You spend a third of your life asleep, a good chunk1 of which involves dreaming. But most often, you don’t remember any of your dreams. And even on those lucky days when you wake up with a memory of the dream still floating in your mind, there’s a good chance that in just a minute the memory will vanish into thin air2 and back to dreamland.
In waking life, such a case of quickly forgetting recent experiences would surely land you in a doctor’s office. With dreams, however, forgetting is normal. Why?
“We have a tendency to immediately forget dreams, and it’s likely that people who rarely report dreams are just forgetting them more easily,” said Thomas Andrillon, a neuroscientist3 at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. It might be hard to believe that you had a dream if you don’t remember anything, but studies consistently show that even people who haven’t recalled a single dream in decades or even their entire lifetime, do, in fact, recall them if they are awakened at the right moment.
Scientists have gained some insight into memory processes during sleep, leading to several ideas that may explain our peculiar forgetfulness.
You are awake, but is your hippocampus4?
When we fall asleep, not all the brain’s regions go offline at the same time. Researchers have found one of the last regions to go to sleep is the hippocampus, a curved structure that sits inside each brain hemisphere and is critical for moving information from short-term memory into long-term memory.
If the hippocampus is the last to go to sleep, it could very well be the last to wake up. Andrillon said: “You could have this window5 where you wake up with a dream in your short-term memory, but since the hippocampus is not fully awake yet, your brain is not able to keep that memory.”
While this might explain why dream memories are so fleeting6, it doesn’t mean that your hippocampus has been inactive throughout the night. In fact, this region is quite active during sleep, and appears to be storing and caring for existing memories to consolidate them, instead of listening for incoming new experiences.
Upon awakening, the brain may need at least 2 minutes to jump-start its memory-encoding abilities. In a 2017 study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, researchers in France monitored sleep patterns in 18 people who reported remembering their dreams almost every day, and 18 others who rarely remembered their dreams. The team found that compared with low-dream recallers, high recallers woke up more frequently during the night. These middle-of-the-night awakenings lasted an average of 2 minutes for high recallers, whereas low-recallers’ awakenings lasted for an average of 1 minute.
Neurochemical7 soup
Our poor ability to encode new memories during sleep is also linked to changes in the levels of two neurotransmitters8, acetylcholine9 and noradrenaline10, which are especially important for retaining memories. When we fall asleep, acetylcholine and noradrenaline drop dramatically.
Then, something strange happens as we enter the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, where the most vivid dreams occur. In this stage, acetylcholine returns to wakefulness levels, but noradrenaline stays low.
Some scientists suggest that this particular combination of neurotransmitters might be the reason we forget our dreams. The boost in acetylcholine puts the cortex11 in an aroused state similar to wakefulness, while low noradrenaline reduces our ability to recall our mental escapades12 during this time.
Sometimes your dreams are just not memorable
Do you remember what you were thinking about this morning when brushing your teeth? Our minds wander all the time, but we discard most of those thoughts as nonessential information. Dreams, especially mundane13 ones, may be just like daydreaming thoughts and deemed by the brain to be too useless to remember.
But dreams that are more vivid, emotional and coherent14 seem to be better remembered—perhaps because they trigger more awakening15, and their organized narrative16 makes them easier to store, Andrillon said. Once in bed, repeatedly reminding yourself that you want to remember your dreams may improve your dream recall, and so does keeping a dream journal, some studies have suggested. Upon waking up, hang on to17 that fragile dream memory: Keep your eyes closed, stay still and replay the dream memory, until your hippocampus catches up and properly stores the memory.