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On Reading in Bed論臥讀

2023-08-21 05:19阿爾弗雷德·喬治·加德納
英語世界 2023年8期


Among the few legacies that my father left me was a great talent for sleeping. I think I can say, without boasting, that in a sleeping match I could do as well as any man. I can sleep long, I can sleep often, and I can sleep sound. When I put my head on the pillow I pass into a fathomless peace where no dreams come, and about eight hours later I emerge to consciousness, as though I have come up from the deeps of infinity.


That is my normal way, but occasionally I have periods of wakefulness in the middle of the night. My sleep is then divided into two chapters, and between the chapters there is a slab of unmitigated1 dreariness. It is my hour of pessimism. The tide has ebbed, the water is dead-low, and there is a vista of endless mud. It is then that this tragi-comedy of life touches bottom, and I see the heavens all hung with black. I despair of humanity, I despair of the war, I despair of myself. There is not one gleam of light in all the sad landscape, and the abyss seems waiting at my feet to swallow me up with everything that I cherish. It is no use saying to this demon of the darkness that I know he is a humbug2, a mere Dismal Jemmy of the brain, who sits there croaking like a night owl or a tenth-rate journalist. My Dismal Jemmy is not to be exorcised by argument. He can only be driven out by a little sane companionship.


So I turn on a light and call for one of my bedside friends. They stand there in noble comradeship, ready to talk, willing to remain silent, only asking to do my pleasure. Oh, blessed be the name of Gutenberg3, the Master Printer. A German? I care not. Even if he had been a Prussian—which I rejoice to think he was not—I would still say: “Blessed be the name of Gutenberg,” though Sir Richard Cooper, M.P., sent me to the Tower4 for it.


For Gutenberg is the Prometheus not of legend but of history. He brought down the sacred flame and scattered the darkness that lay on the face of the waters. He gave us the Daily Owl, it is true, but he made us also freemen of time and thought, companions of the saints and the sages, sharers in the wisdom and the laughter of the ages. Thanks to him I can, for the expenditure of a few shillings, hear Homer sing and Socrates talk and Rabelais laugh; I can go chivvying5 the sheep with Don Quixote and roaming the hills with Borrow; I can carry the whole universe of Shakespeare in my pocket, and call up spirits to drive Dismal Jemmy from my pillow.


Who are these spirits? In choosing them it is necessary to avoid the deep-browed argumentative fellows. I do not want Plato or Gibbon or any of the learned brotherhood by my bedside, nor the poets, nor the novelists, nor the dramatists, nor even the professional humorists. These are all capital fellows in their way, but let them stay downstairs. To the intimacy of the bedside I admit only the kindly fellows who come in their dressing-gowns and slippers, so to speak, and sit down and just talk to you as though they had known you ever since you were a little nipper6, and your father and your grandfather before you. Of course, there is old Montaigne7. What a glorious gossip he is! What strange things he has to tell you, what a noble candour8 he shows! He turns out his mind as carelessly as a boy turns out his pockets, and gives you the run of9 his whole estate. You may wander everywhere, and never see a board warning you to keep off the grass or reminding you that you are a trespasser.


And Bozzy10. Who could do without Bozzy by his bedside—dear, garrulous old Bozzy, most splendid of toadies, most miraculous of reporters? When Bozzy begins to talk to me, and the old Doctor growls “Sir,” all the worries and anxieties of life fall magically away, and Dismal Jemmy vanishes like the ghost at cock-crow. I am no longer imprisoned in time and the flesh: I am of the company of the immortals. I share their triumphant aloofness from the play that fills our stage and see its place in the scheme of the unending drama of men.


That sly rogue Pepys11, of course, is there—more thumb-stained than any of them except Bozzy. What a miracle is this man who lives more vividly in our eyes than any creature that ever walked the earth! What was the secret of his magic? Is it not this, that he succeeded in putting down on paper the real truth about himself? A small thing? Well, you try it. You will find it the hardest job you have ever tackled. No matter what you adopt you will discover that you cannot tell yourself the whole truth about yourself. Pepys did that. Benvenuto Cellini12 pretended to do that, but I refuse to believe the fellow. Benjamin Franklin tried to do it and very nearly succeeded. St. Augustine13 was frank enough about his early wickedness, but it was the overcharged frankness of the subsequent saint. No, Pepys is the man. He did the thing better than it has ever been done in this world.


I should like to say more about my bedside friends—strapping14 George Borrow15 sitting with Petulengros16 sister under the hedge or fighting the Flaming17 Tinman; the dear little Boston doctor who talks so chirpily over the Breakfast Table18; the Compleat Angler19 that takes you out into an eternal May morning, and Sainte-Beuve20 whom I have found a first-rate bedside talker. But I must close.


There is one word, however, to be added. Your bedside friends should be dressed in soft leather and printed on thin paper. Then you can talk to them quite snugly. It is a great nuisance if you have to stick your arms out of bed and hold your hands rigid.



1 unmitigated(常指壞事或不成功的事)完全的,徹底的,十足的。? 2 humbug謊言;騙人的把戲。? 3 指約翰內(nèi)斯·古騰堡(Johannes Gutenberg),歐洲活字印刷術的發(fā)明者。? 4 〈英〉send sb to the Tower關押,囚禁。Tower指倫敦塔(Tower of London),是位于倫敦市中心泰晤士河北岸的一座城堡,歷史上曾是一座著名的監(jiān)獄,關押上層階級的囚犯。

5 chivvy催促;強求。? 6 nipper小孩。

7指米歇爾·德·蒙田(Michel de Montaigne,1533—1592),文藝復興時期法國思想家、作家、懷疑論者。所著《隨筆集》三卷名列世界文學經(jīng)典,對弗蘭西斯·培根、莎士比亞等名家產(chǎn)生過重要影響。? 8 candour(尤指對棘手或難堪話題的)直率,坦誠。? 9 the run of sth出入(某地)的自由。? 10指詹姆斯·鮑斯韋爾(James Boswell,1740—1795),英國文學大師、傳記作家。他是塞繆爾·約翰遜(Samuel Johnson)的好友,所著《約翰遜傳》(Life of Johnson)有70余萬字,按年記述約翰遜的生平,對重大事件則本末悉記,記約翰遜的談話尤為詳實生動。Bozzy是鮑斯韋爾的昵稱。? 11指塞繆爾·佩皮斯(Samuel Pepys,1633—1703),英國托利黨政治家,曾任海軍部首席秘書,但他最為后人熟知的身份是日記作家。他在1660年到1669年間寫的日記是英國復辟時期社會現(xiàn)實和重大歷史事件(如倫敦大瘟疫、第二次英荷戰(zhàn)爭、倫敦大火)的第一手資料和研究素材。

12(1500 —1571),意大利文藝復興時期的一位金匠和雕塑家,但真正讓切利尼名揚后世的是《切利尼自傳》這部極具個人主義色彩的自傳——它被認為是16世紀最重要的文獻之一。? 13(354—430),古羅馬帝國時期天主教思想家,歐洲中世紀基督教神學、教父哲學的重要代表人物。著有《懺悔錄》《論自由意志》《論三位一體》等。? 14 strapping魁梧的,高大健壯的。? 15英國作家、語言學家,通曉幾十種語言,曾到西班牙傳教五年,著有自傳體小說《拉文格羅》(Lavengro)和《羅曼·羅依》(The Romany Rye)、游記《圣經(jīng)在西班牙》(The Bible in Spain)等。? 16指賈斯珀·佩圖朗格羅(Jasper Petulengro),《拉文格羅》中的半虛構(gòu)人物。Lavengro在羅曼語中的含義是“語言大師”,是吉普賽人對喬治·博羅親切的稱呼。故事講述了一個喜歡語言的英國男孩的成長史。他生長于倫敦,后離開倫敦四處漫游,碰到了形形色色的人與事。

17 flaming(尤用于強調(diào)憤怒)可惡的,討厭的。? 18出自老奧利弗·溫德爾·霍姆斯(Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.,1809—1894)的著名散文隨筆作品《早餐桌上的獨裁者》(The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table)?;裟匪故敲绹?9世紀著名的作家、醫(yī)生和詩人,他的“早餐桌”系列隨筆集一共三部:《早餐桌上的獨裁者》(1858)、《早餐桌上的教授》(The Professor at the Breakfast Table,1859)、《早餐桌上的詩人》(The Poet at the Breakfast Table,1872)?!对绮妥郎系莫毑谜摺肥珍浟藠W利弗·溫德爾·霍姆斯在1857年和1858年間發(fā)表在“大西洋月刊”的隨筆,每篇文章結(jié)尾處都以一首詩來點明主題,后來這些詩歌也都成為霍姆斯的代表作?;裟匪乖诓ㄊ款D醫(yī)學研究領域也頗有建樹,曾擔任哈佛醫(yī)學院教授和院長。? 19《釣客清話》(1653年)是一本關于釣魚的樂趣與垂釣哲學的英文圖書,作者是英國著名作家艾薩克·沃爾頓(Izaak Walton,1593—1683)。該書以釣客、鷹客、獵人三人之間的辯論開始,他們都介紹各自運動的優(yōu)點,最終,釣客說服了獵人,使他成為自己的門徒,然后向他傳授釣魚技藝。書中包含對大自然、野生動植物、食物飲料以及鄉(xiāng)村道路和風景等的評論。? 20指夏爾·奧古斯丁·圣勃夫(Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve,1804—1869),法國作家、文藝批評家。

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