I come from Jinjiang, a small fishing town located on one side of theYangtze River in Jiangsu Province. Pork jerky, one of the most famous localspecialty.
Pork jerky is undoubtedly delicious and it will exceeds your imaginationafter just one bite. It is said that in ancient times, when the poor couldn’tafford meat, they had to collect specks thrown by rich families. One day aman came up with an idea that they could hang the speck in the sun to dry,which transformed it into a driedfood. Then, they added some spicesto make it tastier and preserve it fora longer period. Nowadays, withthe development of technology, thistype of food is not only deliciousand healthy, but also suitable for theeating habits of some people. Visitorsfrom all over the world will not miss the chance to try it when they pay a visitto Jinjiang.
Jinjiang pork jerky has also served as a bridge between the East andWest, incorporating many traditional Chinese elements. You are sure to fall inlove with it once you try it.