1. linger /·l··g·(r)/ v. 逗留
2. triple /·tr·pl/ adj. 三倍的
3. intimate /··nt·m·t/ adj. 親密的
4. confidential /·k·nf··den·l/ adj. 秘密的
We all use many forms of nonverbal communication to send messages. But the implied meaning of these common signals vary greatly across different countries. In some places, they can mean the opposite of what youre used to, or even challenge and offend. Heres a rundown of the most unusual examples across the globe.
In New Zealand, its a traditional Maori hello to press nose to nose instead of using the globally familiar handshake. In various parts of India, its common to greet one another by touching feet. Though there are variations across the continent and different ways interpreting this, its generally a sign of showing respect to elders. Handshakes, hugs or even a hearty backslap is common in Western societies in places like the US and UK, but in parts of Europe such as France and Italy, the handshake is a slightly more personal greeting. Its common to linger for longer, which some visitors may find uncomfortable.
In Italy, France and Spain, the double cheek kiss are common ways of greeting, but can often take people by surprise. If its your first time in the Netherlands, the Dutch prefer a triple cheek kiss. These simple signs of greeting are considered too intimate in some countries of Asia. Lips are also used as body language in many other places. For example in the Philippines and Latin American cultures, natives use their lips, rather than hands or fingers, to point.
Hand and arm gestures
Hand and arm gestures are common across the world, but, as with all body language, their use and meaning really can convey incredibly different things. Hand signals are the most commonly misinterpreted of all gestures, and can easily land you in hot water.
As standard, Italians use their arms and hands to gesture constantly while talking, whereas in Japan, this is considered impolite. Italians are also known to tap their nose to signify ‘watch out, but students at university in the UK will know that a tap of the nose means youre discussing something private and confidential, that is ‘none of your business.
If youre in Belgium or Northern Italy, be sure to avoid brushing your hand underneath your chin when speaking – its a vivid way to tell someone to go away! Did you think the thumbs up sign was a universal hand gesture for ‘great· Well hopefully you havent visited Greece or Sardinia yet, where its considered to be rude.
In the US, a ‘V sign (made the same way as a peace sign, but with the palm facing inwards) means victory. In the UK and Australia, however, its an offensive, nonverbal swear – so whether youre planning to study in Melbourne or Manchester, take note.
Head movements
Similarly to hand gestures, head movements and facial expressions are sometimes interchangeable across the globe. In many parts of Eastern Europe, the standard nodding and shaking signifying yes. In Japan, staring or even looking for an instance too long is considered rude, invasive or even an act of aggression.
Reading check
1. Where can you see people greet one another by touching feet·
A. In Japan.
B. In India.
C. In Italy.
D. In Spain.
2. Which of the following is considered as acceptable in Italy·
A. Greeting by using a ‘V sign.
B. Greeting by pressing nose to nose.
C. Using arms and hands to gesture while talking.
D. Brushing one hand underneath chin while speaking.
3. What do you know about tapping nose in the UK·
A. It is a sign of warning.
B. It is a sign of approval.
C. It is a sign of showing respect to elders.
D. It is a sign of talking something private.