浙江臺州市仙居縣文元橫溪中學 江 麗
生活中,我們難免會碰到一些說謊的人。 那么,如何快速地辨認出這些說謊的人呢? 下面這篇文章可能有不少建議哦!
1. deceitful /d??si?tfl/ adj. 不誠實的;騙人的
2. hence /hens/ adv. 因此
3. itch /?t?/ n. 癢
4. tingle /?t??ɡl/ v. 感到刺痛
5. stroke /str??k/ v. 輕撫;輕觸
6.discomposure/?d?sk?m?p????(r)/n. 心煩意亂;不安
It is very important to know when a person is lying. Catching lies is not that a difficult task provided you know what you need to look for to spot liars. Let us take a look at some of the most common lying gestures in the world.
This is mostly observed in kids. A person covers his or her mouth while speaking a lie. It is an involuntary act of stopping thedeceitfulwords from coming out of the mouth. The mouth can be covered with a few fingers, the palm(s) or even a fist. Some people also try to disguise this act by giving fake coughs. This also shows that they're trying to hide some information.
Liars are mostly found to give a quick touch to their noses while lying. This gesture must be read along with other gestures being mentioned here. Sometimes, people suffering from cold and cough can also touch their noses in the same manner andhence,they can not be considered as liars.
While one is lying, the body releases chemicals called catecholamines (兒茶酚胺), which cause the tissues inside the nose to swell. The increased blood pressure makes the nose swell and causes the nerve endings inside the nose totingle, thus making it itchy. Hence, when a person lies, he or she feels an increased necessity to satisfy the itch by continuouslystrokingthe nose.
Liars have a tendency to scratch at their necks as well. It is visibly not an actual itch in the neck as an actual one will need some significant rubs on the neck. But liars just scratch at their necks around four to five times and they tend to repeat it many times.
Liars also feel some kind of tingling in the ears. Research has found that liars feel a heightened tendency to scratch at their ears when they are lying.
When a person lies, he or she tends to look away from the person being lied to. Thus, the liar feels a tendency to rub his or her eyes to block the sight of the other person. This is again one of the acts that hint the person being a liar.
The act of lying leads to heightened fear and increased blood pressure, which leads to more sweating. This leads liars to feel the heat at their necks and pull their collars every now and then.
When people are lying, they tend to appear indiscomposure.To hide their emotions and their senses of guilt, they tend to put fingers in their mouths, which is an attempt to appear serious.
1. Which of the following lying gestures is common in kids?
A. Pulling collars. B. Covering the mouth.
C. Grabbing the ears. D. Rubbing the eyes.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 5 refer to?
A. Scratching at necks. B. Touching noses.
C. Rubbing eyes. D. Looking away.
3. Why do liars tend to put fingers in their mouths?
A. To appear cool.
B. To attract others' attention.
C. To lower their blood pressure.
D. To hide their feelings and their senses of guilt.