The manatee is a large marine 1)mammal. Manatees are also known as sea cowsdue to their slow, 2)lolling nature and their grassy meals. However, despite the name,they are more closely related to elephants. Manatees and elephants evolved from thesame ancestor over 50 million years ago.
There are three species of manatee, 3)distinguished primarily by where they live.The West Indian manatee ranges along the North American east coast from Floridato Brazil. The Amazonian manatee species inhabit the Amazon River and the Africanmanatee swims along the west coast and rivers of Africa. Manatees range in sizefrom 2.4 to 4 meters and can weigh 200 to 590 kilograms. Though they may seem like4)cumbersome creatures, manatees can swim quickly and gracefully. Manatees usuallyswim about 8 km/h, but they can swim up to 24 km/h in short bursts when they feel aneed for speed.
Like whales and dolphins, manatees breathe air. Theygo to the surface for a gulp of air every three to five minutes.However, they can hold their breath underwaterfor up to 20 minutes. This may have to do withthe size of their lungs, as they run much of thelength of the manatee's body.
Manatees have been under attack by humansfor a long time, threatened by fishing nets, boat5)collisions, and 6)coastal development. TheIUCN's Red List of Threatened Species lists allmanatees as vulnerable or endangered and facinga high risk of extinction.