In March 2018 the Sichuan Tianyi Science and Technology Company won the bid on providing catalyst to the 600 kt/a methanol synthesis unit at the Anhui Huayi Chemical Co., Ltd. The second-generation catalyst XNC-98 for methanol synthesis has been successfully applied in more than 100 methanol synthesis units across China. It is learned that the service life of catalyst XNC-98 has been exceeding three years on most methanol units, among which the 400 kt/a methanol synthesis unit at the Shaanxi Weinan Coal Chemical Group has set an excellent record of producing 30 thousand tons of refined methanol on each m3of catalyst. The catalyst XNC-98 also has an advantage in terms of ethanol selectivity.Upon using the catalyst XNC-98 in several shell-andtube reactors, the ethanol content in raw methanol can be maintained at 200 ppm ― 500 ppm, and the rectification of raw methanol can yield the “AA” grade refined methanol. The catalyst XNC-98 can also demonstrate its good selectivity especially in the Casale type reactors,which are characteristic of high production load with higher temperature in spots of catalyst bed. Currently the Shanghai Huayi Chemical Company boasts four methanol units with a total capacity of 1.4 Mt/a. The Anhui Huayi Chemical Company, which has made an invitation for bid on the catalyst, has a total methanol production capacity of 600 kt/a with the methanol reactor equipped with the Casale IMC water cooled jackets, featuring high production load and high temperature spots in the catalyst bed.