溫州市人民醫(yī)院麻醉科,浙江溫州 325000
評價亞甲藍預防老年非心臟手術患者術后認知功能障礙(postoperative cognitive dysfunction,POCD)及術后譫妄(postoperative delirium,POD)的安全性及有效性。選取2021年9月至2022年7月在溫州市人民醫(yī)院進行全身麻醉下非心臟手術的240名老年患者,采用隨機數(shù)字表法分為亞甲藍組(=120)和對照組(=120)。亞甲藍組患者在插管后靜脈輸注2mg/kg的亞甲藍,對照組輸注等量生理鹽水。使用簡易精神狀態(tài)量表(mini-mental state examination,MMSE)和蒙特利爾認知評估(Montreal cognitive assessment,MoCA)評估兩組的POCD發(fā)病率。POD的診斷與評估則采用意識模糊評估量表(confusion assessment method,CAM)及譫妄評定量表-98修訂版(delirium rating scale,DRS-R-98)。比較兩組患者術前和術后24h中樞神經特異蛋白(S100 calcium-binding protein β,S100-β)、超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、神經元特異性烯醇化酶(neuron specific enolase,NSE)和同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy)水平。亞甲藍組的POCD發(fā)病率顯著低于對照組(<0.05)。術前1d和術后7d,兩組MMSE和MoCA評分比較,差異均無統(tǒng)計學意義(>0.05),亞甲藍組的POD發(fā)病率顯著低于對照組(<0.05),兩組POD亞型情況比較,差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(>0.05)。亞甲藍組的DRS-R-98得分顯著低于對照組(<0.05);術前兩組患者血清中S100β、NSE、SOD和Hcy水平比較,差異均無統(tǒng)計學意義(>0.05)。亞甲藍組術后24h血清中的S-100β和NSE水平顯著低于對照組(<0.05),血清SOD和Hcy水平比較,差異均無統(tǒng)計學意義(>0.05)。術中輸注亞甲藍可降低非心臟手術老年患者POCD和POD的發(fā)生率,可用于臨床普及應用。
術后認知功能障礙(postoperative cognitive dysfunction,POCD)及術后譫妄(postoperative delirium,POD)是老年患者圍手術期常見的神經系統(tǒng)并發(fā)癥,POCD臨床表現(xiàn)為學習和記憶力下降、定向力的障礙及社會活動能力減退,POD表現(xiàn)為起病急、病程波動大、術后注意力不集中、思維紊亂及意識改變等[1]。短期內POCD及POD可增加患者的并發(fā)癥發(fā)生率、死亡率及住院費用,而長期來看,POCD與POD可能增加患者患阿爾茨海默病的風險甚至致殘[2-3]。但目前臨床上尚無有效、安全的預防和治療方法。研究顯示亞甲藍具有顯著的線粒體保護作用[4],對于阿爾茨海默病及帕金森病等神經退行性疾病有神經及認知保護效應[5-6]。但亞甲藍作為一種強有力的單胺氧化酶抑制劑(monoamine oxidase inhibitors,MAOI),可能會導致患者出現(xiàn)血流動力學不穩(wěn)定、心律不齊和血清素綜合征等并發(fā)癥。因此本研究對亞甲藍預防POCD和POD的安全性和有效性進行了評估。
選取2021年9月至2022年7月在溫州市人民醫(yī)院進行全身麻醉下非心臟手術的240名老年患者,采用隨機數(shù)字表法分為亞甲藍組(=120)和對照組(=120)。納入標準:①年齡≥65歲;②擇期行全身麻醉下非心臟手術的患者。排除標準:①亞甲藍過敏;②蠶豆??;③近期服用選擇性5-羥色胺再攝取抑制劑或5-羥色胺-去甲腎上腺素再攝取抑制劑;④肝臟或腎臟功能異常;⑤術前簡易精神狀態(tài)量表(mini-mental state examination,MMSE)評估顯示已存在認知功能不全[7]。本研究經溫州市人民醫(yī)院倫理委員會批準(倫理審批號:KY-2019-078)?;颊邔Ρ敬窝芯砍浞种槔斫?,患者及家屬書面簽署知情同意書。
所有患者均進行全身麻醉插管。麻醉藥物選用芬太尼(生產單位:宜昌人福藥業(yè)有限責任公司,批準文號:國藥準字H42022076,規(guī)格:2ml:0.1mg)、瑞芬太尼(生產單位:宜昌人福藥業(yè)有限責任公司,批準文號:國藥準字H20030199,規(guī)格:2mg)、丙泊酚(生產廠商:Fresenius Kabi Austria GmbH;Fresenius Kabi AB,注冊證號:國藥準字HJ20170306,規(guī)格:20ml:0.2g)、順式阿曲庫銨(生產單位:江蘇恒瑞醫(yī)藥股份有限公司,批準文號:國藥準字H20183042,規(guī)格:5ml:10mg)。本研究中禁止使用苯二氮?類藥物及氯胺酮。在上述基礎上,亞甲藍組在患者完成誘導后泵注2mg/kg的亞甲藍稀釋液(生產單位:濟川藥業(yè)集團有限公司,批準文號:國藥準字H32024828,規(guī)格:5ml:50mg)共50ml,持續(xù)時間1h。對照組給予等量生理鹽水。在患者術前(T0),開始輸注亞甲藍(T1),輸注完畢(T2),手術結束后(T3)分別測量平均動脈壓(mean artery pressure,MAP)。在患者MAP低于65mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)或較基線下降20%時使用血管活性藥物。
在術前1d、術后7d采用MMSE和蒙特利爾認知評估(Montreal cognitive assessment,MoCA)評價患者認知功能,兩表術后得分較術前均下降≥1分標準差,診斷為POCD[8-9]。采用用意識模糊評估量表(confusion assessment method,CAM)診斷術后譫妄,在術后7d內或直到患者出院,每天進行CAM量表評估[10]。CAM評估包括4個方面:①意識狀態(tài)急性改變或波動;②注意力不集中;③思維紊亂;④意識水平改變。同時具備①②以及③或④中的1項即為譫妄。根據譫妄評定量表-98修訂版(delirium rating scale,DRS-R-98)得分判斷譫妄的嚴重程度[11]。在術前及術后24h采集患者空腹靜脈血,3000轉/min,離心15min,取上清液并分裝,–20℃保存。通過酶聯(lián)免疫吸附法(購自杭州迪安生物技術有限公司)檢測血清中樞神經特異蛋白(S100 calcium-binding protein β,S100-β)、超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、神經元特異性烯醇化酶(neuron specific enolase,NSE)和同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy)水平。
兩組的性別、年齡、體質量指數(shù)(body mass index,BMI)、美國麻醉醫(yī)師協(xié)會分級(American Society of Anesthesiologists,ASA)等比較,差異均無統(tǒng)計學意義(>0.05)。亞甲藍組在T2的MAP顯著高于對照組(<0.05),亞甲藍組在術中使用去甲腎上腺素(noradrenalin,NA)的患者數(shù)量和用量均顯著少于對照組(<0.05),見表1。
表1 兩組患者臨床資料比較
表2 兩組患者術后認知情況比較
表3 兩組患者術后譫妄情況比較
表4 兩組患者手術前后血清S100β、NSE、SOD和Hcy水平比較
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Effect of methylene blue on postoperative cognitive dysfunction and postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery
Department of Anesthesiology, Wenzhou People’s Hospital, Wenzhou 325000, Zhejiang, China
Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of methylene blue for the prevention of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) and postoperative delirium (POD) in elderly non-cardiac surgery patients. Method A total of 240 elderly patients who underwent non-cardiac surgery under general anaesthesia in Wenzhou People’s Hospital from September 2021 to July 2022 were selected and divided into the methylene blue group (=120) and the control group (=120) according to the random number table method. Patients in the methylene blue group were infused with 2mg/kg of methylene blue intravenously after intubation, and the control group was infused with an equal amount of saline. The incidence of POCD was assessed using the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and the Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA). The diagnosis and assessment of POD were performed using the confusion assessment method (CAM) and the delirium rating scale-98-revised (DRS-R-98). The levels of S100 calcium-binding protein β (S100-β), superoxide dismutase (SOD), neuron specific enolase (NSE) and homocysteine (Hcy) were compared between the two groups before and 24 hours after surgery. Results The incidence of POCD in the methylene blue group was significantly lower than that in the control group (<0.05). The MMSE and MoCA scores of the two groups were not statistically significant when compared with those of the preoperative 1 days and postoperative 7 days (>0.05). The incidence rate of POD in the methylene blue group was significantly lower than that of the control group (<0.05), and the difference between the two groups in terms of the subtypes of POD was not statistically significant when compared with those of the control group (>0.05). The DRS-R-98 score of the methylene blue group was significantly lower than that of the control group (<0.05), and the differences in serum levels of S100β, NSE, SOD and Hcy between the two groups were not statistically significant when comparing the two groups before surgery (>0.05). The serum levels of S-100β and NSE in the methylene blue group were significantly lower than those in the control group at 24 hours postoperatively (<0.05), and no statistically significant differences were observed when comparing the serum levels of SOD and Hcy (>0.05). Conclusion Intraoperative infusion of methylene blue reduces the incidence of POCD and POD in elderly patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery and can be used for universal clinical application.
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction; Postoperative delirium; Methylene blue; Elderly patients