Children need a lot of sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics1 recommends2 9 to 12 hours per night for kids between age 6 and 12, but the sad reality is that few kids get this much sleep. Family schedules3 are so busy, packed with extracurriculars4, screen time, and late work hours, that putting a kid to bed at an early hour often seems impossible.
There are good reasons, however, to make this a priority5. Getting enough sleep has been linked to better academic6 performance, better mental health, and lower body weight. By contrast, when sleep is lacking, kids tend to be more aggressive7. Teenagers can become suicidal8.
In an effort to encourage parents to put their kids to bed early, one elementary school in Wisconsin created a chart that shows the best time to put a kid to bed, depending on their age and when they have to wake up. For example, a 6-year-old who needs to be up by 6:30 a.m. should be in bed by 7:30, while their 8-year-old sibling9 could stay up till 8 p.m. if he/she has the same wake time.
The chart was originally10 posted in 2015 and has been shared nearly a half-million times on Facebook since then, which shows that parents are looking for guidance on bedtime schedules.
I was excited to see this chart because Im a big advocate11 of early bedtimes, not only for my childrens health, but also for the health of the family. With kids in bed by 7 p.m. every night, it frees up three hours each evening for me and my husband to do whatever we want—a workout in the garage, baking in the kitchen, an adult dinner party, going out with friends, or simply lying on the couch in silence with a book. I honestly think Id go crazy if I didnt have that free time each night.
If you still have doubts, please realize that “putting kids to bed” is different than “going to sleep”. Just because mine are in bed at 7 does not mean theyre asleep by 7:10. Sometimes theyre awake till after 8:30, just talking to themselves or singing quietly or yelling for water or hugs. But it doesnt matter because theyre in their sleep space and Im off parenting duty.
Bedtime should depend on a schedule, not on perceived12 tiredness. Give it a try; you will be pleasantly surprised at how wonderful it is to have well-rested kids and time to yourself.
1. pediatrics [ ] n. 小兒科
2. recommend [ ] vt. 推薦;建議
3. schedule [ ] n. 時(shí)間表,日程
4. extracurricular [ ] adj. 課外的;業(yè)余的
5. priority [ ] n. 優(yōu)先權(quán);優(yōu)先
6. academic [ ] adj. 學(xué)院的;學(xué)術(shù)的
7. aggressive [ ] adj. 侵略的;進(jìn)攻性的;好斗的
8. suicidal [ ] adj. 自殺的,自殺性的;自我毀滅的
9. sibling [ ] n. 兄弟姊妹
10. originally [ ] adv. 原本;起初
11. advocate [ ] v. 提倡;主張
12. perceive [ ] v. 注意到;覺察到