You have learned about seeds, pollen, stems, roots, flowers and pollination about some of the plants. Are you sure that you're clear about them? Here are some questions below for you to test yourself. Just choose the correct option, A, B or C.
Please be careful when you do the self-test, for some of the questions have more than one correct option.
(""" )1. This drawing shows watermelon seeds. What do seeds grow into?
A. flowers""" B. fruit""" C. new plants
(""" )2. What is a seedling?
A. a small and young plant
B. an old plant
C. a big seed
(""" )3. A watermelon seedling can grow into an adult watermelon plant. The adult watermelon plant can grow fruit. Which part of the watermelon plant makes the fruit?
A. the stem""" B. the roots""" C. the flowers
(""" )4. The flowers on adult plants grow fruit. An orange is a fruit. Which statement is true about fruit?
A. Most fruit has pollen inside. The pollen can grow into new flowers.
B. Most fruit has roots inside. The roots can grow into new leaves.
C. Most fruit has seeds inside. The seeds can grow into new plants.
(""" )5. Seeds can grow into new plants. What can seeds look like?
A. Seeds come in different colours. But all seeds are small and flat.
B. Seeds can come in many shapes, sizes and colours.
C. Seeds can come in many shapes. But all seeds are small and black.
(""" )6. The male part of a flower makes pollen. What does pollen help a plant do?
A. grow bigger B. grow seeds C. grow leaves
(""" )7. After a flower is pollinated, it can make seeds
and fruit What can pollinate flowers? Select all that apply.
A. energy from sunlight
B. wind and water
C. birds and insects
(""" )8. Seeds need space to grow into a new plant. Before a seed starts to grow, it can be moved away from its parent plant. How can seeds be moved? Select all that apply.
A. Seeds can be blown by the wind.
B. Seeds can be moved by water.
C. Seeds can be moved by an animal.
(""" )9. Complete the sentence. Germination happens when ________.
A. pollen fall on the female part of a flower
B. a seed begins to grow into a new plant
C. an adult plant makes a new plant
(""" )10. The male part of a flower makes pollen. Complete the sentence. Pollen helps a plant________.
A. make seeds""" B. make roots""" C. grow leaves
Keys to How Do Flowering Plants Make New Plants?
1.C""" 2. A""" 3.C""" 4.C""" 5.B""" 6. B""" 7. B, C""" 8. A, B, C""" 9. B""" 10. A