"Autumn winds bring coolness; the grass fades and the dew condenses like white frost."Chronic lung diseases are prone to flare-ups in the fall.There will be symptom of frequent coughing, phlegm and shortness of breath, which is called "chronic bronchitis".
Han Mao, a famous medical doctor in the Ming Dynasty, was famous for his ability to treat difficult illnesses. One day, three sons visited Han Mao for therapy to their parents' diseases. The symptoms tended to be the same-all for coughing and wheezing, chest tightness and phlegm, loss of appetite. This disease was a common disease for many elderly people. Targeting the cause of the disease,Han Mao developed an edible Chinese herbal prescription. He decocted Sinapis Semen;Perillae Fructus and Raphani Semen and replace tea with this decoction, which worked well and spread rapidly. Many elderly people thus benefited from it.
Han Mao named the prescription afterthree sons seeking prescription for parents and called it "San Zi Yang Qin Tang". He recorded the prescription in his representative work"Han Shi Yi Tong".
"San Zi Yang Qin Tang" consists of only three herbs:Sinapis Semen;Perillae Fructus and Raphani Semen. However,it works well. Among them, Semen Sinapis is mainly used to warm the lungs and benefitqi. Perilla Fructus is mainly used to calm asthma and relieve cough. Raphani Semen is mainly used to aid digestion and guide stagnation. Moreover, all the three herbs are effective in dredging theqichannels and resolving phlegm. If the phlegm is removed, theqiwill be smoothed out, then coughing and asthma will naturally be calmed down. The combination of the whole prescription can treat cough and asthma caused by upward reversal ofqiand stagnation of food and drink, as well as loss of appetite and excessive phlegm. In modern clinical practice, this prescription has been widely used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, cough variant asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other diseases.
Sinapis Semen, Perillae Fructus and Raphani Semen are edible seeds in the garden that is,mustard, perilla and radish seeds. Boiled together into a soup, there will be a delicious flavor. Elderly people who do not like to take medicines can also be glad to accept. Especially in the high incidence of cough and asthma in the fall, the formula is very useful.
"Phlegm emerges from many diseases." In TCM,phlegm belongs to fluid and attributes to water element. Many diseases can cause phlegm in the body, which is one of the common illnesses. From the five elements theory, the treatment of phlegm should be based on "cultivating the earth element",which is in line with the theory of "earth overcomes water".
The therapeutic approach of "San Zi Yang Qin Tang" also precisely reflects the five elements theory in the prescription, which uses earth to control water. After entering the body, Sinapis Semen and Raphani Semen go through the Stomach meridian (the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming,which attributes to the earth element), assisting the activities of the stomach(which belongs with the earth element), and the process of dispersal of the medicines is regarded as "cultivating the earth element". When the earth element in the body grows strong, it can effectively suppress the phlegm of water element, and together with the asthma-alleviating effect of Sinapis Semen, it can achieve the purpose of treating the disease.
" If there is phlegm, warm drugs should be used to release it." The standard code of "San Zi Yang Qin Tang" lies in the words "lowering qi and resolving phlegm". However, the resolving of phlegm and calming of asthma in this prescription is only a symptomatic treatment, which can only be taken at the onset of the disease. After the phlegm subsides and the asthma calms down, treatment should be sought according to the specific cause of the phlegm disorder.