文/ 加尼·瑞澤普(Ghani Razaqpur,加拿大) 譯/ 王一帆
加尼·瑞澤普(Ghani Razaqpur,加拿大),加拿大工程院院士、南開大學(xué)環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院講席教授
Einstein said: you can change energy to matter or matter to energy.In this world, everything we know is made from matter or energy.We can’t touch energy, but we can feel it. For example, we can see light, we can hear sound, we can feel heat, etc. However, we can touch matter as it’s around us everywhere and every day. We don’t think about it too much!
If we can make something from some matter, we call the matter “Material”. From materials we build buildings, dams, canals, railways and produce phones, computers, cars, etc. Materials are very important, and we can’t live without them.
There are millions of materials in this world that can be classified in different ways, depending on what you want and what the purpose of each is. One way to look at materials is to see how they are put together by nature. We call this the chemical structure of materials.In this way, we have materials that are metals like iron, steel, copper,zinc, gold, silver—generally shiny and hard, through which electricity and heat can travel.
There are also ceramics. These materials are inclusive to aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide, silicon carbide, porcelain, concrete, as well as glass. They are very strong when pushed upon but easy to break if pulled or twisted. For example, from concrete we build a lot of buildings. Concrete is very strong in compression, but we have to reinforce it by steel bars to give it resistance to tension.
Then we have polymers, like plastic, rubber, polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polycarbonate (PC). They are very important because almost everything we see around us is made from plastic. For example, it takes plastic to produce pens, computer screens, cars, airplanes, etc. Polymer is used in practically everything now.
Finally, composites. This means they are materials that are made from combinations of the above materials. The most important composites today are glass composites and carbon composites. Fuxing trains, C90 airplane, C919 airplane, many rockets and many other things are creations of carbon fiber composites as carbon fiber is light and strong.
We also classify materials in other ways. One of which is based on whether they are found naturally or under artificial conditions. We call them, under this guideline, non-engineered and engineered materials. For example, steel is an engineered material because we can’t get steel naturally. Non-engineered materials would be like wood, soil, stone, etc. In the old days, people preferred to use nonengineered materials because they are naturally available. The Great Wall of China is made from stone. People made bricks from soil easily, and shaped wood and stone without complicated technology. That was what people did before. Today, we create many more new materials, and we use more engineered materials than non-engineered ones.
Nowadays, we use a large amount of engineered materials in construction. We build transportation structures like bridges, roads,railways, airports, tunnels. We build building structures like houses,office buildings, apartment buildings, factories and power plants. We build hydraulic structures like dams, harbours, canals and dykes.
There are many materials used in construction, but the most important materials are soil, wood and stone as non-engineered materials, and steel, concrete, asphalt as engineered materials. How do we choose one material versus another? Why do we choose concrete to build some buildings but not steel? There are important material selection criteria as follows.
Performance is the number one criterion. For example, what is the performance we want from a diving board? It should go down when a diver stands on it, then a bounce should be given to him/her when he/she jumps from it. It should be strong enough to do this repeatedly without breaking. These are its performance requirements. The second criterion is material availability. The third criterion is the ability to properly use the material. The fourth criterion is not being harmful to the environment. The final criterion is the cost, as one should use the most economical material that can do the job.
So, choosing materials depends on what we want the material for.There is no such things as “the best material”, just like there is no such thing as “the worst material”. It just depends on whether it can safely and economically meet the specified need.
When we talk about steel, we often say that it’s shiny, it conducts heat and electricity. These are physical properties of steel. We also say that steel is strong and elastic. These are mechanical properties of steel. We say that steel is made from iron and carbon, steel rusts easily. These are chemical properties of steel. Properties of any material can be classified based on their physical, mechanical or chemical properties. Performance depends on one or more properties of a material. There is no good or bad property, this depends on what is required by the user. No single material can meet all performance requirements in every situation. Engineers choose a material because when compared to other materials, it may better satisfy the criteria.
How does one determine these properties? Every time a new material is produced, engineers take samples of it to the laboratory and test them for the property they are interested in, using special techniques and equipment. By testing many materials, engineers determine their properties and collect the data in special handbooks that they can later use to select the best material for a given job. Usually,companies that produce a material will test them and will provide information about the relevant properties of that material.
Here are some examples of materials used in real construction.Asphalt concrete is used in road construction. It is made of asphalt mixed with stone particles, laid cold or hot, and compacted by a roller. When a certain asphalt type is selected by engineers, they consider several properties, such as: How well does it stick to the stone particles? (adhesion) Can it last a long time? (durability) Can it stretch without cracking or rupturing? (ductility) In a similar way,every time we engineers choose a material, we have to look at many properties of it to see if it will perform as we expect.
The other material is concrete, which is everywhere around us.Concrete is mainly made from stone, cement and water. In fact, no other material is used more than concrete in the world except water.In 2018, 37 billion metric tons of concrete was used globally. China produces and consumes one-third of all the concrete produced in the world. Since concrete is made from cement, approximately 4 billion tons of cement is needed to make that much concrete. Each ton of cement produces more than one ton of CO2, a greenhouse gas, contributing to the climate change.
Concrete can be cast in any shape and anywhere, so we don’t have to build the whole structure at once. From concrete we have built great bridges, like The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the longest bridge in the world, and the Millau Viaduct, the tallest bridge.We build great buildings like the Toronto City Hall, one of the most beautiful buildings, and the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest tower in the world. And we build dams like the Three Gorges Dam in China, the Hoover Dam in USA, the Verzasca Dam in Switzerland. We build highways and canals.
Like all other materials, concrete has advantages and disadvantages.Raw materials of it, except cement, are natural and readily available.Concrete has high compressive strength. It can be made into practically any shape. The cost of concrete is competitive. It can be produced and placed with a relatively low level of skill and technology,and it’s usually durable. These are its advantages.
But it needs time to gain strength. It requires a longer construction time than steel or wood. It shrinks and cracks, especially in dry climates. It has low tensile strength, and cracks under low load. Cement production produces a lot of carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas and contributes to climate change.
As is mentioned above, concrete is too weak when subjected to pulling (tension), so it cannot be used by itself to make buildings or bridges. But steel is very strong in resisting tension. So, concrete can be reinforced with steel bars or rods, then it can resist both push(compression) and pull (tension) forces. This type of concrete is called reinforced concrete. It is an excellent composite material and it can absorb a lot of energy before failure. It is also very strong and cost effective.
Steel is also in some sense a composite material, but it is actually an alloy of mainly iron and carbon. Steel is one of the most widely used industrial materials in the modern world. It is made from iron ore, which is extracted from the ground. A lot of energy is needed to make steel. Therefore, it is contributing in a significant way to greenhouse gas emissions.
Producing steel is a very time-consuming process, but here are some steps. First, we take iron ore from the mine, break it into small pieces, then put it in a furnace. Next, we heat it to around 1600-1700 degrees Celsius to melt it in a special crucible, with iron settling near its bottom and slag sitting on top of the iron. The two are separated and the iron is sent to another furnace where it is mixed with carbon and oxygen, and the final product is steel. Steel is then sent to mills to produce different steel shapes and products.
Steel has high tensile and compressive strength. It is very ductile,and very durable when not exposed to severe environments. Steel is completely recyclable after its initial use. Construction of steel frames requires much less time than similar concrete frames, and no forms or major temporary supports are needed during construction.
But it needs a higher level of skill and technology to produce good quality steel and fabricate steel components and structures. It corrodes and lacks durability when exposed to certain environments like seawater, acids and high humidity environments. It is generally more expensive than concrete and wood. Steel production is highly energy intensive and steel buildings need fire protection.
From steel we have built a lot of great bridges like the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. We have also built great buildings like the John Hancock Center in Chicago,the No.1 World Trade Center in Manhattan, and the Swiss Re Building (the Gherkin) in London.
And there is wood. Wood is a natural and environmental-friendly material. It stores carbon dioxide, so it reduces greenhouse gas emissions. When protected from humid conditions, it can last a very long time, and it has reasonable strength and stiffness. Natural woodcannot be used for very long span, but for longer spans engineered wood can be used. Wood is not currently used to build bridges for vehicular usage.
Wood is light, easy to handle and assemble, and easy to cut. It is environmentally friendly, and the cost is competitive. It requires low energy to produce, and as it stores the greenhouse gas CO2, it mitigates the climate change.
Wood has disadvantages too. It rots when exposed to excessive wetting and drying and high humidity. It is not as strong as steel, concrete and some polymeric materials, it is not very fire-resistant, and it is not readily available everywhere.
Wood is currently used to mainly build houses and some special buildings, like the roof of the Richmond Olympic Oval in Vancouver that is designed on the “warm roof ” principle.
As mentioned above, wood can’t resist fire. Recently, the famous,beautiful, and historic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was almost destroyed by fire. Although it was mainly made from bricks and stones, which did not get hurt by fire, it was covered by a wood structure. Once the wood burned, the whole roof fell apart and was destroyed. So, fire resistance is an important property that we should consider in selecting materials for buildings.
To finish, I can say that there is nothing as the best or worst material. Any material that can perform as required is good. You may know that gold is very valuable and expensive, but you cannot build a house with gold, you cannot make a car with gold, or make an airplane with gold, because gold is not strong and stiff enough. Some materials are expensive because they are not readily available or cost a lot to produce. Costs constitute a very important criterion for selection of materials in construction, as we don’t want to pay more than we have to. Research currently focuses on making materials smart,stronger, cheaper, and more durable by using nanotechnology and biotechnology. Research is also going on to make materials reusable and environment friendly.
After we leave this world to you, please keep it in a good shape. We have not kept it in as good of a shape as you should. You should reuse and recycle materials because the world is a close-circuit system. You cannot bring materials from space into earth. Once you use something, it cannot be replenished. Practically, there is nothing you can replace on the earth by something from another planet. Everything is just from this planet. You cannot bring water or air from another planet. So, you need to reuse and recycle as nature does.You will never see nature throwing something away, and everything gets recycled. It’s a full cycle, always goes back and forth. We should learn from nature and that’s what we should strive to imitate, make all materials recyclable and make this world a good place for everyone to live in.