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2022-02-14 09:40胡鋮燁馬金星周歆如劉永坤韓瀟洪劍寒趙曉曼
絲綢 2022年1期

胡鋮燁 馬金星 周歆如 劉永坤 韓瀟 洪劍寒 趙曉曼

摘要: 針對單一納米纖維紗力學性能較差、進一步后加工困難、應用受限等問題,本文采用靜電紡絲法在水浴表面收集納米纖維,制備以芳綸1414(PPTA)長絲為芯層、聚酰胺6(PA6)納米纖維為皮層的PPTA/PA6納米纖維包芯紗,并分析了納米纖維包芯紗和外層納米纖維包覆層的結構與性能。結果表明:納米纖維均勻地包覆在芯紗外層,納米纖維的直徑范圍主要分布在90~110 nm,平均直徑為98.81 nm;納米纖維包覆層的熔點為223.16 ℃,結晶度為1855%,與常規(guī)PA6纖維接近;納米纖維包芯紗的力學性能與芯紗接近,且納米纖維包覆層也具備一定的力學性能,平均強度為0.57 cN/dtex,平均伸長率為33.30%;納米纖維包覆層具有一定的耐摩性,經棉織物摩擦600次后其形態(tài)結構基本未發(fā)生變化。

關鍵詞: 靜電紡絲;水浴法;納米纖維包芯紗;熱-結晶性能;耐摩性能

中圖分類號: TS101.921;TQ340.64 ? ?文獻標志碼: A ? ?文章編號: 1001-7003(2022)01-0031-07

引用頁碼: 011105DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.01.005




因此,本文采用自主開發(fā)的一種無須水浴連續(xù)流動和形成旋渦的改進型水浴靜電紡絲方法,利用紗線自身旋轉,使噴射于水浴表面的聚酰胺6(PA6)納米纖維包覆在芳綸1414(PPTA)長絲表面,以制備PPTA/PA6納米纖維包芯紗,并對其結構與性能進行分析研究。1 試 驗

1.1 材 料

線密度為1 036.5 dtex/395 f的PPTA長絲紗(煙臺泰和新材料股份有限公司),相對分子質量為100 000的PA6粉末(Dupont Chemicals Co. , Ltd. ,美國),88%甲酸(上?;瘜W試劑有限公司)、平平加O(江蘇嘉豐化學股份有限公司),均為分析純。

1.2 PA6納米纖維包芯紗的制備

1.2.1 靜電紡絲液的配置


1.2.2 納米纖維包芯紗制備

圖1為納米纖維包芯紗的制備裝置,由數(shù)字注射泵、高壓電源、水浴槽、夾持裝置、往復平臺等部分組成。PPTA作為芯紗固定于夾頭1、2上,并平行橫跨于水浴槽表面。注射器由注射泵控制流速,并通過軟管與往復平臺上的針頭相連。針頭中注入的聚合物溶液在高壓作用下拉伸牽引形成納米纖維,直接噴射于平平加O接收浴表面,芯紗旋轉使納米纖維牽引并包覆于芯紗表面。針頭隨往復平臺勻速運動,使得納米纖維能夠均勻、完全地沉積在接收浴表面。試驗中,電壓20 kV,紡絲液流速0.1 mL/h,針頭與接收浴表面的距離5 cm,芯紗旋轉速度280 r/min,往復平臺移速50 mm/min,紡絲時間10 min。

1.3 測試與表征

1.3.1 表面形貌

采用Sigma 300場發(fā)射掃描電鏡(Carl Zeiss Co. , Ltd. ,德國)對納米纖維包芯紗的外觀形貌進行觀察。

1.3.2 熱-結晶性能

將納米纖維包覆層從芯紗上分離,剪碎后放入DSC-1型差示掃描量熱儀(Mettler Toledo Co. , Ltd. ,瑞士)中進行熱學性能和結晶度分析。熱學性能測試時試驗溫度為60~300 ℃,升溫速率為10 ℃/min,結晶度分析時試驗溫度為300~60 ℃,降溫速率為10 ℃/min,在氮氣氣氛下進行。按下式計算出納米纖維包覆層的結晶度:



1.3.3 力學性能

用Instron 3365型萬能材料試驗機(Instron Co. , Ltd. ,美國)分別對芯紗、納米纖維包芯紗和納米纖維包覆層進行拉伸力學性能測試。試樣夾持長度20 mm,拉伸速度20 mm/min,初始張力0.2 cN,每組測20次取平均值。

1.3.4 耐摩擦性能

采用FFZ622型紗線耐摩性能試驗儀(溫州方圓儀器有限公司)對PA6納米纖維包芯紗進行耐摩性測試。納米纖維包芯紗一端固定于紗夾中,另一端懸掛5 g重錘。包覆600目標準砂紙或平紋棉織物的磨輥沿負有一定載荷的納米纖維包芯紗作勻速直線往復運動。

2 結果與分析

2.1 表面形貌

圖2為不同時間下制得的PPTA/PA6納米纖維包芯紗的外觀結構。當紡絲時間為30 s時,有少量的納米纖維包覆在芯紗表面,但因為時間短,納米纖維包芯紗外觀較為松散,能看出內部的芯紗結構,如圖2(a)所示。當紡絲時間逐漸增加,可以看出納米纖維在芯紗表面的厚度逐漸增加,納米纖維包芯紗的結構逐漸緊密,但仍能看出內部芳綸芯紗的底色,如圖2(b)(c)所示。當紡絲時間達到10 min后,納米纖維完全包覆在芯紗表面,結構緊密,納米纖維包覆均勻,沒有出現(xiàn)露芯、毛羽等現(xiàn)象,且達到了一定的厚度,完全看不出內部芯紗的底色,如圖2(d)所示。

圖3為納米纖維包芯紗的縱向和橫截面結構。由圖3(a)可以看出,大量納米纖維包覆在芯紗表面,纖維之間沒有黏結現(xiàn)象,但納米取向度不高,排列較為雜亂無序;其中的溝壑是由于芯紗為多根單纖維復合而成,纖維之間存在一定的空隙,一部分納米纖維會沉積在空隙中,造成一定的溝壑。由圖3(b)可以看出,納米纖維形成了包覆層,包覆層結構完整,可完全將芯紗包覆其中,其厚度約為25 μm。

根據(jù)電鏡照片,本文隨機挑選100根納米纖維,并用Image-Pro Plus圖像分析軟件測量其直徑。圖4為納米纖維直徑分布。由圖4可以看出,納米纖維的最大直徑為134.62 nm,最小為65.38 nm,平均為98.81 nm;其中66%的納米纖維直徑分布于在90~110 nm,CV值為0.15,說明包芯紗表面納米纖維的直徑分布較為均勻。

2.2 熱-結晶性能

圖5為納米纖維包覆層的DSC曲線。由圖5可以看出,納米纖維的熔點為223.16 ℃,與常規(guī)聚酰胺6纖維熔點220 ℃接近,說明該納米纖維為純的PA6溶液經過靜電紡絲制備而成。

另外,從圖5可知,納米纖維包覆層的熔融熱為42.69 J/g,已知純PA6結晶度達到100%時的熔融熱為230.1 J/g。因此,根據(jù)式(1)可得納米纖維的結晶度為18.55%,較常規(guī)聚酰胺6纖維的20%~25%的結晶度稍有差異,但不明顯。納米纖維的結晶度不高很大原因在于針頭與接收浴表面的距離較短造成,結晶度的大小根據(jù)成型冷卻速度和相對分子質量而不同,接受距離短則電場強度大,聚合物在電場中的噴射速度快,噴出時間短,導致在到達水浴表面之前沒有足夠時間讓溶劑揮發(fā),聚合物分子沒有足夠的時間排列就沉降下來,使得納米纖維沒有得到充分的取向牽伸,因此納米纖維結晶度不高[20]。這需要在后續(xù)研究中調整工藝參數(shù),從而提高其結晶度。

2.3 力學性能

圖6為芳綸芯紗、納米纖維包芯紗、納米纖維包覆層的應力-應變曲線。從圖6可知,納米纖維包芯紗的力學性能接近于PPAT芯紗,且遠高于納米纖維包覆層,說明通過水浴法制備得到的納米纖維包芯紗能夠兼具納米纖維的特性和芯紗的力學性能。常規(guī)聚酰胺6纖維的斷裂強度、斷裂伸長率與初始模量分別為3.50~5.20 cN/dtex、25%~40%和0.71~2.65 cN/dtex,而納米纖維包覆層的斷裂強度僅為0.57 cN/dtex,遠低于常規(guī)的聚酰胺6纖維。這是由于靜電紡絲過程中,納米纖維的堆砌不是連續(xù)的,分布與排列存在隨機性。同時也和納米纖維結晶度低有一定的關系,結晶度的提高有利于分子鏈排列。但斷裂伸長率和初始模量分別為33.3%和2.15 cN/dtex,均在常規(guī)聚酰胺6纖維的范圍內。

2.4 耐摩擦性能



3 結 論


1) 制備得到的納米纖維能夠均勻地包覆在芯紗表面,不存在露芯、毛羽等現(xiàn)象。納米纖維直徑范圍主要分布在90~110 nm,平均直徑為98.81 nm,納米纖維包覆層的厚度大約為25 μm,結構完整、均勻。

2) 納米纖維包覆層的熔點在223 ℃,與常規(guī)制備的聚酰胺6纖維熔點接近;結晶度在18.55%,與聚酰胺6纖維的結晶度范圍較為接近,且與工藝參數(shù)的設置有關,需要在后續(xù)調整工藝參數(shù),提高其結晶度。

3) 納米纖維包芯紗的力學性能接近于PPAT,且斷裂伸長率要優(yōu)于PPAT。納米纖維包覆層的斷裂強度為0.57 cN/dtex,較傳統(tǒng)的聚酰胺6纖維低,但斷裂伸長率33.30%和模量2.15 cN/dtex都在聚酰胺6纖維的范圍內。納米纖維的非連續(xù)堆積、無序排列、低結晶度等都會影響其力學性能。

4) 納米纖維包芯紗具有一定的耐摩性,用棉織物摩擦600次后,仍能保持原有的形貌結構;在砂紙的摩擦作用下,納米纖維包覆層磨損較大,但因為納米纖維的包覆,使得內部的芯紗沒有受到損傷。




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Abstract: With the in-depth studies on nanofiber technology, nanomaterials play an important role in more and more fields. Electrospinning technology, as one of the main methods of nanofiber preparation, can produce nanofibers through electrification and drawing by applying high voltage to the polymer melt or solution. It has the advantages of simple process, convenient operation and fast manufacturing speed. However, in the process of electrospinning, due to the extremely fast speed of the medium polymer jet and the unstable whip in the high-voltage electric field, the morphology and movement state of the nanofiber receiving device will affect the structure of nanofiber aggregates. Although conventional static receivers can collect random and disorderly arranged nanofiber films, the films with low strength can hardly be used for further textile processing, limiting its application and development. By preparing one-dimensional nanofiber tows or nanofiber yarns through the improvement of the receiving device, the strength of nanofiber aggregates can be effectively enhanced. However, due to the low crystallinity of nanofibers and low orientation along the length of the yarn, compared with traditionalyarns, there is still a certain gap in the mechanical properties of such yarns entirely composed of nanofibers.

Therefore, the preparation of nanofiber aggregates which have surface properties of nanofibers and maintain excellent mechanical properties of traditional fibers is beneficial to expand the application field of nanofibers and improve the application value. Preparing nanofiber core-spun yarns with traditional yarn as the core and nanofibers coating on the surface of the core yarn is a simple and feasible method to achieve the above goals, which has been extensively studied. At present, mechanical bundling method, water bath method and air-assisted method are common preparation methods of nanofiber core-spun yarns. Among them, in the process of preparing nanofiber core-spun yarns by the mechanical bundling method and the air-assisted method, due to the unstable jet of nanofibers, they cannot be completely coated on the surface of the core yarn, resulting in low utilization rate of nanofibers and affecting the yield. By using water bath method, all the nanofibers deposited on the surface of water can be coated on the core yarn, greatly enhancing the utilization rate of nanofibers. On this basis, PPTA/PA6 nanofiber core-spun yarn was prepared via a self-developed water bath electrospinning method in this article, with aramide 1414 (PPTA) filament as the core layer and polyamide 6 (PA6) nanofiber as the cortex. The structure and properties of the nanofiber core-spun yarn were studied. The results indicated that the nanofibers were evenly coated in the outer layer of the core yarn without exposing the core and hairiness. The diameter of the nanofibers mainly ranged from 90 nm to 110 nm, with an average diameter of 98.81 nm. The thickness of nanofiber coating was about 25 μm, and the structure was complete and uniform. The melting point of the nanofiber coating was 223.16 ℃, and the crystallinity was 18.55%, similar with those of conventionally prepared PA6 fibers. The strength of nanofiber coating was 0.57 cN/dtex, lower than the conventional PA6 fiber, but the elongation of 33.30% and the modulus of 2.15 cN/dtex were both within the range of conventional PA6 fibers, indicating that the nanofiber core-spun yarn has the characteristics of nanofibers and mechanical properties of core yarn. The nanofiber coating has certain wear resistance without changes in its surface morphology and structure after being rubbed by cotton fabric for 600 times.

The nanofiber core-spun yarn prepared by the water bath electrospinning technology not only enables traditional yarns to obtain a larger specific surface area but also enhances the mechanical properties of nanofibers, thus expanding nanofiber application to the biological scaffold, flexible sensor, electronic devices, fuel cell and other fields. Especially, with the continuous development of smart textiles, nanofiber core-spun yarn as a flexible sensor can effectively and quickly transmit external information and respond, thereby obtaining more wide application.

Key words: electrospinning; water bath method; nanofiber core-spun yarn; thermal-crystallization property; wear-resistance performance