Letícia Vaz Molinari·Denys Matheus Santana Costa Souza·Maria Lopes Martins Avelar·Sérgio Bruno Fernandes·Douglas Santos Gon?alves·Júlio Cézar Tannure Faria·Dulcineia de Carvalho·Gilvano Ebling Brondani
Correction to:J.For.Res.
In the original publication of the article,there were errors in the fig 3 and fig 6.The corrected Figs.3 and 6 are given below:
The original article has been corrected.
Fig.3 In vitro multiplication features recorded for different active-chlorine concentrations(0.000%,0.001%,0.003%,and 0.005%) and E.grandis Hill(ex.Maiden)×E.urophylla S.T.Blake clones (C1 and C2).a and b:Shoot chlorosis,c and d:Shoot oxidation,e and f:Shoot length,g:Number of shoots per explant.Means followed by the same letter did not differ in Tukey’s test at 5% significance level
Fig.6 In vitro adventitious rooting features observed as function of different light sources (dark and light) and sealing forms (W/M,1/M and 3/M).a:Root length,b:Number of roots per explant,c and d:Root diameter,e:Rooting rate; a,b and e:lowercase letters represent statistical differences among different sealing forms in the same treatment(light source);uppercase letters represent statistical differences among different light sources in the same treatment (sealing forms).Means followed by the same letter did not differ in the Tukey’s test at 5% significance level
Journal of Forestry Research2022年5期