the contextof the country’s promulgation of the “Action Plan for the Quality Development of Philosophy and Social Sciencesin Universities Until 2035”, we must build a Chinese school of Russian literature research from three aspects:optimizing the discipline framework, improving the academic system, and highlighting the discourse system.

Keywords: Russian literature; Chinese school; discipline framework; academic system; discourse system

A pioneering attempt to establish a Chinese school of Russian literary studies:review of Professor Zhang Jianhua’s Theoretical Reflections and Creative

Criticism of Russian Literature

Peking University Wu Zhenyu

Abstract: Published in 2021, Theoretical Reflections and Creative Criticism of Russian Literature is a collectionof 36 essays written by Prof. Zhang Jianhua in different periods. He made concrete criticism of writers, works,and trends in several chapters including the introduction to Russian literature, the re-reading of Russian literatureclassics, and the overview of Russian literature in the 21st century. The “invention” of some scientific terms andthe reconstruction of the canonical system of Russian literature are the two main features of this collection. Zhang’sliterary criticism echoes the slogan of building the “Chinese school” of Russian literary studies advocated by thecurrent academic circles, and it is also a pioneering attempt to make this academic dream possible.

Keywords: Zhang Jianhua; study of Russian literature; Chinese school of Russian literary studies; theoreticalreflections; creative criticism

Analysis methods of conceptual metaphors from the perspective of discourse research

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Jiang Chao

Abstract: The cognitive turn of contemporary discourse studies has led to a deep integration of discourse analysisand cognitive conceptualization. Discourse research on conceptual metaphors and metaphorical models activelyintegrates theories of critical discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics and other fields, facilitatinginterdisciplinary development. This paper expounds the main methods of conceptual metaphor research under thecognitive-discourse path from the three categories – ontology, epistemology, and methodology, and reveals theresearch characteristics of conceptual metaphor of discourse at different philosophical levels. Through a systematicdiscussion of conceptual metaphor analysis in discourse, this paper aims to summarize the innovative theories on thecombination of conceptual metaphor and discourse research in the academic communities at home and abroad at thisstage, and to explain the practical significance of research.

Keywords: conceptual metaphor; cognition-discourse analysis; ontology, epistemology, and methodology; methods of scientific research

An analysis of the corpus planning in Cyrillic alphabet changes of the Russian language

Peking University Yin Xu

Abstract: Language policy and language planning is one of the main focuses of sociolinguistic research. Since thecreation of the Cyrillic alphabet and its introduction to the ancient Rus’, there have been several corpus planningbehaviors in different historical periods. A comparative analysis shows that all these planning behaviors weremotivated by a number of internal and external factors in the development of the Russian language, and its realizationrequired the support of the state. Meanwhile, choices of the planning direction were strongly related to the socioculturalenvironment at that time.

Keywords: Cyrillic script; Russian language; corpus planning; reform of the writing system

Principle of integrity and creative language conversion in artistic translation: in thecase of the Song of the Stormy Petrel translated by Ge Baoquan

Beijing Foreign Studies University Pan Yueqin

Abstract: Literary translation is characterized as a holistic and creative activity. Successful translation and recreationof literary works in another language can only be achieved through a comprehensive mastery of the ideasand artistic forms of the original. Only by giving full play to the translator’s artistic creativity can a literary workovercome the differences and barriers of languages and regain its artistic appeal and vitality in another language. Theprinciple of integrity not only provides space for translators’ creativity, but also sets the boundary for it.

Keywords: artistic translation; principle of integrity; creative language conversion

Probing into the relationship between “things” and power from the perspective of “newmaterialism” by taking Dovlatov’s The Suitcase as an example

Xiamen University Chu Chu

Abstract: The Suitcase is one of Dovlatov’s personal masterpieces. Using the things in the suitcase as the keyto memories, this work wrote about the past of the Soviet Union. This article explores the construction of powerrelations by “things” in the novel from the perspective of “new materialism”. Dovlatov constructed an individualidentity through the power discourse formed by “suitcase”, triggering the identity crisis of the protagonist. Dovlatovdemonstrated the visual power of “things” through his writing of “sculpture”, revealing the crisis of the loss ofsubjectivity faced by human beings under the discipline of “things”. In addition, the author’s “suit” incorporateshuman beings into the power discourse system from the two dimensions of external group division and subjectconsciousness through the intermediary of the body. However, under the “tyranny of things”, Dovlatov created aspace of resistance to deconstruct power of “things” by using absurd artistic techniques and resorting to spiritualpursuit, thus providing us with the paradigm of “people-things” intersubjectivity.

Keywords: Dovlatov; The Suitcase; new materialism; power; things

Differences between China-Russia relations and Japan-Russia relations and their causes

Beijing Foreign Studies University Xiong Leping

Abstract: Relations between China, Russia and Japan are of great significance to peace and development in the Asia-Pacific region. As important leading economies in the world, China and Japan play important roles in regional andglobal cooperation. As a close neighbor of both China and Japan, Russia hopes to strengthen connectivity with bothcountries and accelerate the development of the Far East. The Far East region is rich in resources, yet underexploited.Since the 2014 Ukraine crisis, Russia has stepped up its “l(fā)ook east” policy. In the context of steadily warming China-Russia cooperation, Japan-Russia cooperation has been overshadowed. The annual trade volume between China andRussia is hundreds of billions USD higher than that between Japan and Russia. Starting from the gap between China-Russia and Japan-Russia economic cooperation, this article compares China-Russia relations with Japan-Russiarelations in terms of political mutual trust and public opinion, and tries to find out the advantages of China-Russiacooperation and the shortcomings of Japan-Russia cooperation, so as to analyze relevant causes and explore theprospects for promoting stability and development in Northeast Asia.

Keywords: China-Russia relations; Japan-Russia relations; gap; causes; cooperation

Soviet health diplomacy in the 1920s and 1930s

Hainan University Lu Hui He Wenpei

Abstract: After the October Revolution, the Soviet government made full use of medical personnel with richexperience in international health cooperation during the Imperial Russian period to engage in health diplomacy.The newly formed government of the young country also participated in the creation of the International SanitaryConventions, fought for recognition of the new state by the international community, overcame Europeanrestrictions on public health and epidemic prevention, and rebuilt international trade relations. During the civilwar, the International Federation of Soviet Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies was the only official channel ofcommunication between the new regime and the outside world, working on prisoner-of-war exchanges, the purchaseof medical equipment, and securing food aid from the international community, while at the same time activelypromoting the principles of the Soviet health organization to the outside world and competing for a voice in thefield of health. The Soviet model of socialization of health care created a positive image of the Soviet state in theinternational arena and promoted broad international support for the Soviet political process. However, the Sovietgovernment’s attempts to influence Western countries to rebuild their health care systems failed. The propagandaof the Soviet model of medicine and health care, which emphasized superior image-building over scientific datasupport, also raised questions in the international medical community

Keywords: the Soviet Union; health diplomacy; League of Nations; Red Cross

The tradition of Hesychasm in Russian culture: from Andrey Rublev to Andrey Tarkovsky

Saint Petersburg State University Igor Evlampiev

(Beijing Normal University Translated by Zeng Zhu)

Abstract: In the process of cultural inheritance from Byzantium to Russia, some of the most universal principlesof the Hesychasm’s “paradigm” integrated organically into the structure of Russian culture, contributing to itsprominent and independent development. From the iconography of ancient Rus’ to modern Russian film art, theseprinciples themselves also acquired new meaning through their reflection in art and culture. The absorption ofHesychasm contributed to the flourishing of Russian iconography in the 14th century, represented by Greek Feofanand Andrey Rublev. Their masterpieces directly reflected the basic principles of Hesychasm’s worldview. Thetradition of Hesychasm has a profound influence on the contemporary artist Andrei Tarkovsky, who has developed anew interpretation of the relationship between human and the Divine Existence from the standpoint of Hesychasm. Insome films he directed, the person is able to become the center of existence through his or her own spiritual efforts,making himself or herself and the world perfect.

Keywords: Hesychasm; Russian culture; Andrey Rublev; Andrey Tarkovsky

“New mythology” as a way to preserve Chinese ethnic history

Сapital Normal University M.V. Belikova

Abstract: Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach, the author explores new ways to seek ethnocultural identity andnational self-determination in the context of deformation of development paradigms of states and cultures, andchanges in the principles and laws of social construction. Humanism, deeply implied in humanity, is the main drivingforce of cultural progress. This idea may become more prominent in Oriental culture today. The characteristics ofOriental cultural symbols include irrational attitude towards the world, perceptual understanding, and traditionalmyths. The Chinese traditional cultural system, in contrast to Western culture, has a strong cultural memory, whichis capable of creating a “new mythology”. In the center of it is the person as part of a collective — families, ethnos,and societies. Through families, the Chinese passed down and preserved the “axiomatic core” of their culture fromgeneration to generation, even if being far away from their ethnic homeland. This “axiomatic core” becomes acultural gene in their blood. The works of Amy Tan, a Chinese-American woman writer, combine traditional mythswith new myths and interpret the truth that new things acquired from the outside world and absorbed by the Chinesesociety cannot yet fundamentally change the uniqueness of Chinese culture and the authentic meaning of its elements.

Keywords: global integration; ethnocultural identity; humanism; Chinese traditional cultural system; new mythology

能源(2014年9期)2014-09-15 13:18:12
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