李約瑟 陳國華
【譯者言】李約瑟(Joseph Needham,1900—1995)主編的《中國科學(xué)技術(shù)史》1自1954年出版第1卷以來,對西方和中國思想界產(chǎn)生了巨大影響,隨之而來的“李約瑟之問(the Needham Question)”,即“為何現(xiàn)代科學(xué),也就是對有關(guān)大自然各種假設(shè)的數(shù)理化,連同其對先進技術(shù)的全部意蘊,僅在伽利略時代的西方像火山一樣噴發(fā)出來”,卻“沒有在中華文明里發(fā)展起來”,而在之前的許多世紀(jì)里,中華文明在將自然知識應(yīng)用到解決實際需求方面“比西方文明高效得多”?2更是引發(fā)了一場經(jīng)久不息的討論。或許由于原書名Science and Civilization in China里的Civilization被譯成了“技術(shù)”,導(dǎo)致中國的人文學(xué)者普遍誤以為書中內(nèi)容全是科學(xué)技術(shù),與自己的專業(yè)無關(guān)。其實這套書最后第7卷介紹古代中國科學(xué)技術(shù)發(fā)展的語言思想和社會文化背景,其上冊《語言與邏輯》3專門介紹古代中國的語言與邏輯,與中國的每一位語言學(xué)家和邏輯學(xué)家都密切相關(guān)。本期“譯路同行”譯注的選篇即李約瑟生前為此書撰寫的前言。
1937年,三位年輕的中國生物化學(xué)家來到劍橋大學(xué)進修,其中一位女研究生名叫魯桂珍8,師從李約瑟夫人,從而結(jié)識了李約瑟。從這三位中國學(xué)生,尤其是魯桂珍那里,李約瑟聽到許多有關(guān)中國古代醫(yī)藥學(xué)和其他學(xué)科的知識,令他極感興趣。后來他在《中國科學(xué)技術(shù)史》第7卷下冊的“結(jié)論”里回憶說,他發(fā)現(xiàn)這些中國青年生物化學(xué)家的頭腦與他的沒有什么區(qū)別,于是萌生了一個巨大疑問(Grand Question):為什么現(xiàn)代科學(xué)沒有源自中國?為了研究古代中國的科學(xué)技術(shù)及其社會文化背景,他不僅讓魯桂珍教他中文,給他和妻子分別起了中文名字李約瑟和李大斐,還在1939年魯桂珍離開英國赴美工作后自費請漢學(xué)家教他古典中文(Classical Chinese)。
他1941年被推舉為英國皇家學(xué)會(Royal Society)院士;1942年,在該學(xué)會的推薦下,他被英國政府任命為設(shè)在重慶的中英科學(xué)合作館(Sino-British Science Co-operation Office)館長,任期4年。任職期間,他收集了大量中國古代科技文獻,結(jié)識了后來最重要的一位合作研究者、歷史學(xué)家王鈴9,魯桂珍也于1945年從美國回到重慶,在中英科學(xué)合作館任顧問。1946年,李約瑟應(yīng)朋友之邀被聘為新成立的聯(lián)合國教科文組織(總部在巴黎)自然科學(xué)部第一任主任;魯桂珍于1948年入職該組織秘書處。同年,李約瑟辭職回到基斯學(xué)院,一邊教授生物化學(xué),一邊編寫《中國科學(xué)技術(shù)史》,并向劍橋大學(xué)出版社提交了寫作計劃,說他將證明鑄鐵(cast iron)、犁鏵(ploughshare)、馬鐙(stirrup)、火藥(gunpowder)、印刷術(shù)(printing)、磁性羅盤(magnetic compass)、發(fā)條擒縱機構(gòu)(clockwork escapement)等對西方文明進程產(chǎn)生巨大影響的事物,并非當(dāng)時人們普遍以為的那樣是西方人發(fā)明的,而是中國人發(fā)明的。
他的第一位合作者王鈴協(xié)助他完成了8冊書的寫作;后來他又邀請多位各領(lǐng)域的專家學(xué)者分擔(dān)這套書各冊的寫作;魯桂珍也于1957年辭去聯(lián)合國教科文組織的工作,加入進來,協(xié)助李約瑟完成了9冊書的寫作。在全書25冊中,15冊的第一作者是李約瑟本人。1965年他被推選為基斯學(xué)院院長,在任11年;1971年他被推舉為英國國家學(xué)術(shù)院(British Academy)院士;1992年女王伊麗莎白二世授予他名譽勛位(Order of the Companions of Honour),成為英國唯一在世時獲得皇家學(xué)會院士、國家學(xué)術(shù)院院士和名譽勛位這三項殊榮的科學(xué)家。
Since the winter of 1986 we have been installed in10 our new and permanent building, of which the East Wing11 was built primarily by contributions from Hongkong (through our Trust there, of which the chairman is Dr Mao Wên-Chhi), while the Centre Block12 is owing to the generosity of Tan Sri13 Tan Chin Tuan14 of the Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation of Singapore. The architect was Christophe Grillet of Caius15 and the builder was Roger Bailey of Messrs Johnson & Bailey, Ltd. The building has vermilion pillars (like a Chinese Temple16) and there is white Chinese lattice-work17 in the veranda18 railings. The building has won several awards, notably one from the Royal Institute of British Architects; others for the excellence of its brickwork and its woodwork19. It stands at the corner of Herschel Road and Sylvester Road, Cambridge, on land belonging to Robinson College. It is in this new building that we come at last to20 Volume 7.
More than forty years have passed since Volume 1 in this series was published. We imagined then that Volume 7 would be the seventh in a series of only seven slim volumes21, and not the last in a series of thirty. But so great was the wealth which we discovered inside the Chinese Treasure Mountain that our original plans had to be adapted. From the main shafts22 which have been sunk, subsidiary tunnels now run in all directions. Inevitably some lines of exploration have had to be abandoned; with others work is postponed, and sometimes the order in which work had been planned for publication has had to be altered. Volume 7 more than any other has been subjected to the pressures of time and change, but it is with great pleasure that I now present Volume 7, part 1.
For the support of our research and writing, we must mention the National Science Foundation (USA), the Mellon23 and the Luce24 Foundations, and the National Institute for Research Advancement25 (Japan). Without their continued support, our work would have been impossible. Most of their help was mediated through our New York Trust (Chairman Mr John Diebold); and this is also deserving of our warmest thanks for obtaining from the Kresge Foundation26 a grant of US$150,000 towards the building of the South Wing of our Institute.
In Volume 2 we wrote in large measure about the impact of Chinese people, societies and philosophies on the growth of science. Thereafter we wrote about specific fields of Chinese scientific thought—in mathematics, astronomy, meteorology, geography and cartography, geology, seismology, mineralogy, and then, turning to physics, on heat, light, sound, magnetism and electricity, and, in a new set of volumes, to engineering27—mechanical, civil and nautical. This was to be followed by things chemical in several volumes, some of which are not yet completed, on military and textile technology, and on paper and printing, Chinese inventions which were of decisive importance in the growth of modern science. Then came the great effort to disentangle Chinese alchemy and the beginnings of modern chemistry28, which required four volumes. These were followed by specific applications of chemical discoveries to technology, such as the making and use of gunpowder, and the use of steroids in medicine.