Bai Jingfeng, born in Lvliang of Shanxi province in 1971, is a calligrapher and curator. He now serves as the member of the Standing Committee of Beijing Political Consultative Conference, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, and Secretary-General of China Pictorial Calligraphy and Painting Academy.
Since 2007, Bai has organized more than 20 large-scale activities in many well-known venues, such as the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People of China, Vienna Palace of Austria, HK Convention and Exhibition Centre, and planed plenty of important activities as the Chief Director or Chief Curator.
2007年以來,白景峰圍繞國家年度大事,先后在中國人民大會堂金色大廳、奧地利維也納皇宮、臺北孫中山紀念館、香港會展中心、博鰲國際會議中心等地負責組織、策劃了20多次大型活動;先后擔任“慶祝香港回歸20周年中華頌中國書法交響音樂會”“慶祝中國共產黨成立90周年中國書法交響音樂會” “紀念辛亥革命100周年海峽兩岸百位書法家同書百米書法長卷長城筆會”“海峽兩岸120位書法家公祭甲午戰(zhàn)爭120周年”“慶祝中奧建交40周年2011維也納皇宮中國書法音樂會”“慶祝博鰲亞洲論壇成立15周年書法筆會”“慶祝五臺山申遺成功中國千名書家千卷寫經書法開光儀式”等重大活動總導演或總策劃、總指揮。