In 2007, Chinas home textile industry presented a good operating tendency with steady growth of main indexes. Investment was continuously accelerated and confidence of investors was further enhanced. The market got warm again, and both external and internal sales maintained favorable growth status within the industry. Industrial input continuously increased, which might contribute to industrial adjustment and upgrading.
Good tendency and steady operation with progress
Data released by National Bureau of Statistics showed that 1,927 enterprises above designated sizes realized RMB 262.604 billion main business income, and year-on-year growth rate reached 4.76% which increased by 1.55 percentages compared with the previous year. 15 industrial clusters tracked by the association realized RMB 301.85 billion income with 5.68% year-on-year growth rate which increased by 2.38 percentages compared with the previous year. From statistical data in recent years, home textile industry gradually rose again after back adjustment. Industrial operation in recent three years has been steady with progress and favorable tendency.
“2017 enterprise operation and management questionnaire survey in the fourth quarter” results showed that enterprises selecting “gain in yield of main products” occupied 55.3%. The industry was still continuously improving quality and efficiency and also full of vitality.
The investment rose again and confidence in development was enhanced
Confidence of investors in home textile enterprises was gradually elevated in 2017. Investment growth rate presented gradually rising tendency, and growth speed of investment in August recovered to positive growth. According to National Bureau of Statistics, home textile industry realized RMB 77.46 billion fixed-asset investment in 2017 with 5.49% yearon-year growth rate. From sub-industries, investment growth in towel industry was obvious. RMB 12.19 billion fixed-asset investment was realized in 2017 with 10.07% year-on-year growth rate; investment in fabrics industry in 2017 completed RMB 33.327 billion which slightly reduced by 1.63% compared with the previous year. Other home textile industries completed investment amount of RMB 24.44 billion with 9.7% year-on-year growth rate.
Efficiency was elevated and operating quality & efficiency were improved
Trace data from the association showed that annual per capita main business income of 15 industrial clusters increased by RMB 28,300 in 2017 compared with the previous year, and annual per capita profit increased by RMB 1,300; annual per capita main business income of 210 enterprises increased by RMB 49,100 compared with the previous year, annual per capita total profit increased by RMB 6,900, and both indexes were higher than those in the previous year.
Efficiency elevation promoted improvement of operating quality and efficiency within the industry. According to National Bureau of Statistics, current asset turnover in home textile industry in 2017 was 3.15 times/year which slightly increased by 0.51% on yearon-year basis.
The expenditure increased and profit growth slowed down
Profit growth slowed down and was slower than growth rate of main business income, and this was one feature of this industry in 2017. Data from National Bureau of Statistics showed that 1,927 enterprises of above designated sizes in home textile industry realized total profit of RMB 15.436 billion in 2017 with 3.06% year-on-year growth rate which reduced by 2.42 percentages compared with the previous year. Profit rate was 5.88% which slightly reduced by 0.1 percentage compared with the previous year.
This was due to rapid expense growth while the cost remained at a high level. Data from National Bureau of Statistics showed that three expenses in finance, management, and operation in 1,927 abovedesignated enterprises occupied 6.9% in 2017 which increased by 0.47 percentage compared with the previous year. Cost and expense growth was not transferred to terminal sale price so that original profit space within the industry was compressed. Meanwhile, expense growth during this period in the industry might contribute to structural adjustment and intensity industrial reform so that the industry would have the ability and vitality to cope with various challenges in new period.
The market got warm again and external & internal sales exerted joint force
Continuous global economic recovery contributed to favorable status of export market within home textile industry. Customs data showed that amount of export in home textile industry reached USD 39.465 billion in 2017 with 2.25% year-on-year growth rate. Amount of export of home textile products was USD 3.663 billion in December with 7.5% year-onyear growth rate. Export growth within the industry presented gradually increasing tendency.
Traditional American, European and Japanese markets realized growth of both export volume and export value in 2017, which was the main force driving overall positive development of export of home textile products in China. Annual turnover of ten ASEAN members reached USD 3.99 billion in 2017 with slight decrease of 0.83% on year-on-year basis, but export volume still kept growth at 11.36%. Besides, emerging markets in Central Asia and Central and Eastern Europe also kept dual growth.
Internal sale growth within the industry maintained stable. 1,927 enterprises of above designated sizes according to National Bureau of Statistics realized RMB 202.9 billion internal sale in 2017 with 5.43% year-onyear growth rate. 210 enterprises traced by the association realized RMB 62.55 billion output value of internal sale with 3.87% year-on-year growth rate; 15 industrial clusters realized RMB 248.52 billion output value of internal sale with 8.20% year-on-year growth rate. Internal and external sales exerted joint force so that the market got warm again under satisfying situation.