By Shang Zhen
Itruly love to watch others practicing Tai Qi. One time,in a town square I saw dozens of people practicing Tai Qi. I stayed there, watching them from the beginning until the very end of their session.
Practicing Tai Qi and writing poetry have many things in common. For example, both need a mind at peace that can inspire the practitioners' imagination and talents. Both need concentration,which allows practitioners to fly free between the Earth and the Heaven. Both involve a gentle gesture on the surface yet strength in character. Furthermore, both must be precise yet flexible.
Being firmly grounded means you are equipped with abundant life experiences, and navigating the ethereal realms reveals a deep regard for culture and aesthetics.
A poem is not a product of isolation, but is closely intertwined with worldly details.A poet must be entrenched in the world around them, keenly observing phenomena, honing their skills, building their knowledge, and cultivating their ability to experience epiphany.
I do not believe that a person who lives in isolation, keeping their doors and windows closed to the sights and sounds of the world, will ever write a good poem.
(From Random Notes in Sanyu Tang, The Writers Publishing House. Translation: Jon Gartner)