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Guide for Authors

2019-12-06 14:54:40EditorialOfficeofChineseJourmalofAeronautics

Abou t Journal

Chinese Journal of Aeronautics(CJA) is a comprehensive academ ic journal dealing w ith the fields of aeronautics and astronautics. It reports researches concerning the two fields in China and abroad to prom ote the academ ic exchange. Founded in 1988 and sponsored by the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Beihang University,CJApublishes papers monthly.

The intended readers of the journal are specialized technical workers, teachers and students in colleges and universities and the related personnel of management, and they devote themselves to or are interested in the scientific research, teaching, design, experimentation, manufacture or app lication in the industries of aeronautics and astronautics.

Manuscrip t Requirem ent

The contributed manuscripts should reflect the latest developments of the aerospace discip line, w ith em phasis on academ ic novelty and thoughtfulness, as well as practicability. The contributions should highlight the main points, w ith the dull narration and ordinary derivation reduced or deleted as m uch as possible. The sam e statements should not be repeated inAbstract, Introduction and Conclusions.

The w riting style should be sim ple and straightforward, the data should be reliable, and any undue self-appraisal must be abandoned. Manuscripts of low quality, of poor English w riting or w ith tedious quotations w ill be directly returned by the Editorial O ffice w ithout peer review.

Subm ission

All the m anuscripts should be subm itted online on the website www.journal-aero.com or www.elsevier.com/cja/. Authors should download and fill in the relevant forms, including Title Page (for all authors) and Confidentiality Exam ination Form(for authors w ith Chinese affiliation), which are available at http://hkxb.buaa.edu.cn/CN/colum n/colum n86.shtm l. Papers already subm itted to conferences should not be subm itted toCJA. One manuscript (including the case of slight revision) should not be subm itted to two journals. Strict exam ination and investigation w ill be exerted in case that one paper is classified into several ones w ith the sam e central idea. Papers already published w ith other languages should not be subm itted toCJA.


All the manuscripts w ill be reviewed critically by at least two independent and anonymous referees. This procedure w ill be followed even if the manuscript is the result of solicitation or encouragement by the editors. The final decision on publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief upon recommendation of an Associate Editor. The acceptance of the manuscript w ill be notified by the Editorial Office and review comments w ill be provided for those rejected ones.

Pub lication

CJAhas adopted “artic le in p ress” since 2013, i.e., once the m anuscript is accepted, it w ill be immediately published online at Elsevier’s ScienceDirect p latform. Meanwhile, all the articles w ill be “open access” for w ider dissem ination.

According to the related regulations, there is publication fee for each accepted article. Color printing w ill incur additional charges. Please consider this cost when subm itting the manuscripts. Privileges of the above expenses w ill be offered to those m anuscripts highly appraised by referees. Reviewers who return their reviews in tim e w ith good quality and are in support of the journal development w ill enjoy discount.

Any comment and divergence from readers concerning the published papers of different kinds in the journal w ill be dealt w ith seriously. The Editorial O ffice w ill make arrangements for its reappraisal, and an open academ ic discussion w ill be held. The Laws of Copyright are strictly observed and imp lemented, and the citation of other papers must be included w ith their source m entioned in References.

The correspondence address: Editorial Office ofChinese Journal of Aeronautics, 37 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083, China. E-mail: cja@buaa.edu.cn.

For m ore inform ation, p lease log on to the website: www.journal-aero.com.

Editorial O ffice ofChinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2019

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