By Bo Ning & Liu Dongli
The concept of smart cities is now trending around the globe and is anticipated to be the way of life in the future. Since IBM launched its Smarter Planet initiative in 2008 which seeks to resolve problems faced by Mother Earth,such as population growth,environmental issues and energy use, through digitalized and smarter systems, nations have enthusiastically started building their smart cities.
Wuhan in China and Manchester in the UK are both industrial cities with long histories. They both play important roles in their own countries. And in making cities smart, they’ve made remarkable achievements.
Manchester has been a leader in the world arena, implementing smart city projects in various industries with manufacturing,energy, medical, and digital innovations. One such example is the City Verve project which is backed by the British government with an investment of 10 million pounds. The program aims to test better services for citizens using Internet of Things technologies.Its Smart Bus Stops (interactive bus stops) can update bus operators with data about their passengers, and the sensors installed along the bus routes will collect and send data to bus stops to help passengers manage their trips. The City Verve project also includes smart healthcare,lighting, air quality control and many other aspects.
In 2012, China released the first list of pilot cities for implementing smart city concepts, and Wuhan was among them. Today, in cloud computing infrastructure, Wuhan has built the first location source data center in China, which allows smart sensing, analyzing,serving, and decision-making for geospatial data. The Wuhan Supercomputing (Data) Center,currently under construction,will be capable of handling 10PB(10*1024 TB) of data at 1PF (1000 trillion times/second) at its initial stage. Through building cloud computing, supercomputing and other communication infrastructure, Wuhan is aiming to form an electronic information industry cluster.
Wuhan also launched Easy Transport, a smart transportation management system which has more than 40 functions, to centrally control traffic coordination and car administration, in order to relieve traffic congestions. On a larger scale,transportation management center can allocate resources to nearby congested areas in a timely manner based on real-time information;on a more personal level, drivers can find out real-time traffic data through the Easy Transport app to plan their driving routes to divert their courses away from or at least avoid aggregating congestions.
In recent years, the two cities have been making more and more frequent communications on smart cities construction. At the end of February 2018, Sir Richard Leese, Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester together with a delegation of 30 entrepreneurs,visited Hubei Province. At the Greater Manchester-Wuhan City Circle Cooperation Summit held on February 27, experts and scholars communicated in depth about how the two cities can collaborate and learn from each other in fields such assmart cities and health innovation.
交流會上,專家暢談智慧城市建設(shè) Panel discussion on smart cities at the summit
In smart healthcare,Manchester has its expertise in scientific research, while Wuhan’s experience in disease prevention and applying Internet technologies in healthcare is well praised.
For example, in dealing with the problem of an aging society, a shared concern for many countries, Manchester has adopted high technologies such as ThoughtWorks’ remote health monitoring system specially designed for senior people living alone. The system collects physical data such as heart rate,exercises, times of excretion,sleeping times, etc. from sensors placed on the body and around the house to calculate the risk of the person suffering from hypertension, heart diseases,and other maladies. The data allows the family of an elderly person to understand his/her health condition in order to intervene at an early stage.Meanwhile in Wuhan, experts have developed Health Wuhan app, and are building a city-wide big data platform, promoting e-health cards, and digitalizing family doctor and remote medical services, which can help patients find suitable doctors, allow doctors to share resources and experience, and educate people on health knowledge, so that both prevention and treatment of diseases can be achieved.
At the summit, Wuhan and Manchester signed the 2018 Communication and Collaboration Joint Action Plan.The two cities will deepen their collaborations in government cooperation, economy and trade,science and education, culture and tourism, as well as jointly apply for the China International Friendship Cities Award. The cities will provide each other with blue books on investment projects, promote the alumni economy by utilizing the two cities’ university resources, and bring Nobel winner scientists to visit Wuhan to lecture or run joint research projects in universities.
Manchester and Wuhan,historically significant cities in their own countries, are now hand-in-hand leading the smart city trend with the help of technologies and innovative concepts.
In the Economist Intelligence Unit’s list of the World’s Most Livable Cities in 2016,Manchester was the most livable city in the UK. In China Economy and Life Survey 2017-2018,Wuhan was voted the happiest city. The blueprints revealed in the information era by the sister cities with over 30 years’friendship are now demonstrating prospects of a much better living space for everyone.◆
There isn’t an internationally agreed definition for the vision and concept of a smart city.
According to the definition given by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US in 2013, smart cities “should be seen as systems of systems,and that there are emerging opportunities to introduce digital nervous systems,intelligent responsiveness,and optimization at every level of system integration.”
英國索爾福德大學(xué)建筑學(xué)院院長希沙姆·艾爾卡迪Professor Hisham Elkadi, Dean of the School of the Built Environment, University of Salford UK giving a speech at the summit
Nijkamp and his fellow scholars concluded, “A city may be called'smart' when investments in human and social capital and traditional (transport) and modern (ICT) communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic development and a high quality of life, with a wise management of natural resources,through participatory action and engagement.”
When being interviewed,Hisham Elkadi, Dean of the School of the Built Environment,University of Salford UK, gave an eco-centered definition of smart city which emphasizes that“Smart cities should be those who have the ability to vary their status or actions in response to varying situations and past experience;those that have self-organizing characteristics.”
He believes that a city is a part of the ecological system, and that it should mimick the nature.Building smart cities is like giving a brain to a city, to enable it to develop and improve on its own.
This view of learning from nature coincides with Chinese Daoist philosophies. Laozi said,“For I am abstracted from the world, the world from nature,nature from the way, and the way from what is beneath abstraction.” The universe is large while men are small. Essentially,men and nature are connected.Therefore, men should follow nature’s rules to achieve harmony and balance.