The first article in this issue is an interview with Professor Christine Hawley, the former dean of the School of Built Environment at University College London. In the interview, she discussed issues such as architectural education,architecture and urban design, differences between Chinese and English architecture, and future construction practitioners. I hope this article will help rethink architecture and cities in China today. Thanks to Professor Hawley for her support of this journal, and to CHEN Ran for the accurate record and reorganization of the interview. The article The Creation of a Pedestrian-oriented Adaptive Reuse Retail Architecture:Kings Cross Coal Drops Yard illustrates a new case of urban renewal in London. Thanks to YUE Kelin and others for their support.
The article Urban Transformations:From restricted random aggregation to designed cultural intent in Middle Eastern cities discusses cities in the Middle East. The article Reconstruction of New Town:Second Teaching Experiment for Reurbanization of Lujiazui by CAI Yongjie demonstrates the attempt of re-urbanizing Lujiazui area, Shanhai.
The planned “City Kaleido” column is opened from this issue. The 10 members of the academic research group “MiYiSuo” (Place in Chinese)completed the introduction words to ten Online Celebrity Place in ten cities respectively. I hope that the establishment of this column can be a platform for re-thinking about the city’s identity.
In a blink and eye, the Journal of Urban Design is 4 years old. This issue is the 25th issue, and the first issue of the coming 4 years. Thanks to everyone who supports and helps the Urban Design journal!
ZHU Wenyi
Editor-in-Chief of Urban Design
September 15, 2019, Tsinghua University
策劃已久的“千城萬貌”專欄從本期開啟。以彌異所命名的學(xué)術(shù)研究小組“彌異所”(MiYiSuo Group)10名成員先期完成了15貌。希望該欄目的設(shè)立能為打破城市千篇一律的困局提供再思考的平臺。