廣州,作為珠江三角洲的中心,擁有2 000多年的歷史,歷來(lái)都是重要的中外貿(mào)易港口;各路商人云集于此,汲汲于陶朱之業(yè)。廣州自古商業(yè)和海路交集,享有“千年商都”的美譽(yù)。至清代,與國(guó)內(nèi)地位顯赫的晉商、徽商一同揚(yáng)名海內(nèi)外的,就是獨(dú)步一方的廣東十三行商人了。
Guangzhou, situated at the heart of the PearlRiver Delta, boasts a history spanning over 2,000years. This vibrant city has consistently served as apivotal center for both domestic and internationaltrade, drawing merchants from all corners of the globeand propelling them to prosperity. Over the years,Guangzhou’s trading prowess has led it to be celebratedas the “Millennial Commercial Capital”. During theQing Dynasty, together with merchants in Shanxiand Huizhou, merchants of the Thirteen Hongs inGuangdong earned acclaim both within China and onthe international stage.
In Guangzhou’s Xiguan area, you’ll find a streetcalled “Shisanhang Road”, and nearby, there is anotherstreet named “Tongwen Street”. This neighborhoodmarks the historical heartland of the famous irteenHongs merchants and serves as a hub for Westernmerchants. The Thirteen Hongs merchants set uptheir business here, negotiating deals with tradersfrom across the Atlantic, thereby establishing the“Shisanhang District”. The district extends from thesouthern bank of the Pearl River, bordered by presentdayHeping East Road on the north, Renji Road on theeast, and Changle Road on the west.
In 1684, during the 24th year of Emperor Kangxi’sreign, the Qing government inaugurated four coastalcustoms offices in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, andGuangdong, marking the beginning of foreign trade.Guangzhou distinguished itself with the rise of the“foreign trade merchants” (also known as Shisanhangmerchants, or Hong merchants for short). TheseChinese entrepreneurs, skilled in liaising with Westernmerchants, were mandated to secure permissions fromthe Qing government to run their business. Besides theirdirect trade with the West, they played a pivotal role asgo-betweens, connecting the government and foreignmerchants, and streamlining various interactions.
Initially, these merchants primarily originated fromtrading hubs like Guangzhou and Foshan, focusing ondomestic business. As they transitioned into the foreignmerchant role, they adeptly navigated both domesticand international trades. Given the bustling tradeopportunities on both sides of the Fujian-Guangdongborder, numerous Fujian merchants ventured acrossthe river to expand their enterprises in Guangdong,reminiscent of migratory birds crisscrossing betweenthe two regions.
A er the establishment of the four coastal customso ces, Guangzhou was no longer the sole destinationfor Western merchant ships. Ports in Xiamen andNingbo were also bustling hubs for global commerce.However, a significant shift occurred in the 1730s.The trading heritage and business environment ofGuangzhou began to attract a growing number ofWestern merchant vessels, subsequently boosting thecity’s trade volume.
隨著中外貿(mào)易規(guī)模不斷擴(kuò)大,乾隆二十二年(1756年)后,清政府規(guī)定廣州是唯一可以開展貿(mào)易活動(dòng)的港口,西洋商船只能在廣州從事貿(mào)易。行商自此壟斷了廣州的對(duì)外貿(mào)易,完備而嚴(yán)格的貿(mào)易管理制度也逐漸形成,人稱“廣州體制”(Canton System)。行商既要應(yīng)付官方的需索,保證貿(mào)易的順暢,還要承擔(dān)監(jiān)管外商的職責(zé),表面上風(fēng)光無(wú)限,但在外事上若有閃失,他們也理所當(dāng)然地成為替罪羔羊。在百年進(jìn)程中,行商逐漸適應(yīng)了國(guó)際市場(chǎng)的貿(mào)易運(yùn)作機(jī)制,培育了中國(guó)最早的面向世界的商人群體。通過(guò)廣東十三行,絲綢、瓷器、茶葉等中國(guó)商品源源不斷地出口到世界各地,豐富了世界人民的物質(zhì)生活,也塑造和改變了他們的精神文化。
As Chinese foreign trade burgeoned, in the22nd year (1756) of Emperor Qianlong’s reign, theQing government singled out Guangzhou as theexclusive port for trade activities. Consequently,Western merchant vessels were restricted to tradingonly in Guangzhou. This led to the Hong merchantsestablishing a stronghold over foreign trade in thecity, eventually giving birth to the comprehensive andstringent “Canton System”. These merchants, whilenavigating official regulations to ensure seamlesstrade, also oversaw the foreign traders. Althoughthey held significant stature, they were vulnerable toblame for any diplomatic missteps. Over a century,these merchants acclimated to global tradingdynamics, emerging as China’s pioneering cohortof internationally focused entrepreneurs. Via theThirteen Hongs of Guangdong, Chinese productslike silk, porcelain, and tea found their way to globalmarkets, enhancing lives and influencing culturalperspectives worldwide.
During this significant century, Guangzhoubecame the birthplace of numerous merchant familiesthat enjoyed prosperity for generations. Among them,the Pan and Wu families stood out for their businessacumen and profound insights. ey carved out theirown trade networks, channeling consistent customsrevenue into the Qing Dynasty’s coffers. Their legacyis indelibly etched in the annals of international tradehistory and Guangzhou’s evolution.
roughout Guangdong and beyond, there’s ampleevidence of the philanthropic contributions by theThirteen Hongs. Notably, Sangyuanwei, located nearGuangzhou and overlooking the South China Sea,stands as a testament to one of the Qing Dynasty’smonumental projects. During its inception, ThirteenHongs merchants stepped forward with generousdonations. Acknowledging their benevolence, RuanYuan, the Governor-General of Guangdong andGuangxi at the time, advocated with the centralgovernment to construct a commemorative archwayin their name. Finally, in the first year (1821) ofEmperor Daoguang’s reign, the Qing governmenthonored them with an archway inscribed withthe words “Charitable and Benevolent”. Beyondinfrastructure, these merchants were pillars of culturalevolution — donating lands, setting up educationalinstitutions, funding various projects, and contributingsignificantly to literature. In bridging China withthe broader world, they were also instrumental inintroducing and promoting the Western smallpoxvaccination technique. According to local records,James Drummond (Duo Linwen), a businessmanfrom the British East India Company, introducedthis vaccination to Guangzhou in the 10th year(1805) of Emperor Jiaqing’s reign. Recognizing thepotential bene ts, Liang Guozhi, a leading trader fromTianbao Hong, which was founded by Liang Jingguo,enthusiastically invested in mastering and promotingthis medical innovation.
18 ~ 19世紀(jì),廣州作為中國(guó)和世界的連接點(diǎn),是中國(guó)最能感受到全球化沖擊和多元化色彩的港口城市。從對(duì)近代世界貿(mào)易體系的貢獻(xiàn)來(lái)看,廣州可以說(shuō)是近代全球經(jīng)濟(jì)崛起的最重要貢獻(xiàn)者之一。在近代廣州貿(mào)易蓬勃發(fā)展的歷史進(jìn)程中,十三行作為世界與中國(guó)之間的重要紐帶,其作用毋庸置疑。歷史上的十三行兼具經(jīng)濟(jì)、文化兩重性,不僅是廣州對(duì)外貿(mào)易的直接實(shí)踐者,也是廣州獨(dú)特城市文化的塑造者,還是世界近現(xiàn)代發(fā)展和多元文化的推動(dòng)者。
During the 18th and 19th centuries, Guangzhou emerged as a linkbetween China and the outside world and the only port city in China thatbore the brunt of globalization and diverse global influence. Its role inshaping the modern global trade system is undeniable. In Guagnzhou’stransformative era, the irteen Hongs served as conduits connecting Chinawith the wider world. eir legacy in Guangzhou transcends just commerce.Being at the forefront of global trade, they played a crucial role in shapingthe city’s unique culture and promoting global interconnectedness andinclusivity in modern times.