In early fall, the weather conditions start to change: Itgets cooler — with crisp, but not freezing, nights — andthe duration of daylight is reduced. 1)Collectively, there’sless sunlight for plants to 2)harvest using the chlorophyll intheir leaves, so 3)deciduous trees begin to pull back theirinvestment in keeping them alive.
While chlorophyll is the most common 4)pigment thatplants use to harvest light — green leaves look that waybecause chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light and reflectsgreen light — plants often have a variety of secondarypigments, too. As the chlorophyll in a tree’s leaves begins towane, these underlying pigments become visible. This is whatwe’re seeing when fall foliage peaks.
Red and purple hues stem from secondary pigmentscalled anthocyanins, while carotenoids and xanthophylls yieldoranges and yellows, respectively. Within a single group, suchas the maples, different species have evolved their own suiteof pigments. Red maples, for example, turn a bril137OECokLue4fQlpU1CsNQ==liant scarlet inthe fall, while black maples become yellow.
1) collectively adv. 共同地
2) harvest v. 收獲
3) deciduous adj. 落葉性的;脫落性的
4) pigment n. 色素;顏料