山東新泰新汶一中 孫啟祿
As one of China's most successful actors,Louis Koo is also one of the most charitable and low-profilephilanthropistsin the industry.After a large Sichuan earthquake in 2008,Louis established his own charity fund.Schools and homes were destroyed,and families were left hopeless.Witnessingthe problematic situation,Louis hoped to help the less fortunate through donations.In a span of ten years,his charity reportedly builtmore than 100 elementary schoolsacrossChina in remote regionsof Sichuan,Gansu,Guangxi,and Guizhou to help young children in need of proper education.What's more,he also funded the development of 18 medicalclinics,one waterconservancy project,and 750 fresh water wells.
Despite his charitable acts,Louis remained humble abouthis good doings and often conducts charitable work away from thepryingmedia.When the press earlier phoned Louis to ask about how much he had spent building the schools,he replied via his manager that he did not wish to talk about money and only wanted to focus on helping those in need.Each year,Louis busies himself shooting films,advertisements,and attending promotional functions.In addition to donating moneyto build schoolsand improve the living standards for poorer areas,Louisisalso carefulto ensure thatthe buildings are up to safety standards.He would hire safety professionals to monitor the projects to make sure that the buildings are built safely.
With all his charity projects,it is estimated that Louis has already donated more than 30 million RMB to date.
Louis contributed to the construction of schools through a Hong Kong charity.The charitystipulatedthat the schools should be named after the individuals whose contributions financed the projects.Recently,in the town of Tianpeng in Yunnan Province,LouisKoo's 105th school was built.
Reading Check
1.When did Louis set up his own charity fund?
A.In 2006. B.In 2007.
C.In 2008. D.In 2009.
2.How many wells did Louis fund?
A.18. B.100. C.105. D.750.
3.Where is the text probably from?
A.A novel. B.A newspaper.
C.A travel guide. D.An advertisement.
Language Study
Sentence for writing
In addition to donating money to build schools and improve the living standards for poorer areas,Louis is also careful to ensure that the buildings are up to safety standards.除了捐錢給貧困地區(qū)建立學校,提高貧困地區(qū)人民的生活水平外,古天樂同樣非常細心,為的是確保這些建筑達到安全標準。
【信息提取】in addition to意為“除……之外”,to為介詞。