劇 情 簡 介 : 影片故事設定在一個人類與怪獸和平共存的世界。怪獸摔跤大賽在呼聲中迎來決勝時刻,關鍵角色紛紛登場。萬眾矚目的莫過于天才冠軍選手觸須王,這只肌肉發(fā)達,閃爍藍色光斑的巨型章魚天賦異稟、十分高調(diào),不僅玩起自拍還和粉絲親密互動。與之截然相反的是肥宅怪獸史蒂夫,他一出場就遭到群嘲。然而,立志成為摔跤教練的女孩溫妮卻決定與史蒂夫并肩作戰(zhàn),挑戰(zhàn)觸須王!溫妮和身形笨拙的史蒂夫必須在質(zhì)疑聲中迎難而上,鍛煉體能與耐力的過程雖然艱辛但也笑料不斷。
TV News: From the 1)bowels of the earth, and the depths of the oceans,they came. Titans, Kraken, Kaiju. Their earth-shattering battles2)thrilled mankind. Human and creature teamed up to createthe greatest sport of all time — Monster 3)Wrestling! From theancient arenas of yesteryear to the cutting-edge stadiumsof today, these rare beasts wrestle for the 4)glory of their?hometowns and cities, fighting for the World Monster Wrestlingchampionship. And it was the town of Stoker-on-Avon, that gaveus the greatest wrestling team of all time, Rayburn and CoachJimbo Coyle. Nine-time winners of the Big Belt, they dominatedthe sport, until tragedy stuck.
Enroute to a championship match, Rayburn and Jimbo were lostat sea. And Stoker was left without hope. But now, Stoker daresto dream again. Jimbo’s 5)protege, Siggy Marlon, has found anew monster—Tentacular. Tonight, Stoker unveils their newlyrenovated Jimbo Coyle Stadium, where their 6)phenom hopes toclaim the biggest prize in sports — the Big Belt!
1) bowel n. 深處;內(nèi)部
2) thrill v. 使(某人)非常興奮
3) wrestling n. 摔跤運動
4) glory n. 光榮;榮譽
5) protege n. 徒弟;被保護者
6) phenom n. 杰出人才(尤指運動員)
電視新聞: 從地球內(nèi)部和海洋深處,他們來了!泰坦,克拉肯,凱巨。他們驚天動地的搏斗震撼著人類。人類和怪獸聯(lián)手創(chuàng)造了有史以來最偉大的運動——怪獸摔跤!從昔日的古老競技場,到如今的尖端體育場,這些稀有的怪獸,為了家鄉(xiāng)和城市的榮耀而決斗,爭奪世界怪獸摔跤冠軍。在埃文河畔的斯托克鎮(zhèn),誕生了有史以來最偉大的摔跤團隊,雷伯恩和教練金博·科伊爾。他們九次獲得金腰帶大獎,他們壟斷了這項運動,直至悲劇發(fā)生。
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1810 年12 月18 日,英國拳手湯姆·克利伯在科普特的公共空地上擊敗了美國黑人湯姆·梅林克斯。為了表彰這位勇猛彪悍的赤手拳師,英格蘭貴族圣·喬治送給克利伯一條腰帶作為獎賞,這也是腰帶首次作為獎品出現(xiàn)在拳擊歷史舞臺上。
Mayor: Look, I know you’re all worried. After all, each of us owns apiece of Stoker Stadium. But what you don’t realize is, thatthings are actually much, much worse than you know. Uh, ourcouncilwoman over here can explain everything to you. Probablyher fault anyway.
Councilwoman: Wow, thank you so much, Mr. Mayor. Pretty sure it’s yourfault, though. Okay, let me make it simple. Very simple.The stadium costs lots of money. Okay? No monstermeans no money. No money means no stadium,which is bad for Stoker. Oh my gosh! Remember whenPittsmore lost LeBrontosaurus?
Stokers: Not Pittsmore!
Councilwoman: That’s right. All they have left is that illegal monsterwrestling club in that abandoned bobblehead factory.Ooh, scary 7)lightning.
Mayor: Okay, hold on, everybody. I’m here to tell you that there is asolution. The owner of the Slitherpoole franchise has offered us alot of money to buy the stadium.
Stokers: Yes! We’re saved!
Mayor: Yes, yes, that is great. He’s gonna blow up the stadium and turnit into a parking lot.
Stokers: What?
Mayer: Yes, with shuttle service to Slitherpoole.
Winnie: You can’t do that to the Jimbo Coyle Stadium! That’s... No!
Councilwoman: Sorry. The whole town will go 8)bankrupt unless we sell to Jimothy.
Winnie: But without monster wrestling, we’re not Stoker. We’ll have nothing.
Mayor: We’ll have a parking lot.
Winnie: You can’t just tear down everything my dad and Rayburn builthere. They never quit. You know what my dad always said?“When you get knocked down, you get back up.”
Mayor: Winnie, look, I’m sorry. The 9)loans on the stadium are due in 90days. And if you think we can replace a champion like Tentacularbefore then, that... that’s just... it’s crazy!
Stokers: Get real. We’re 10)doomed.
7) lightning n. 閃電
8) bankrupt adj. 破產(chǎn)的;倒閉的
9) loan n. 貸款
10) doomed adj. 注定要失敗的
市 長: 瞧,我知道你們都很擔心。畢竟,我們每一個人都擁有斯托克體育場的一部分股份。但是,你們沒有意識到的是,情況比你們所知道的還要糟糕得多。呃,我們的女議員可以向你們解釋一切。反正也是她的錯。
女議員: 哇,非常感謝市長先生。不過這很明顯是你的錯。好吧,我簡單解釋一下。事情非常簡單。這座體育場花費巨大,對吧?沒有怪獸就意味著沒有錢。沒有錢就意味著沒有體育場,這對斯托克鎮(zhèn)很不利。我的天啊,你們還記得皮斯莫鎮(zhèn)失去LeBron 恐龍的時候嗎?
鎮(zhèn)民們: 不要像皮斯莫鎮(zhèn)那樣??!
女議員: 沒錯,他們?nèi)缃裰皇O履莻€廢棄玩具廠中的地下怪獸摔跤俱樂部。嗚,可怕的閃電。
市 長: 好了,各位少安毋躁。我是來告訴你們,這一切是有解決辦法的。斯萊瑟普爾特許經(jīng)營權(quán)的所有者,給了我們大筆資金來收購體育場。
鎮(zhèn)民們: 太棒了!我們有救了!
市 長: 是的,是的,這很好。他要炸毀體育場,把它改建成一個停車場。
鎮(zhèn)民們: 什么?
市 長: 沒錯,還提供前往斯萊瑟普爾的往返班車服務。
溫 妮: 你不能這么對待金博·科伊爾體育場!這……不可以!
女議員: 很抱歉,除非我們賣給吉莫迪,否則整個鎮(zhèn)都會破產(chǎn)。
溫 妮: 可是如果沒有怪獸摔跤,我們就不再是斯托克人。我們將會一無所有。
市 長: 我們會有一個停車場。
溫 妮: 你們不能就這樣拆除我父親和雷伯恩在這里建立的一切!他們從來沒有放棄過!你們知道我父親經(jīng)常說什么嗎?“當你被擊倒時,你要重新站起來!”
市 長: 溫妮,聽著,我也很遺憾。體育場的貸款90 天之后就要到期了。如果你覺得在這之前,我們能找到觸須王這樣的冠軍選手,那……那肯定……是瘋了!
鎮(zhèn)民們: 現(xiàn)實點吧。我們完蛋了!
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原文:…things are actually much, much worse than you know.
修飾比較級的常用詞和短語有:much ……得多;far ……得多;even 甚至,更;still 更;a bit 有點;a little 有點;a lot 很;a great deal 大大地; twice 兩倍;twofifths五分之二;a half 一半; 等等。形容詞比較級的修飾詞用來表示程度,但不可用very 修飾。例:
1. Tom is a little taller than Mike. 湯姆比邁克稍高一點。
2. It is even colder today than yesterday. 今天甚至比昨天更冷。
3. I feel much/a great deal better today. 我今天感覺好多了。
4. He is five years older than me. = He is older than me by five years. 他比我大五歲。
5. Your handwriting is (by) far better than mine. 你寫的書法比我寫的好多了。
Winnie: Hey, wait up! Man, I never thought I’d see you again.
Steve: Oh, won’t you just leave me alone?
Winnie: Just hear me out. I can help you get that money. Tentacular?turned heel and 11)bailed, and you probably saw that,along with everyone else in the 12)stinking world, which wasawesome. But that means Stoker needs a monster.
Steve: Yeah, no!
Winnie: Listen to me. I can help you. Just come with me to Stoker.
Steve: I’m not going back... to that place that I’ve never been.
Winnie: Ha! Wow. You are not good at lying, Rayburn.
Steve: Hey, kid, you got the wrong monster.
Winnie: I don’t think so, Rayburn.
Steve: Rayburn was my dad. And I’m not gonna cash in on his name. Ever!
Winnie: Haha, I knew it! I knew it was you! I mean, it’s been forever,and I was like yea small, and you were like yea tall, and now you’re like, yea!
Steve: Hey, you think monster 13)puberty was easy?
Winnie: Sorry. This is a real thing I’m offering you. Look, I have my?dad’s playbook. I could coach you up, get you a big matchin Stoker, and, boom, both our problem are solved.
Steve: Haha, you think you’re gonna coach me? Haha! So, Coach...Stoker?
Winnie: Yes! Isn’t it just great? It’ll be like old times again, you know?
Steve: Wow! This place hasn’t changed a bit.
Winnie: Look, I know you don’t wanna be here. And I’m really sorry that I messed things up for you in Pittsmore. But if we don’t do this, they’re gonna knock down the stadium and turn it into a parking lot. And that’s all I have left of Dad. And your dad is part of that, too.
Steve: A parking lot?
Winnie: Yep. No monster, no money.
Steve: Maybe it’s for the best.
Winnie: What? How can you say that? That’s our dads’ legacy!
Steve: I hate to break it to you, but saving that stadium won’t bring him back.
Winnie: I know that. I just thought you might actually care about helping...
Steve: Let’s get something straight. I love wrestling. I love my dad.But I’m not gonna be him, especially for you. I’m gonna beme.
Winnie: And who are you, Steve?
Steve: I’m the guy who’s here for the money. You got me?
Winnie: Oh, I got you. Money all the way. You should probably get some rest. We start training tomorrow.
Steve: Training? Yeah, right, good one.
Winnie: 6 : 00 a.m., 14)sharp.
Steve: You’re... You’re serious?
11) bail v. 離開
12) stinking adj. 令人討厭的;發(fā)惡臭的
13) puberty n. 青春期;發(fā)育期;開花期
14) sharp adv. 準時;準點
溫 妮: 嘿,等等我!史蒂夫,真沒想到還能再見到你。
史蒂夫: 哦,你能不能離我遠點兒?
溫 妮: 聽著,我可以幫你賺到錢。觸須王變卦離開了。你可能已經(jīng)看到了,和這個惡心世界的其他人一起,這“挺好”的。但是這意味著斯托克鎮(zhèn)需要一個怪獸。
史蒂夫: 是啊,不可能。
溫 妮: 聽我說,我可以幫你,跟我去斯托克鎮(zhèn)吧。
史蒂夫: 我不會回到……一個我從未去過的地方。
溫 妮: 哈,哇哦,雷伯恩,你不擅長說謊。
史蒂夫: 喂,孩子,你找錯人了。
溫 妮: 我可不這么認為,雷伯恩。
史蒂夫: 雷伯恩是我父親,我不會用他的名字混飯吃,永遠不會。
溫 妮: 哈哈,我就知道!我就知道是你!我的意思是,分別這么多年了,當時我才一丁點大,你也就這么高,可是現(xiàn)在你……巨高無比!
史蒂夫: 嘿,你以為怪獸的青春期容易度過嗎?
溫 妮: 抱歉,我給你的是真正的機會。你看,我有我爸爸的訓練手冊。我可以訓練你,在斯托克鎮(zhèn)給你安排比賽。然后,我倆的難題就都解決了。
史蒂夫: 哈哈,你要給我當教練?那么,教練,去斯托克鎮(zhèn)?
溫 妮: 是的。這多棒啊!就像是回到了美好的從前,是吧?
史蒂夫: 哇,這個地方一點也沒變。
溫 妮: 聽著,我知道你不想來這里。我也很抱歉在皮斯莫鎮(zhèn)給你添亂了。但是,如果我們不這么做,他們就會拆除體育場,把它改建成停車場。這是我父親給我留下的唯一紀念,而且你父親也是其中一員。
史蒂夫: 停車場?
溫 妮: 沒錯。沒有怪獸,就沒有錢。
史蒂夫: 也許這樣更好。
溫 妮: 什么?你怎么能這么說?那是父親們的遺產(chǎn)!
史蒂夫: 我不想打擊你,但是拯救體育場并不會讓他復活!
溫 妮: 我知道,我只是覺得你可能想幫忙……
史蒂夫: 我說得直接一點,我愛摔跤,也愛我爸爸,但是我不會成為他,尤其不會為了你。我要做我自己!
溫 妮: 那么你是誰?史蒂夫?
史蒂夫: 我就是為錢而來的,你明白嗎?
溫 妮: 好,我明白了,一直都是為了錢。你該休息一下,我們明天開始訓練。
史蒂夫: 訓練?得了吧,你真行。
溫 妮: 早上六點整,準時。
史蒂夫: 你是……你是認真的?
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I got you.
原文:— You got me? — Oh, I got you.
★“I got you.”是一個很常見的口語表達,有
第一種含義為“I understand what you’re saying.”,指的是“我明白你的意思”。當某人在向你說某件事時,隨口附和一下“好的,知道了”,就可以說“I got you.”。
第二種含義與catch 同義,意為“我抓到你了”。玩捉迷藏時,“抓到了”就可以用“I got you.”來表示。
第三種含義是“I’ve got your back.”,指的是“我?guī)湍恪被蛘摺拔抑С帜恪薄?/p>
★ “I get it.”指弄懂了以前不了解的事情。
— Look at this picture carefully, then you will find what color you should use,do you get it?
— Yes, I get it. Thank you.
— 仔細看這一幅畫,然后你就能發(fā)現(xiàn)你接下來要用什么顏色,明白了嗎?
— 是的,明白了。謝謝。
★ You got me! 你可難倒我了!
Fine, you got me, what do you want? 好吧,你贏了,你想怎么樣?