When Amber came down for breakfast,her mom said, “Is your room allcleaned up? You said that you were goingto clean it up before you went to bed.”
“No,”said Amber, “but I will cleanit up after breakfast.”“Ha! ”said Ambersmom. “You always say you are going toclean up your room, but you never reallyclean it up. I want you to clean your roombefore breakfast.”
“Before breakfast?”shouted Amber.“I will die of hunger1.”Her mom said,“No, you wont. Now go and clean yourroom. Get everything off the floor.”
So Amber went up to her room andlooked at the floor.“I do not even think myroom has a floor,” said Amber.“I havenever seen a floor. I think in my room thereare just dirty clothes and old dolls.”
So Amber ran to the garden, got ashovel2 and started to shovel things out herbedroom window. They filled up the backyard. Then she ran down-stairs3, shouted,“Finished!”and started to eat her breakfast.“That was fast,”said her mom.“Is allthe stuff off the floor?”
“All off the floor,”said Amber.“AndI want a new floor. Now that I can see myfloor, I do not like it.”“Let me see,”saidher mom, and she went out into the backyard to look at her garden. “Ah! Rats! ”shouted Ambers mom.“To your room! Toyour room for the rest of your life! ”
“Wait! ”said Amber.“Nothing will getcleaned up if I am in my room. How about Iclean up the back yard?”“Now I am goingout to do some shopping and I wanteverything cleaned up when I get back.”
Then she drove away. Amber sat in the frontyard and tried to think of what to do.
Genesis and Michael came andsaid,“Hey, Amber! Come and play.”
“I cannot play,”said Amber. “I haveto clean up my back yard.”“Dig4 ahole,”said Genesis.“Dig a hole andput everything in the hole.”
“Good idea,” said Amber. Andthey dug a big hole and shoveled all oldand dirty things into it.“Now, lets planttomatoes on top,”said Michael.“Goodidea,”said Amber.
Two hours later, Ambers mom gotback, and she found that Ambershoveled all things in the hole. She wasvery angry about it. Amber said sorry toher mother. Then she worked hard attaking all those things away with thehelp of her friends. After that, she andher friends enjoyed playing on her niceclean floor.
“沒有。”安布爾說,“但我會在早餐后把它打掃干凈?!薄肮 卑膊紶柕膵寢屨f,“你總是說你要打掃房間,但你從來沒有真的打掃過。我希望你在早餐前打掃完房間。”
1. hunger 饑餓感;饑餓
2. shovel 鏟子;鐵鍬. 用鏟子鏟起;用鏟挖;鏟起
3. downstairs 順樓梯而下;往樓下
4. dig 挖掘