Huifang JIA(賈)Gongbao LI(李工寶)
Hubei Key Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences and School of Mathematics and Statistics,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China E-mail:hf;
In this article,we consider the multiplicity and concentration behavior of positive solutions for the following Schr?dinger-Kirchhofftype problem
involving the p-Laplacian,where 1<p<N,M:R+→R+,V:RN→R+are continuous function,∈is a small positive parameter,and Δpu=div(|?u|p?2?u)is the p-Laplacian of u.We assume that the potential V satisfies
(V2)for each δ> 0,there is an open and bounded set Λ = Λ(δ) ? RNdepending on δ such that
Problem(Q∈)is of nonlocal because of the presence of the termwhich implies that the equation in(Q∈)is no longer a pointwise identity.
Problem(Q∈)is a natural extension of two classes of problems of great importance in applications,namely,Kirchhofftype problems and Schr?dinger type problems.
(a)When ∈=1,p=2,and V=0,problem(Q∈)becomes the following problem
which represents the stationary case of Kirchhoffmodel for small transverse vibrations of an elastic string by considering the effects of the changes in the length of the string during the vibrations.
(b)When M ≡1 and p=2,(Q∈)becomes
which arises in different models,for example,to get a standing wave,that is,a solution of the form Ψ(x,t)=exp(?iEt/∈)u(x)of the following nonlinear Schr?dinger equation
where f(t)=|t|s?2t,N > 2,and 2< s< 2?=,and it will led to the study of(1.2).Many studies about the existence and concentration of positive solutions for problem(1.2)appeared in the past decade;see[1,4,16]and the references therein.
Recently,the following Kirchhofftype equation
has been studied extensively by many researchers,where f∈C(R3×R,R),and a,b>0 are constants.
X.He and W.Zou in[7]studied(1.4)under the conditions that f(x,u):=f(u)∈C1(R+,R+)satisfies the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition((AR)condition in short):
Similarly,J.Wang et al[15],Y.He,G.Li,and S.Peng[9],and G.Li and H.Ye[11]used the same arguments as in[7]to prove the existence of a positive ground state solution for(1.4)when f(x,u):=λf(u)+|u|4u,which exhibits a critical growth,wheref(u)u≥0,f(u)/u3is strictly increasing for u>0,and |f(u)|≤C(1+|u|q)for some 3<q<5,that is,f(x,u)~ λ|u|p?2u+|u|4u(4< p< 6).
For the case f(x,u)=|u|p?2u(3< p≤ 4),G.Li and H.Ye[10]used the constrained minimization on a new manifold,which is obtained by combining the Nehari manifold and the corresponding Pohozaev’s identity,to get a positive ground state solution to(1.4).
Recently,Y.He and G.Li in[8]studied the following Kirchhofftype equation with critical nonlinearity:
where ε is a small positive parameter,a,b> 0,λ > 0,and 2< p≤ 4.The potential V satisfies(V3)V∈C(R3,R)and
(V4)there is a bounded domain Λ such that
They constructed a family of positive solutions uε∈ H1(R3)which concentrates around a local minimum of V as ε→ 0.
M.del Pino and P.Felmer in[4]studied(1.2)with the conditions on V replaced by(V3)and(V4).They proved that(1.2)possesses a positive bound state solution for ε> 0 small which concentrates around the local minima of V in Λ as ε→ 0.
In[6],G.Figueiredo,N.Ikoma,and J.Junior obtained the existence of positive solutions of the following equation
concentrating around a local minima of V under the conditions(V3),(V4),and the following conditions on f and M:
(F1)f∈C(R,R),f(s)=0 if s≤0;
(F3)when N ≥ 3,f(s)/s(N+2)/(N?2)→ 0 as s→ ∞ and when N=2,f(s)/eαs2→ 0 as s→∞for any α>0;
(F4)there exists an s0>0 such thatwhere F(s):=f(t)dt when N≥2,and when N=1,?and there exists a>0 such that M(t)≥>0 for any t≥2;then,there holds→0 as t→∞;
G.Figueiredo and J.Santos in[5]studied the multiplicity and concentration behavior of positive solutions of the following elliptic problem
where∈is a small positive parameter,the potential V satisfies(V1)and(V2),and the function M:[0,∞)→R+satisfies
(M1)M∈C()andM(t)≥ m0> 0,where m0> 0 is a constant;
(M2)the function t→M(t)is increasing on[0,+∞);
(M3)for all t1≥t2>0,
and f satisfies
(F6)there is a q∈(4,6)such that
(F7)there is a θ∈(4,6)such that
(F8)the application
is nondecreasing in(0,∞).
Motivated by the results in[5],we study the existence,multiplicity,and concentration behavior of positive solutions of the problem(Q∈)by using the variational method and the penalization method.
Before stating our main result,we make the following hypotheses:
(f1)f ∈ C(R,R)and there exist q,with p< q< p?,a1> 0 such that|f(t)|≤ a1(1+|t|q?1)for all t>0;
(f2)there exists θ> 2p such thatfor all t> 0;
(f3)f(t)=o(|t|p?1)as t→ 0;
(f4)the functionis increasing for t> 0.
We define
with the norm
It is easy to see that(E,‖ ·‖E)is a real Banach space.
We call u ∈ E a weak solution to(Q∈)if for any ? ∈ E,it holds that
For I∈C1(E,R),we say that(un)?E is a Palais-Smale(PS)sequence at level c(henceforth denoted(PS)c)for I if(un)satisfies
Moreover,I satisfies the(PS)ccondition if any(PS)csequence possesses a convergent subsequence.
We recall that,if A is a closed set of a topological space of X,CatX(A)is the Ljusternik-Schnirelmann category of A in X,namely,the least number of closed and contractible sets in X which cover A.
Our main result is as follows:
Theorem 1.1Suppose that the function M satisfies(M1)–(M3),the potential V satisfies(V1)–(V2),and the function f satisfies(f1)–(f4).Then,for any δ> 0,there exists a ∈δ> 0 such that,for any ∈∈ (0,∈δ),the problem(Q∈)has at least CatΠδ(Π)positive solutions.Moreover,if u∈denotes one of these positive solutions and η∈∈ RNits global maximum,then
Remark 1.2Our main result for the problem(Q∈)when p=2 includes the main result of[5]as a special case.A typical example of function f satisfying the conditions(f1)–(f4)is given bywith λi≥ 0 not all null and 2p < qi< p?for all i∈ {1,2,···,k}.Any function of the formsatisfies the hypotheses(M1)–(M3)for all i∈ {1,2,···,k},where m0> 0,b> 0,bi≥ 0,and γi∈ (0,1).
The proof of Theorem 1.1 is based on the frame work used in[5]which uses the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory and abstract minimax theorems(see[14,17]).The main difficulties are the appearance of the non-local term and the lack of compactness because of the unboundedness of the domain RN.Moreover,as f is only continuous,we cannot use standard arguments on the Nehari manifold.As we will see later,the competing effect of the nonlocal term with the nonlinearity f(u)and the lack of compactness of the Sobolev’s embedding prevent us from using the variational methods in a standard way.
Now,we outline the sketch of the proof of our main result.The problem(Q∈)is equivalent to the following problem
by using the change of variable v(x)=u(∈x).The corresponding energy functional associated with problem()is defined by
The norm of u ∈ E∈is defined asand E∈is a Banach space under the norm ‖ ·‖∈given above.
In order to overcome the obstacle caused by the non-compactness because of the unboundness of the domain RN,following[4],we will modify the nonlinearity in a special way and to work with a auxiliary problem.
Let δ> 0 and the related bounded domain Λ be given as in(V2)and letwhere m0was given in(M1),and a>0 verifyingwhere V0>0 was given in(V1).We consider the following auxiliary problem
Here,χΛdenotes the characteristic function of the set Λ.
It is easy to see that under the assumptions(f1)–(f4),g(x,t)is a Caratheodory function satisfying the following assumptions:
(g1)g∈(x,t)=o(|t|p?1)as t→ 0 uniformly in x ∈ RN;
(g2)g(x,t)≤f(t)for all x∈RN,t>0;
(g3)0 < θG∈(x,t)≤ g∈(x,t)t,?(x,t)∈ Λ∈×(0,∞),where θ is given in(f2);
(g5)for each x∈ Λ,the application t→is increasing in(0,∞),and for each x ∈ RNΛ,the application t→is increasing in(0,a).
The energy functional I∈:E∈→ R associated with(Q∈,g)is given by
Using variational method,we can prove that the auxiliary functional I∈satisfies the Palais-Smale condition,and the auxiliary problem(Q∈,g)has a positive ground state solution for all∈>0.
Because we are interested in giving a multiplicity result for the auxiliary problem(Q∈,g),we need to study the limit problem associated to(),namely,the following problem
with the energy functional
This functional is well defined on the spacewith the norm
for u0∈E0.Next,using the technique due to V.Benci and G.Cerami[2],we establish a relationship between the category of the set Π and the number of solutions for the auxiliary problem,and we will show that(Q∈,g)has multiple positive solutions by using Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory.Finally,we use the Moser iteration technique in[13]to prove that the solutions for the auxiliary problem(Q∈,g)are indeed solutions for the original problem.
We note that the function f in this article is only a continuous function,then we cannot apply standard arguments by using the Nehari manifold.We overcome this difficulty by the methods given in[14].
Throughout this article,we use standard notations.For simplicity,we writeR?h to mean the Lebesgue integral of h(x)over a Lebesgue measurable set ??RN.For a Lebesgue measurable set A,we denote the Lebesgue measure of A by|A|.Lp=Lp(RN)(1<p≤∞)is the usual Lebesgue space with the standard norm|·|p.We use“→ ”and“? ”to denote the strong and weak convergence in the related function spaces,respectively.C and Ciwill denote positive constants unless specified.BR(x):={y ∈ RNy ? x|< R,x ∈ RN}. 〈·,·〉denote the dual pair for any Banach space and its dual space.
By using the change of variable v(x)=u(∈x),we see that problem(Q∈)is equivalent to the following problem
In order to find positive solutions to(),without loss of generality,we shall assume that f(s)=0 for all s≤ 0.The corresponding energy functional associated with problem()is defined by
∈given by
in which the norm of u∈E∈is given by
We see that J∈∈ C1(E∈,R)and
From now on,we will denote by E0the space E∈with∈=0.We know that E∈is continuously embedded in Lν(RN)for ν ∈ [p,p?];moreover,E∈is compactly embedded in Lν(A)for ν ∈[p,p?)for any bounded measurable set A ? RN.
In order to overcome the lack of compactness of the problem(eQ∈),we shall adapt the penalization method introduced by del Pino and Felmer in[4].
where V0>0 was given as in(V1).Using these numbers,we set the functions
where Λ was given as in(V2)for related fixed δ> 0,and χΛdenotes the characteristic function of the set Λ.
Using the above functions,we will study the existence of positive solution for the following auxiliary proble
Here,we recall that if u∈∈ E is a solution to prpblem(Q∈,g)with
where Λ∈= Λ/∈,then,u∈(x)is a solution of problem().
Associated with(Q∈,g),we have the energy functional I∈:E → R given by
which is well defined on the space E∈and I∈∈ C1(E∈,R).Also,
Using the definition of g,it follows that
(g1)g∈(x,t)=o(|t|p?1)as t→ 0 uniformly in x ∈ RN;
(g2)g(x,t)≤f(t)for all x∈RN,t>0;
(g3)0 < θG∈(x,t)≤ g∈(x,t)t,?(x,t)∈ Λ∈×(0,∞),where θ is given in(f2);
(g4)0 ≤ 2pG∈(x,t)≤ g∈(x,t)t≤,?(x,t)∈ (Λ∈)c× (0,∞);
(g5)for each x∈ Λ,the application t→is increasing in(0,∞)and for each x ∈ RNΛ,the application t→is increasing in(0,a).
Lemma 2.1The functional I∈satisfies the following conditions:
(i)There are α0> 0,ρ0> 0 such that
(ii)There is an e∈ E∈with ‖v‖∈> ρ0and I∈(e)< 0.
Proof(i)From(g1)and(g2),for every∈>0,we have
Taking∈=min{1,m0}/2pCppand setting
we see that there exists an ρ0> 0 such thatas q > p > 1 by(f1),we obtain I∈(v)≥ α0= ρ0η(ρ0)> 0 for all v ∈ E∈,with ‖v‖∈= ρ0.
(ii)Fix u ∈ E∈with suppu ? Λ∈,and ‖u‖∈=1.By assumption(M3),we see that there is a γ1> 0 such that M(t)≤ γ1(1+t)for all t≥ 0.
Then,for t>0,we have
because θ> 2p> p> 1 by(f2).The Lemma 2.1(ii)is then proved by taking v=t0u,with t0>0 large enough.
The main feature of the auxiliary functional is that it satisfies the Palais-Smale condition as we can see from the next result.
Proposition 2.2The functional I∈verifies the(PS)ccondition in E∈for any c>0.
Proof(1)Assume that{un}is a(PS)csequence for I∈,then,
By using the hypothesis(M3),we deduce thatfor all t≥0.By(g3)and(g4),we obtain
therefore,{un}is bounded in E∈.Passing to a subsequence,for some u ∈ E∈,we obtain
Next,we will prove that{un}has a convergent subsequence in E∈.Firstly,we give two claims,
Claim 1For all R>0,
Indeed,we assume that‖un‖∈→ t0as n → ∞,we have‖u‖∈≤ t0.Take ηρ∈ C∞(RN)such that
For each R > 0 fixed,denoting a(ξ,η)=(|ξ|p?2ξ? |η|p?2η,ξ? η),it is well known that a(ξ,η)> 0 for any p > 1 and ξ,η ∈ RNwith ξ/= η.Choosing ρ > R,we obtain
we have
Observe that
As{unηρ}is bounded in E∈,we have〈I′∈(un),(unηρ)〉=on(1).Moreover,from a straight forward computation,
On the other hand,from the weak convergence,
We see that
We conclude that
From(2.3),(2.5)–(2.8),we obtain
Hence,we obtain
By Lemma 2.1 of[3],for p ≥ 2 and ξ,η ∈ RN,
for 1 < p < 2 and ξ,η ∈ RN,
here,d1,d2,d3,and d4are some constants.
Using the above inequalities,for 1<p<2,we know that
For p≥2,
and consequently,
Claim 2For each ξ> 0,there is an R=R(ξ)> 0 such that
For R >0,let ηR∈C∞(RN)be such that
with 0 ≤ ηR(x)≤ 1,|?ηR|≤,and C is a constant independent on R.Because{ηRun}is bounded in E∈,it follows fromthat
Therefore, fixing R > 0 such that Λ∈? BR2(0)and by using(M1)and(g3),we have
By using Cauchy-Schwarz and H?lder’s inequality,we have
As{un}and{unηR}are bounded in E∈,we obtain
Therefore,for each ξ> 0,there is an R=R(ξ)> 0 such that
hence,‖un‖∈→ ‖u‖∈,and un→ u in E∈.
Theorem 2.3Suppose that the conditions(M1)–(M3),(V1)–(V2),and(f1)–(f4)are satisfied.Then,the auxiliary problem(Q∈,g)has a positive ground state solution for all∈> 0.
ProofThis result follows from Lemma 2.1,Proposition 2.2,and the maximum principle.
Next,we introduce some tools needed for the multiplicity result of the auxiliary problem(Q∈,g).
We denote by N∈the associated Nehari manifold of I∈given by
Set Γu+={x∈RN|u+(x)/=0},letbe the open subset of E∈given by
The idea of the proof of the next two results comes from[14](See also[5]).
Lemma 2.4Suppose that the conditions(M1)–(M3),(V1)–(V2),and(f1)–(f4)are satisfied.Then,we have the following results:
(A1)For each u∈and by hu(t)=I∈(tu),there exists a unique tu>0 such that>0 in(0,tu)and< 0 in(tu,∞).
(A2)There is a τ>0 independent on u such that tu> τ for all u∈Moreover,for each compact set W?,there is a CW>0 such that tu≤CWfor all u∈W.
(A3)The mapgiven byis continuous andis a homeomorphism betweenand N∈.Moreover,
(A4)If there is a sequence(un)?such that dist(un,)→0,then,‖r∈(un)‖∈→ ∞and I∈(r∈(un))→ ∞ as n → ∞ for each ∈> 0.
ProofIt is clear that,by Lemma 2.1,hu(0)=0,hu(t)>0 for t>0 small,and hu(t)<0 for t> 0 large.Thus,there is a global maximum point tu> 0 of husuch that=0,that is,tuu∈ N∈.We claim that there is a unique tu> 0 such that=0.Indeed,suppose that there exist t1>t2>0 withThen,for i=1,2,
By using(M3)and the definition of g,we obtain
As u/=0,which is absurd in view of min{m0,1}≤<min{m0,1}.Thus,(A1)is proved.
which implies that tu≥τ for some τ>0.If W?is compact,then argue by contradiction that there is a sequence{un}?W such that tun→∞.As W is compact,there is a u∈W with un→ u in E∈.By the process of the proof of Lemma 2.1,we know that I∈(tunun)→ ?∞.Note that if v∈ N∈,then,by(M3),(g3),and(g4),we obtain
Because{tunun}? N∈,which contradicts to the fact that{tunun}? N∈and I∈(tunun)→?∞.This proves(A2).
So,by(M1),we have
we conclude that r∈is a bijection betweenand N∈.
Letting n→∞,we have
It follows from(f1),(g3),and(g4)that
for each t>0.Thus,
By using the definition of r∈,we get
As t>0 is arbitrary,we have
We conclude from(M3)that
for each n ∈ N,so,‖r∈(un)‖∈→ ∞ as n → ∞.The Lemma is proved.
Now,we define the applications
The next proposition can be found in[[14],Corollary 2.3],and we omit the proof of it.
Proposition 2.5Suppose that the conditions(M1)–(M3),(V1)–(V2),and(f1)–(f4)are satisfied.Then,the following properties are obtained:(a)and
(c)If{un}is a(PS)csequence of Ψ∈,then,{r∈(un)}is a(PS)csequence for I∈.If{un} ? N∈is a bounded(PS)csequence of I∈,then,{(un)}is a(PS)csequence for Ψ∈.
(d)u is a critical point of Ψ∈if and only if r∈(u)is a nontrivial critical point of I∈.Moreover,the corresponding critical values Ψ∈and I∈coincide,and
Remark 2.6As in[14],we have the following minimax characterization of the in fimum of I∈over N∈,
Corollary 2.7([5],Corollary 2.1) The functional Ψ∈given in Proposition 2.5 satisfies the(PS)ccondition on.
In this section,we prove a multiplicity result for problem(Q∈,g).We first consider the associated limit problem of(),which is given as
with the corresponding energy functional
We denote by N0the associated Nehari manifold of J0given by
Lemma 3.1Suppose that the conditions(M1)–(M3),(V1)–(V2),and(f1)–(f4)are satisfied.Then,we obtain the following results:
(A1)For each u∈and by gu(t)=J0(tu),there is a unique tu>0 such that>0 in(0,tu)and<0 in(tu,∞).
(A2)There is a τ>0 independent on u such that tu≥ τ for all u∈.Moreover,for each compact set W?there is a CW>0 such that tu≤CWfor all u∈W.
(A3)The map:→N0given by=tuu is continuous,and r=is a homeomor
(A4)If there is a sequence{un} ?such that dist(un,)→ 0,then,‖r(un)‖0→ ∞ and J0(r(un))→∞as n→∞for each∈>0.
ProofThe proof of Lemma 3.1 is similar to that of Lemma 2.4.
We set the applications
Proposition 3.2Suppose that the conditions(M1)–(M3),(V1)–(V2),and(f1)–(f4)are satisfied.So,we have the following properties:and
(c)If{un}is a(PS)csequence of Ψ0,then,{r(un)}is a(PS)csequence of J0.If{un} ? N0is a bounded(PS)csequence of J0,then,{r?1(un)}is a(PS)csequence of Ψ0.
(d)u is a critical point of Ψ0if and only if r(u)is a nontrivial critical point of J0.Moreover,corresponding critical values coincide and
ProofThe proof of Proposition 3.2 is similar to that of Proposition 2.5.
Remark 3.3Similar to Remark 2.6,we have
Lemma 3.4Assume that{un}?E0is a(PS)csequence for J0satisfying un?0 in E0.Then,one and only one of the following alternatives holds,
(a)un→0 in E0,or
(b)there exist constants R,β>0 and sequence{yn}?RNsuch that
ProofSuppose that case(b)is flase,we would have
for all R > 0.Since{un}is bounded in E0,again using Lion’s vanishing Lemma(See[12],Lemma 1.1),we have
By(M1),(f1),and(f3),we obtain
therefore,un→ 0 in E0,which contradicts our assumption I∈n(un)→ c0.Thus,(a)holds. □
Theorem 3.5Assume that{un}?E0is a(PS)csequence for J0,where c0is given in Remark 3.3.Then,problem(Q0)has a positive ground state solution.
ProofArguing as in the proof of Proposition 2.2,we see that{un}is bounded in E0.Now,up to a subsequence,for some u∈E0,we have
By Lemma 3.4 and c0> 0,we know that u/=0 in E∈.There exists a t0> 0 such that
Step 1We claim?un→?u a.e.x∈RN.
By(3.1)–(3.3)and{un}being bounded in E0,we see easily that
as n→∞.
hence,by(M1),we have
For 1<p≤2,from(2.10),we know that
For p≥2,from(2.9),we obtain
The above limits(3.12)and(3.13)imply that for some subsequence of{un},we have
So,from(3.14),we conclude that
On the other hand,by Vitali’s theorem,it results that
Step 2We claim thatwhere t0is given in(3.4).
Now,by(3.1)and(3.3),we have
and from(M2),it follows thatJust suppose thatwe obtain
This inequality implies thattherefore,there exists a∈(0,1)such thatCombining this information with the characterization c0,we derive
On the other hand,from(M3),we getby Fatou’s Lemma,we obtain
Lemma 3.6([5],Lemma 3.3) Assume that{un}is a sequence in W1,p(RN)such that,as n→∞,J0(un)→c0and{un}?N0.Then,{un}has a convergent subsequence in W1,p(RN).
ProofThis result can be proven by using,with suitable modifications,the same arguments of[5].
In this subsection,we will establish the relation between the topology of the set Π and the number of positive solutions of(Q∈,g).We choose δ>0 such that Πδ? Λ.Let η ∈([0,∞))be such that 0≤η(t)≤ 1 with
We denote w to be a positive ground state solution of the problem(Q0)attained by Theorem 3.5 such that J0(w)=c0.For each y∈Π={x∈Λ:V(x)=V0},we define
with t∈> 0 satisfying
Let φ∈:Π →N∈be such that
Lemma 3.7The function φ∈satisfies
ProofAssume the contrary that the lemma does not hold.We suppose that there exist δ0>0 and a sequence{yn}?Π such that
By using the change of variableand the definition of φ∈n(yn),we have
Since φ∈n(yn) ∈ N∈nand g=f in Λ,we get
By the Lebesgue’s theorem,as n → ∞,we obtain
Now,we claim that,up to a subsequence,t∈n→ 1 as n → ∞.Indeed,in view of(3.19),we have
From continuity of w,there is asuch thatSo,from(f4),we get
Assume the contrary that there is a subsequence{t∈n}with t∈n→ ∞.Thus,taking n → ∞in(3.24),by(M3)and(f3),we have the fact that the downside converges to in finity and the upside is bounded,which leads to a contradiction.Thus,{t∈n}is bounded,up to a subsequence,we have t∈n→t0≥0.From(3.19),(3.21),(M1),and(f4),we have t0>0.Thus,as n→∞in(3.19),we have
We get t0=1 from w∈N0.So,taking n→∞in(3.20)and combining(3.21)with(3.22),we get
which contradicts to(3.17).
Proposition 3.8Assume that{un}is a sequence in W1,p(RN)such that,as n→∞,
with∈n→0.Then,there existssuch that the sequencehas a convergent subsequence in W1,p(RN).Moreover,up to a subsequence,forand some y∈Π,we have yn→y.
ProofDirect calculations shows that{un}is bounded in W1,p(RN),then we can argue as the proof of Lemma 3.4 to obtain a sequence()?RNand positive constants R and α such that
Let tn>0 be such that(See Lemma 3.1(A1)).We have
which implies that
Now,we are going to prove that→y∈M.First,we will prove that{yn}is bounded,where yn=.Indeed,argue by contradiction that there exists a subsequence{yn}with|yn|→∞.Choose R>0 such that Λ?BR(0).Then,for n large enough,we have|yn|≥2R,and for each z∈(0),we have
Hence,using vn→ v in E0,the above expression,the definition of g,and Lebesgue’s theorem,we obtain
and therefore,
which is a contradiction.Hence,{yn}is bounded and yn→ y in RN.If y/∈ Λ,we can proceed as above to deduce that‖vn‖0≤ on(1).
Next,we prove that y∈Π.Arguing by contradiction again,we assume that V0<V(y).Consequently,from→in E0,Fatou’s Lemma,and the invariance of RNby translations,we have
which does not make sense and completes the proof.
Remark 3.9Proposition 3.8 is very important to show that the solution of the auxiliary problem are actually solution of the original problem,and it makes us possible to study the concentration behavior of the solutions.
where h1:R+→ R+is a function such that lim∈→0h1(∈)=0.We can conclude from Lemma 3.7 that h1(∈)=|I∈(φ∈(y))?c0|is such that h1(∈)→ 0 as∈→ 0+.By the definition of h1,we know that,for any y∈Π andfor∈>0 small.
Let ρ > 0 be such that Πδ? Bρ(0),and consider the map χ :RN→ RNdefined by
We define the barycenter map β∈:N∈→ RNby
By the definition of χ and Lebesgue’s theorem,we have
Lemma 3.10For any δ> 0 and Πδ={x ∈ RN:dist(x,Π)≤ δ},we have
ProofThe proof of this lemma follows from well-known argument and can be found in([5],Lemma 5.5).
In this section,we present a relation between the topology of Π and the number of solutions of the auxiliary problem(Q∈,g).Asis not a complete metric space,the method of[1]can not be applied directly,but we can use the result in[14]to fulfill our task.
Lemma 3.11([14],Theorem 27)If there exist c≥c∈and a compact set K?suchfor some k∈N,wherethencontains at least k critical points of Ψ∈.
Theorem 3.12Suppose that the conditions(M1)–(M3),(V1)–(V2),and(f1)–(f4)are satisfied.Then,for any δ>0,there exists a>0 such that the auxiliary problem(Q∈,g)has at least CatΠδ(Π)positive solutions for any∈∈(0,).
ProofFor each∈>0,we define the function ζ∈:Π →by
From Lemma 3.7,we obtain
Consider the set
where the function h1was already introduced in the definition of the setthen,for allthe setis nonempty.
From the above considerations,we can use Lemma 3.7,Lemma 2.4(A3),equality(3.28),and Lemma 3.10 to obtain>0,such that for any∈∈(0,),the diagram
is well defined.In view of(3.28),for allwe can denote β∈(φ∈(y))=y+?(∈,y)for all y ∈ Π,where|?(∈,y)|<uniformly in y ∈ Π.Define H(t,y)=y+(1 ? t)?(∈,y).Thus,H:[0,1]× Π → Πδis continuous.Obviously,H(0,y)= β∈(φ∈(y)),H(1,y)=y for all y ∈ Π.That is,H(t,y)is a homotopy between β∈?φ∈=(β∈?r∈)?ζ∈and the inclusion map i:Π → Πδ.Therefore,
We can use Corollary 2.7 and Lemma 3.11,with c∈≤ c0+h1(∈)=c and K= ζ∈(Π),to conclude that Ψ∈has at least Catζ∈(Π)ζ∈(Π)critical points onCombining Proposition 2.5(d)with(3.29),we deduce that I∈has at least CatΠδ(Π)critical points in
In this section,our main purpose is to show that the solutions obtained in Theorem 3.12 are indeed solutions of the original problem().The idea is to prove u∈(x)< a for all x ∈for∈small enough by using the Moser iterative method[13].The following lemma plays a fundamental role in the study of behavior of the maximum points of the solutions and can be found in[5].
Lemma 4.1Letbe a solution of problem(Q∈,g)with∈n→0+.Then,I∈n(un)→ c0and un∈ L∞(RN).Moreover,for any given γ > 0,there exist R > 0 and n0∈N such that
ProofThis result can be proven by using,with suitable modifications,the same arguments of[5].
Proof of Theorem 1.1We fix a small δ> 0 such that Πδ? Λ.
ClaimThere is a>0 such that for any solution u∈of the auxilary problem(Q∈,g),there holds
We argue by contradiction that there is a subsequence∈n→0+,un∈such that=0 and
It is clear that I∈n(un)→ c0as in Lemma 4.1.By Proposition 3.8,we can get a sequence?RNsuch that→y0∈Π.
For n large and letting r> 0 such that B2r(y0)?Λ,we get
which contradicts(4.2)and completes the claim.
Set∈δ=min,and let∈∈(0,∈δ)be fixed.We conclude from Theorem 3.12 that the problem(Q∈,g)has CatΠδ(Π)nontrival solutions.From(4.1)and the definition of g,we obtain g∈(·,u)=f(u).Thus,any solution of the problem(Q∈,g)obtained in Theorem 3.12 is also a solution of the problem().It is clear thatis a solution of the original problem(Q∈).Then,(Q∈)has at least CatΠδ(Π)nontrivial solutions.
Let{un}? E∈nbe a sequence of solutions of the problem()with ∈n→ 0+.We now study the behavior of the maximum points of un.By(g1),there is a γ>0 such that
By Lemma 4.1,we obtain R>0 and()?RNsuch that
Up to a subsequence,we may also assume that
Indeed,if this is not the case,then,|un|L∞(RN)< γ,and therefore,it follows from=0 and(4.3)that
The above expression implies that ‖un‖∈n=0,which does not make sense,thus,(4.5)holds.
Let pn∈RNbe a maximum point of un,we conclude from(4.4)and(4.5)that pnbelongs toHence,for some qn∈BR(0).Sinceis a maximum point of.According to Proposition 3.8,we obtain
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Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)2018年2期