Recently the high-efficiency catalytic cracking cocatalyst LHP-A for increased production of propylene and highoctane gasoline, which was independently developed by the Lanzhou Chemical Industry Research Center under the PetroChina Petrochemical Research Institute, has been applied in commercial scale to afford an active support to the movement targeting quality improvement and economic benefit enhancement in petrochemical enterprises in an attempt to adjust the output of petroleum products for increasing the chemicals production,The commercial application tests of this cocatalyst have revealed that when the inventory of this cocatalyst reaches 5%, the propylene yield can increase by more than one percentage point, while the octane number of FCC gasoline can increase by more than 0.5 units on an average.
The research team via formulating the key points of production, strictly controlling process formulation and operating conditions has smoothly manufactured the cocatalyst LHP-A that could meet the design targets in terms of physico-chemical indicators and reaction performance.Till now, the qualified co-catalyst product amounting to over one thousand metric tons has been delivered.
It is learned that in the last three months the cocatalyst LHP-A has been applied in more than ten petrochemical enterprises,among which the 2.8 Mt/a FCC unit at the TOTAL (Dalian)West Paci fic Petrochemical Company, Ltd. (WEPEC) and the 1.2 Mt/a FCC unit at the Lanzhou Petrochemical Company have all increased their propylene yield by over 1% and boosted their gasoline octane rating by 0.5 units within one week since the addition of the cocatalyst LHP-A.