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2018-02-19 08:14:50毛毛
閱讀與作文(英語高中版) 2018年11期

It wasnt long after I opened my eyes that Master took me home. One minute, I was snuggled up with my brothers and sisters, and the next I was roughly pulled from our enclosure and held up in the air.

It took a while to accept my Master. This strange place was unfamiliar, with giant monuments of wood and leather, and a giant toilet that I quickly learned was not meant for my kind. The Master and her family walked across their giant toilet, played games on it, even napped on it. I had a small box of my own, and every day my deposits mysteriously disappeared, no matter how deep I buried them.

The Master and her family had strange voices, too. I only learned a few words of their tongue;“Whiskers” (which was me), “no,” “cat,” “come here,” and a handful of other phrases that I knew to be crucial for my interaction with them.

Every morning, I engaged in a helpful ritual to wake up Master. She never got up when the horrible box on her nightstand started screeching, so to try to get her to turn the damn thing off, Id slip into her bedroom and nuzzle her face. Sometimes, this would annoy her, but most times she would pull me in for a snuggle and rub my ears.

Masters husband loved me, too. He loved to help me hunt the elusive red dot and would even crawl on the floor with me when the menace would be on the carpet, the wall, or even my paws.

The third one, the only name I knew other than my own, was Kara. Kara was the Master and her husbands only kitten. While I respected and adored my Master, Kara was my favorite.

I was certain Kara knew me on a different level. I would test my theory. For instance, I would present myself while she was engaged in various tasks, and see how she reacted. She was never cruel, and often recognized that I was in dire need of some treats, attention, or love. The only time she displayed anger at me was when I had killed the white snake. I thought I had done her a favor, but apparently, that was wrong. The terrible sounds that came from her mouth, I never understood, but I did know to never do anything of the sort again.

As Kara grew taller and more magnificent, she seemed to be boundless with energy. Her time from home grew longer, too.

As I grew older, I marveled at Karas ability to be so spry. She and her kind were so flawless and never aged. With me, I felt like Id never be a kitten again. The first time I neglected to deposit my waste in the box, I was yelled at severely. But I couldnt help it. I just couldnt move fast enough.

Then, one day, Kara left. I waited patiently that night, but never saw her return.

Days went by. Perhaps months. I dont even know. I napped often in Karas room, hoping when I would wake up, she would be there…

One day, Master came to me as I laid on Karas bed. In Masters hand was the small box that everyone seemed to have permanently in their grip. She spoke into the box:“Kara!” My ears perked up. Master held the box to me.


“Kara!” I gasped. I could hear her voice, but I didnt see her. Where was she? I was so excited that I didnt realize I released my bladder until Master clucked her tongue unhappily and picked me up to clean me off.

The next morning, something was different. Master didnt make me my normal breakfast. I hadnt been eating much anyway. But she did bring me a piece of delicious fish from her own plate, and it was very good. I wanted to get onto my viewing post, but my joints hurt so bad. Master must have sensed this, and she picked me up to place me on the highest spot.

I napped there for a few hours, then woke up and found that we were in the White Mans place. Master was bringing me here more as I got older. How strange it was that none of them ever changed; nothing around me ever did, and only I had become different.

Master carried me to the back, and laid me down on the table.

“Whats wrong?” I asked, reaching a paw out to her.

Water leaked from her eyes and she reached out, taking my paw between her fingers. “Good cat, Whiskers,” I heard her say.

The White Man came in, with a pointy thing in his hands. He scratched my ears and my chin. Ahh, my favorite spots. He knew. They all knew. They all know so much about me. I only wish I had more time to learn more about them.

The White Man brought the point to my arm. Usually, it would hurt, but not today. As he squeezed the pointy thing, I suddenly felt very warm and—

“Where is he?”


“Where is Whiskers? Am I too late? The traffic from the university was horrible and I didnt think Id make it in time and please, oh god, I hope I made it in time—”

It was Kara. Kara was here!

The door of the room burst open, and Kara stood there with a red face that matched her hair. “Is he gone?” she blurted out.

The White Man shook his head. “I just gave him a calming sedative.”

“Kara…” I whispered weakly.

“Oh, Whiskers,” she cried. She ran over to me and placed her head on my side.

I lifted my head. It was so hard, I was so weak. All I could muster was a soft meow, and laid my paw on her hand. For some reason, this made her cry even more. I dont know why she was so sad. I lived a happy life. My only regret is that I would not live as long as her.

I felt another gentle poking on my arm. My vision started getting fuzzy, but I wasnt scared. I had Kara there with me.

My eyelids were so heavy, but I struggled to watch her. Soon, it was hard to keep them open at all.

“I love you, Whiskers,” Kara said.

“I love you, too,” I whispered back, and I closed my eyes.



































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