張微微,張 靜,孟 德,呂日琴,顧海洋,孫艷輝
張微微,張 靜,孟 德,呂日琴,顧海洋,孫艷輝※
(滁州學(xué)院生物與食品工程學(xué)院,滁州 239000)
青貯中微生物的數(shù)量是影響青貯料質(zhì)量的關(guān)鍵因素。為了高效監(jiān)控青貯微生物的生長情況,該研究以青貯乳酸菌、乙酸菌和丁梭菌等作為指示菌株,考察菌株生長過程0、2、4、8、12、24和48 h共7個不同時間點(diǎn)共105個樣本的三維熒光光譜、微生物菌落數(shù)和吸光值,通過平行因子法和BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)等化學(xué)計(jì)量學(xué)建立微生物生長量預(yù)測模型。三維熒光光譜圖顯示指示菌株有2個熒光峰,波峰分別在225和275 nm附近,主要是微生物內(nèi)源熒光酪氨酸和色氨酸類物質(zhì)。隨著微生物培養(yǎng)時間的增加,熒光強(qiáng)度逐漸增強(qiáng),熒光波峰位置紅移,峰寬增加。利用平行因子法對三維熒光光譜進(jìn)行降維,獲取組分?jǐn)?shù)為6,特征波長差Δ為50 nm時,微生物生長熒光信息差異顯著。以該二維光譜數(shù)據(jù)作為BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)模型輸入值,分別以微生物菌落數(shù)和吸光值作為模型輸出值,對不同檢測方法的微生物生長量進(jìn)行建模訓(xùn)練。試驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明兩種不同方法對應(yīng)的訓(xùn)練集、驗(yàn)證集、測試集模型決定系數(shù)2均接近1.0,均方誤差均很小,說明該模型能較好預(yù)測微生物生長量。研究結(jié)果顯示三維熒光光譜技術(shù)結(jié)合化學(xué)計(jì)量學(xué)對青貯中微生物生長量監(jiān)測是可行的,項(xiàng)目為快速判定青貯發(fā)酵階段提供了一種新的技術(shù)途徑。
UV-5500PC紫外可見分光光度計(jì),上海元析儀器有限公司;Cary Eclipse熒光分光光度計(jì),美國瓦里安有限公司;H1850臺式高速離心機(jī),湖南湘儀離心機(jī)儀器有限公司;DHP-9272B電熱恒溫培養(yǎng)箱,上海一恒科學(xué)儀器有限公司。
1.2.1 樣品制備
乳酸菌、丁梭菌和乙酸菌在對應(yīng)液體培養(yǎng)中置于37 ℃,180 r/min恒溫?fù)u床培養(yǎng)至生長后期階段。在生長過程中(0、2、4、8、12、24、48 h)定點(diǎn)無菌取樣,每個時間點(diǎn)設(shè)置5個平行,用于光譜數(shù)據(jù)采集、吸光值測定(OD600)和微生物平板培養(yǎng)計(jì)數(shù)。
1.2.2 微生物光譜信息采集
菌懸液制備:在0、2、4、8、12、24、48 h定點(diǎn)采集的樣品,取5 mL各時間點(diǎn)菌液放入到10 mL離心管中,用離心機(jī)3 000 r/min離心10 min,無菌吸管吸除上層液體,加入5 mL生理鹽水,獲得菌懸液。菌懸液用于熒光光譜檢測。
三維熒光光譜掃描條件:激發(fā)波長(Ex)為200~600 nm,增量為1 nm,通過同時掃描激發(fā)單色儀和發(fā)射單色儀,在10~180 nm范圍內(nèi)以10 nm恒定的波長間隔(Δ),掃描速度為1 200 nm/min,采集每個樣品的同步熒光光譜。所有樣品光譜采集記錄3次并保存光譜數(shù)據(jù),繪制熒光強(qiáng)度、Δ、激發(fā)波長三維圖譜。
1.2.3 樣品吸光值與菌落數(shù)測定
對采集熒光光譜數(shù)據(jù)的樣品同時進(jìn)行微生物吸光值和菌落總數(shù)測定。以空白樣為對照,利用紫外分光光度計(jì)測定同一培養(yǎng)時間點(diǎn)的每一菌懸液的OD600值。將每一菌懸液稀釋到適宜水平采用傾注法平行制作3個平板,倒置于37 ℃電熱恒溫培養(yǎng)箱,培養(yǎng)24 h后選取可計(jì)數(shù)范圍稀釋度進(jìn)行平板菌落計(jì)數(shù),并依據(jù)稀釋倍數(shù)換算出菌液濃度,參照GB 4789.2—2016《食品安全國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)食品微生物學(xué)檢測菌落總數(shù)測定》[25]。
1.2.4 光譜數(shù)據(jù)處理方法
1)平行因子法(Parallel Factor analysis,PARAFAC)
平行因子分析法求解過程是確定建模的組分?jǐn)?shù),對矩陣、和,采用交替最小二乘方法[26],且要?dú)埐钇椒胶妥钚?,逐次迭代重?fù)直至收斂。該法在MATLAB 2014a中的DOMFluor工具箱環(huán)境下運(yùn)行。
BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)屬于機(jī)器學(xué)習(xí)技術(shù)中的人工神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù),在數(shù)據(jù)分析和處理中被廣泛應(yīng)用[27-28]。BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)層主要包括輸入層、隱藏層與輸出層,使用BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)建立擬合關(guān)系中,神經(jīng)擬合應(yīng)用程序?qū)椭x擇數(shù)據(jù),隨機(jī)獲取試驗(yàn)數(shù)據(jù)和目標(biāo)數(shù)據(jù),即輸入數(shù)據(jù)和輸出數(shù)據(jù)。按照比例劃分訓(xùn)練集、校正集、驗(yàn)證集,通過創(chuàng)建和訓(xùn)練一個網(wǎng)格,使用Levenberg-Marquardt反向傳播算法(trainlm)進(jìn)行訓(xùn)練,并評估其性能使用均方誤差和回歸分析,直至選定高擬合能力模型,再進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)仿真操作[29-30]。該方法利用神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)擬合Neural Net Fitting工具箱在MATLAB 2014a環(huán)境下運(yùn)行。
青貯丁梭菌、乳酸菌和乙酸菌在0和24 h的菌懸液的原始三維熒光圖譜如圖1顯示。細(xì)菌在不同時間點(diǎn)組分變化存在顯著差異。微生物0和24 h在200~300 nm間有2個特征熒光峰,與Dartnell等[19]結(jié)果相同。第一個在200~250 nm(峰值在225 nm附近);第二個峰在250~300 nm(峰值在275 nm附近),此二峰的產(chǎn)生主要與微生物體內(nèi)固有的類蛋白質(zhì)有關(guān),分別對應(yīng)酪氨酸和色氨酸類物質(zhì)[31-33]。熒光光譜顏色的鮮艷程度與熒光強(qiáng)度成正向相關(guān)。微生物培養(yǎng)24 h后,2個特征熒光峰的熒光強(qiáng)度顯著增強(qiáng),最強(qiáng)熒光峰位置稍向長波方向移動,峰寬變大,此現(xiàn)象主要是微生物生長過程菌體大量繁殖,體內(nèi)固有物質(zhì)增多[17]。結(jié)果表明三維熒光光譜技術(shù)可以定性反饋不同時期微生物生長量,與平板計(jì)數(shù)法和比濁法測定結(jié)果呈現(xiàn)一致。
PARAFAC法是處理多維多向數(shù)據(jù)集的有力工具,主要通過交替最小二乘法確定模型因子數(shù)實(shí)現(xiàn)三維熒光光譜矩陣的有效分解,提取微生物特征熒光光譜信息,解析樣本顯著信息[34]。圖2中誤差平方和大小明顯顯示組分6和組分7為PARAFAC中較適合的成分?jǐn)?shù),基于模型計(jì)算過擬合現(xiàn)象問題考慮,選定組分6。當(dāng)組分?jǐn)?shù)為6時,樣本不同Δ的載荷值見圖3。Δ的載荷值越高,說明該波長下對應(yīng)樣本間的差異越顯著,區(qū)分效果越好[26]。由圖可知,產(chǎn)生樣本間差異顯著的最高載荷值的Δ為50 nm,該波長為微生物特征熒光光譜。
圖1 乙酸菌、丁梭菌和乳酸菌0和24 h三維熒光光譜圖
圖2 不同組分?jǐn)?shù)誤差平方和
圖3 不同波長間隔(Δλ)載荷值
Δ為50 nm對應(yīng)特征波長下的微生物生長二維熒光光譜如圖4所示。圖4顯示微生物在生長過程中在250~300 nm呈現(xiàn)特征熒光峰(峰值275 nm附近),且隨著培養(yǎng)時間增長,總體熒光強(qiáng)度呈現(xiàn)顯著增強(qiáng),峰寬變大。該現(xiàn)象與三維熒光光譜現(xiàn)象一致,說明平行因子分析法能較好解析三維熒光光譜,且方法是適當(dāng)?shù)摹T?10~360、370~390 nm處出現(xiàn)2個微弱的熒光峰(峰值340和380 nm附近),研究發(fā)現(xiàn)是微生物代謝產(chǎn)物或者某種帶有熒光基團(tuán)的酸類物質(zhì)[35-36],且380 nm附近的自然熒光峰的強(qiáng)度與培養(yǎng)時間呈現(xiàn)正相關(guān)。由此可知,平行因子分析獲取的二維熒光光譜能更多的獲取熒光組分信息[16],更準(zhǔn)確的說明微生物生長過程物質(zhì)的變化。
基于判定利用三維熒光光譜預(yù)測微生物生長量的合理性,項(xiàng)目利用PARAFAC法選取菌株對應(yīng)Δ為50 nm波長光譜數(shù)據(jù)作為BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)模型輸入層神經(jīng)元,比濁法和平板計(jì)數(shù)法的結(jié)果分別作為模型輸出層神經(jīng)元,對青貯微生物生長量進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)建模訓(xùn)練[37]。以隨機(jī)抽取的方式,所有的數(shù)據(jù)按照60∶20∶20分別作為訓(xùn)練集、驗(yàn)證集與測試集,隱含層為1,隱含層神經(jīng)元數(shù)量為10,得到BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)預(yù)測模型,模型參數(shù)見表1。表1顯示,這兩種方法與特征波長熒光強(qiáng)度通過BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)擬合,獲得決定系數(shù)(2)值> 0.99(接近1),均方誤差(Mean Square Error,MSE)值均很小,表明該方法建立模型相關(guān)性較好。
圖4 不同微生物生長時間的二維熒光光譜
表1 微生物生長量智能預(yù)測模型相關(guān)性分析
圖5 不同方法BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)預(yù)測結(jié)果
1)利用三維同步熒光光譜測定3種指示菌株在225和275 nm左右呈現(xiàn)特征高強(qiáng)度波峰,主要是類蛋白物質(zhì)相關(guān),分別為酪氨酸和色氨酸。
2)利用平行因子法解析三維同步熒光光譜數(shù)據(jù),得到菌株的特征波長差Δ值(50 nm),以此對應(yīng)光譜數(shù)據(jù)通過BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)建立預(yù)測模型,通過相關(guān)系數(shù)和均方誤差都說明BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)具有較強(qiáng)的擬合能力,可快速預(yù)測微生物生長量,判別微生物生長狀態(tài)。
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Detection of silage microbial growth by using three-dimensional fluorescence coupled with chemometrics
Zhang Weiwei, Zhang Jing, Meng De, Lyu Riqin, Gu Haiyang, Sun Yanhui※
Silage is a type of storage fodder from green foliage crops to reduce the cost of feed and environmental pollution. The silage can be preserved by fermentation to the point of acidification. Among them, microbial growth can dominate in the silage quality. Especially, the proliferation of harmful microorganisms has also posed a great threat to crop resources, and ruminantia production, such as clostridium, acetic acid bacteria, and yeast. However, the commonly-used plate counting and turbidimetry for microbial growth in the laboratory cannot accurately characterize the growth state of silage microorganisms in time, due to tedious steps, time-consuming, and slow response rate. This study aims to effectively monitor the growth of silage microorganisms (lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, and clostridium butyricum) separating from the silage as the indicator strains. A systematic investigation was made for the three-dimensional fluorescence spectra, the number of microbial colonies, and the absorption of 105 samples at the seven growth time points (0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 h). The chemometrics analysis and spectroscopic techniques were combined for the rapid screening of microbial growth. Parallel factor analysis was applied to resolve the three-dimensional fluorescence data. Back Propagation (BP) neural network was also used in the material quantitative analysis in the field of machine learning, due to its powerful nonlinear ability. The three-dimensional Synchronous Fluorescence Spectra (SFS) showed that there were two strong fluorescence peaks at about 225 and 275 nm, respectively. The main fluorescence peaks were the microbial endogenous tyrosine and tryptophan. The fluorescence intensity increased gradually with the increasing culture time, where the position of the fluorescence peak shifted the red. Meanwhile, the width of the fluorescence peak increased significantly. The parallel factor analysis showed that there was a significant difference in fluorescence information, where the characteristic wavelength Δwas 50 nm with six components. In addition to the two characteristic peaks, there were two weak fluorescence peaks at 310-360 and 370-390 nm. The two wave peaks at 340 and 380 nm were the microbial metabolism products or acids. There was a positive correlation between the intensity of natural fluorescence peak at 380 nm during culture time. Outstandingly, there was more information on fluorescence components in the two-dimensional fluorescence spectra from the parallel factor analysis. In terms of two-dimensional spectral data, the number of microbial colonies, and the absorbance were taken as the input or the output values of the BP neural network model, respectively. The modeling was constructed for the microbial growth of different detection. The experimental results showed that the correlation coefficients of the two models were close to 1.0, and the Mean Square Error (MSE) was all very small. A very reliable model was achieved in the neural network with a high fitting ability. Therefore, the three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy combined with the chemometrics was feasible to monitor the microbial growth in the silage. The finding can also provide a new technical approach for the rapid determination of the fermentation silage stage.
three-dimensional fluorescence; silage; microbial growth; chemometrics; parallel factor analysis
張微微,張靜,孟德,等. 三維熒光技術(shù)結(jié)合化學(xué)計(jì)量學(xué)檢測青貯微生物生長量[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)報(bào),2022,38(18):302-307.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.18.033 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhang Weiwei, Zhang Jing, Meng De, et al. Detection of silage microbial growth by using three-dimensional fluorescence coupled with chemometrics[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(18): 302-307. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.18.033 http://www.tcsae.org