曲 萍,趙永富,宋 婧,夏禮如
曲 萍,趙永富,宋 婧,夏禮如※
(江蘇省農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院,農(nóng)業(yè)設(shè)施與裝備研究所,農(nóng)業(yè)部長江中下游設(shè)施農(nóng)業(yè)工程重點實驗室,南京 210014)
針對機械化移栽過程中,基質(zhì)容易散落,造成根系損傷的問題,該研究采用了既具有粘合性又具有養(yǎng)分釋放功能的生物降解膠黏劑粘合基質(zhì)成塊。測定了水解蛋白改性脲醛樹脂的基本性能,基質(zhì)塊的孔隙度、EC值、pH值和抗壓強度的變化規(guī)律,以及基質(zhì)塊對黃瓜幼苗生長的影響。試驗結(jié)果表明,該改性脲醛樹脂的氮素釋放速率前期緩慢,后期較快,在第7周時養(yǎng)分釋放率可達48%。添加50%改性脲醛樹脂后,基質(zhì)塊的總孔隙度下降約8.4%,但還是能夠滿足黃瓜生長需要。然而添加改性脲醛樹脂后基質(zhì)塊的EC由2.51 mS/cm下降到1 mS/cm左右,pH值基本保持不變。改性脲醛樹脂在添加量50%時,抗壓強度為0.14 MPa以上,能夠滿足機械手抓取的要求,也能夠滿足幼苗根系生長的要求。同時,葉面積、鮮質(zhì)量、干質(zhì)量比普通基質(zhì)提高了89.86%、57.00%、79.2%。III-UF改性脲醛樹脂的養(yǎng)分釋放速率與黃瓜幼苗生長養(yǎng)分需求速率是一致的,該配方最有利于黃瓜幼苗的生長。添加膠黏劑后,每個顆苗只需增加0.0125元,從成本上看價格便宜,有利于推廣應(yīng)用。
曲 萍,趙永富,宋 婧,夏禮如. 改性脲醛樹脂粘合基質(zhì)塊性能及其對黃瓜幼苗生長的影響[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)報,2017,33(15):253-259. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.032 http://www.tcsae.org
Qu Ping, Zhao Yongfu, Song Jing, Xia Liru. Performance of substrate blocks glued by modified urea formaldehyde resins and its effect on cucumber seedlings[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 253-259. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.032 http://www.tcsae.org
為了解決機械化移栽過程中基質(zhì)散落傷根的問題,很多學(xué)者做了大量的研究。有人研究利用生物降解的育苗缽避免移栽過程的傷根問題,Nechita等采用了木質(zhì)的纖維、泥炭等制備了營養(yǎng)缽用于蔬菜的育苗[1],Prasanna Kumar等采用紙做育苗缽適用于機械化移栽[2],Qu等采用了秸稈和改性脲醛樹脂制備生物降解的育苗容器[3],也有人采用壓縮的基質(zhì)塊進行育苗,張鳳銀等研究了不同壓縮回彈的有機育苗基質(zhì)塊對辣椒幼苗生長的影響,基質(zhì)塊的出苗時間長,但更有利于幼苗生長[4],葛桂民采用有機基質(zhì)壓縮成型并進行育苗技術(shù)的研究,發(fā)現(xiàn)復(fù)配后的基質(zhì)塊更有利于扦插和播種的幼苗后期的生長[5]。公開號為CN101781155A的專利文獻公開了一種養(yǎng)分緩釋型蔬菜育苗基質(zhì)塊,采用草炭、蛭石、珍珠巖、蘑菇渣、碎秸稈、包膜控釋氮肥、包膜控釋復(fù)合肥制得了養(yǎng)分緩釋型育苗基質(zhì)塊,基質(zhì)的養(yǎng)分由聚合物包膜控釋肥提供,養(yǎng)分含量較普通基質(zhì)提高10倍以上,實現(xiàn)苗期至生育前期不用追加肥料[6]。公開號為CN104761380A的專利公開了一種適用于水稻育苗基質(zhì)塊,將作物秸稈、營養(yǎng)劑、膨脹劑等采用熱壓成型,基質(zhì)塊培育的幼苗生長情況略差于普通基質(zhì)[7]。袁巧霞等為優(yōu)化蔬菜育苗成型基質(zhì)的配方,提高成型基質(zhì)蔬菜育苗效果,分別以牛糞好氧堆肥腐熟料和牛糞蚯蚓堆肥腐熟料為主料,草炭為輔料,吸水樹脂為膨脹劑,木醋液為調(diào)節(jié)劑,黃瓜為指示植物,研究不同配方對成型基質(zhì)塊成型及育苗效果的影響,基質(zhì)塊的存活率和莖粗株高不及牛糞蚯蚓堆肥腐熟料[8]。采用育苗缽育苗,缽體的降解周期難控制,基質(zhì)塊一般都需要壓縮成型,而且利用土坨育苗,由粘性較大的土壤壓制而成,其通透性差,成活率低,在澆水以及移栽過程中容易破碎傷根。目前,采用既具有粘合性又具有養(yǎng)分釋放功能的生物降解膠黏劑來輔助基質(zhì)成塊的研究尚未見報道。
1.2.1 改性脲醛樹脂的制備
在三口燒瓶中加入水解蛋白、尿素和甲醛,用氫氧化鉀溶液調(diào)節(jié)pH值為7.8,升溫至50 ℃后停止加熱,當溫度不再繼續(xù)上升時,再升溫至90 ℃,保溫半小時。用磷酸溶液調(diào)節(jié)pH值至4.5~5,到霧點后,再用氫氧化鉀溶液調(diào)pH值至7.5;加入剩余尿素,降溫至75℃,保溫半小時后降溫放料。其中甲醛與當量尿素的摩爾比為1.2∶1,水解蛋白替代尿素的摩爾數(shù)分別為2%、4%、6%、8%,分別用I-UF、II-UF、III-UF、IV-UF表示。
1.2.2 基質(zhì)塊的制備
將無養(yǎng)分添加的基質(zhì)與改性脲醛樹脂進行混合,其中改性脲醛樹脂添加量為基質(zhì)質(zhì)量的50%。將混合后的材料放入穴盤中,在60℃的烘箱中烘干4 h成型,即獲得所述具有養(yǎng)分控釋功能的育苗基質(zhì)塊。基質(zhì)塊初始含水率約為31%,終態(tài)含水率約為4%。I-UF,II-UF,III-UF,IV-UF與基質(zhì)混合制得的基質(zhì)塊分別用T1、T2、T3、T4表示。當III-UF添加量為基質(zhì)的0、40%、50%、60%、70%時制備的基質(zhì)塊分別用T5、T6、T7、T8和T9表示。
1.2.3 孔隙度的測定
取基質(zhì)塊,浸泡在水中24 h 后稱質(zhì)量W1,將水分自由瀝干24 h 后稱質(zhì)量W2,最后將基質(zhì)放入烘箱內(nèi)烘至質(zhì)量恒定后稱質(zhì)量W3,按以下公式計算:
式中W1為浸泡24 h后質(zhì)量,g;W2為控水24 h后質(zhì)量,g;W3為烘干后質(zhì)量,g;V為體積,mL。
1.2.4 播種及苗期管理
圖1 溫室內(nèi)環(huán)境Fig.1 Environment in greenhouse
1.2.5 幼苗綜合指標的測定
幼苗生長30 d時進行測定,形態(tài)指標:用直尺(0.1 mm)測量從生長點到基質(zhì)表面之間的距離為株高;用游標卡尺(0.01 mm)測量幼苗子葉節(jié)下1 cm處為幼苗莖粗;在莖基部將幼苗地上部分和根系分開,用水洗凈,吸水紙吸干水分,置于烘箱內(nèi)105 ℃殺青15 min,80 ℃烘干至恒質(zhì)量,該質(zhì)量為干質(zhì)量;壯苗指數(shù)=(徑粗/株高)×全株干質(zhì)量;葉綠素的測定采用CCM-200 PLUS葉綠素測定儀(美國OPTI-sciences)。
1.2.6 基質(zhì)塊的基本性能
pH值和EC值的測定:將基質(zhì)塊粉碎后,用去離子水潤濕(含水率50%~60%)平衡24小時后稱取10 g樣品于100 mL燒杯中,加入50 mL去離子水,在180 r/min下振蕩40 min,靜置24 h過濾后,采用德國Lovibond SensoDirect 150測定儀測定pH值和EC值。抗壓強度的測定:樣品基質(zhì)塊直接在5 cm×5 cm×5 cm的立方體容器中成型。采用萬能力學(xué)試驗機(HY-0580,上海衡翼精密儀器有限公司)測定立方體的抗壓強度。
1.2.7 氮素釋放
用PVC管封底做成淋洗柱,以石英砂為淋洗介質(zhì),基質(zhì)塊添加量按氮與石英砂質(zhì)量比為3∶1000添加;同時以未加樣品的處理為空白,設(shè)3個重復(fù)的處理。每隔7 d取出土柱淋洗,淋洗液消煮后,用凱氏定氮儀測定總氮含量。
1.2.8 數(shù)據(jù)分析
使用Excel20l0和SPSS19.0軟件進行數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計分析,使用最小顯著差異法(least significant difference, LSD)檢驗進行多重比較。
表1 改性脲醛樹脂的基本性能Table 1 Basic performance of modified urea formaldehyde
圖2 改性脲醛樹脂中的氮素釋放速率Fig.2 Nitrogen release rate of modified urea formaldeh yde
電導(dǎo)率是基質(zhì)浸提液中可溶性鹽濃度指標,反映基質(zhì)當中可溶性養(yǎng)分總量,電導(dǎo)率過高則構(gòu)成滲透逆境,會導(dǎo)致植物鹽害,須通過淋洗降低鹽分,電導(dǎo)率過低則營養(yǎng)不足以維持植物正常生長[18-19]。有研究認為作物生長安全電導(dǎo)率范圍為750~2 600 μS/cm[20]。從表2中可以看出,普通基質(zhì)的EC值為2.51 mS/cm,而添加改性脲醛樹脂后基質(zhì)塊的EC值明顯降低至1 mS/cm左右,原因是改性脲醛樹脂在基質(zhì)顆粒表面形成了一層包覆膜,阻礙了部分離子溶解到水中,從而使得基質(zhì)塊的EC值偏低。而隨著蛋白水解物替代尿素的摩爾數(shù)的增大,EC值有增大的趨勢,一方面原因是替代率越大,改性脲醛樹脂的固含量越多,基質(zhì)顆粒的包覆率越低,另外一個原因可能是蛋白水解物越多,其固化后的改性脲醛樹脂的分子鏈結(jié)構(gòu)越疏松,部分離子能夠穿過包覆膜到水溶液中。從表中可以看出,改性脲醛樹脂粘合基質(zhì)成塊的pH值與普通基質(zhì)差異不顯著。
表2 不同改性脲醛樹脂粘合基質(zhì)塊的孔隙度Table 2 Porosity of substrate block bonded with different kind of modified urea formaldehyde
機械化移栽的核心部件是機械手,是直接與苗坨接觸的工作部件,夾持指在夾持的過程中,基質(zhì)塊的抗壓強度是一個重要的指標[21-24]?;|(zhì)塊的強度直接決定穴苗損傷率和苗坨破碎率。傳統(tǒng)的基質(zhì)中,抗壓強度與各成分間接觸的緊密程度、基質(zhì)配方、填充量、根系、水分密切相關(guān)[25]。測定結(jié)果顯示(圖3)在添加不同質(zhì)量百分比的改性脲醛樹脂后,隨著改性脲醛樹脂添加比例的增大,基質(zhì)塊的抗壓強度也隨著增大,并且在添加同樣含量的改性脲醛樹脂時,隨著水解蛋白替代尿素的增大,基質(zhì)塊的抗壓強度越小,其原因是替代率越大,改性脲醛樹脂的固含量越低,有效膠合的分子越少,從而使得基質(zhì)塊強度變小。然而添加量越大,基質(zhì)塊孔隙度顯著下降,不利于作物根系的生長。綜合考慮諸因素,改性脲醛樹脂在添加量50%時,抗壓強度為0.14 MPa以上,能夠滿足機械手抓取的要求,也能夠滿足幼苗根系生長對孔隙度的要求。
圖3 不同改性脲醛樹脂粘合基質(zhì)塊的抗壓強度Fig.3 Compressive strength of substrate block bonded with different kind of modified urea formaldehyde resins
圖4 一葉一心的黃瓜幼苗Fig.4 Cucumber seedlings with one leaf
表3 不同基質(zhì)塊培育的黃瓜幼苗生長狀況Table 3 Growth conditions of cucumber seedlings in different substrate block
表4 不同膠黏劑(III-UF)添加量的黃瓜幼苗生長狀況Table 4 Growth conditions of cucumber seedlings with different resins (III-UF) content
自主研發(fā)改性脲醛樹脂2 300元/t。以72孔穴盤為例,改性脲醛樹脂添加量為50%時,每個穴盤所需膠黏劑的成本為0.9元,每個孔所需的膠黏劑成本為0.012 5元。此外,該脲醛樹脂屬于生物降解材料,該改性膠黏劑在具備粘合功能的同時,能夠緩慢釋放養(yǎng)分,在苗期無需施用水溶肥,減少了苗期施用肥料的成本。而且,在定植后也能繼續(xù)為植株提供養(yǎng)分。該膠黏劑主要成分為氮磷鉀,不會對作物和土壤造成二次污染,并且該膠黏劑的合成所需的設(shè)備與木材工業(yè)中所用的膠黏劑基本一致,無論設(shè)備還是工藝都很成熟,因此有良好的應(yīng)用前景。
本文中合成了一種適宜于粘合基質(zhì)成塊的改性脲醛樹脂,該改性脲醛樹脂的養(yǎng)分釋放速率可以由水解蛋白進行調(diào)控,水解蛋白添加量越多,養(yǎng)分釋放速率越快。添加改性脲醛樹脂后,基質(zhì)塊的EC值有所降低,pH值基本保持不變。基質(zhì)塊的持水孔隙度和通氣孔隙度有所下降,但從幼苗的綜合指標看,還是能夠滿足黃瓜幼苗的生長需要。III-UF改性脲醛樹脂在添加50%時,抗壓強度為0.14 MPa以上,能夠滿足機械手抓取的要求,且鮮質(zhì)量干質(zhì)量養(yǎng)分釋放速率與黃瓜幼苗生長養(yǎng)分需求速率基本一致,適宜黃瓜幼苗的生長。該基質(zhì)塊免除了常規(guī)育苗后期需要施肥的問題,并且基質(zhì)塊有一定的強度,解決了機械無損抓取的難題。重要的是,該改性脲醛樹脂價格適中,在農(nóng)業(yè)中有良好的應(yīng)用前景。
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Performance of substrate blocks glued by modified urea formaldehyde resins and its effect on cucumber seedlings
Qu Ping, Zhao Yongfu, Song Jing, Xia Liru※
(Key Laboratory of Agricultural Engineering in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze river, Institute of Agricultural Facilities and Equipment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science, Nanjing 210014, China)
In order to solve the problem of scattering substrates and the damaged root during the process of mechanized transplanting, the hydrolyzed soy protein modified urea formaldehyde resins were applied to glue the substrates together. The properties of modified resins, such as pH value, viscosity, solid content, density, curing time, and free formaldehyde, were characterized. The nutrient release rate of modified urea formaldehyde resins was characterized. The aeration porosity, water-holding porosity, EC, pH value, and compressive strength of the substrate blocks were also tested; the effect of the substrate block on the cucumber seedling was measured. The results show that the hydrolyzed soy protein modified urea formaldehyde resins can meet requirements of gluing the substrates together. The viscosity and curing time increase obviously. And, the solid content and free formaldehyde decrease a little. The reason is that the viscosity of hydrolyzed soy protein is higher than urea formaldehyde resins, and the solid content is lower than urea formaldehyde resins. The active groups in modified urea formaldehyde resins are fewer than unmodified urea formaldehyde resins. In addition, the space barrier from the soy protein causes the increased curing time, because the hydroxymethyl groups formed from active amino groups of hydrolyzed soy protein and formaldehyde are more stable than that formed from urea and formaldehyde. The nutrient release rate is an important indicator of the substrate block. Soil column leaching method was applied to characterize the nitrogen release rate. The nitrogen release rate in the first 3 weeks is slower. Then the nitrogen release rate is improved in the later time, and the release rate can reach 48% in the 7thweek. The reason is the specific surface area increases as the time goes on. The aeration porosity, water-holding porosity, and total porosity of the substrate blocks are decreased by 6.6%, 9.0%, and 8.4% compared with the traditional substrate. The reason is that the porosity and the hydrophilic groups of the substrate are covered by modified urea formaldehyde resins. However, the porosity can meet the growth requirement of the cucumber seedling when the modified urea formaldehyde resins are added in the substrates in the proportion of 1:2. The EC of substrate block decreases from 2.5 to 1 mS/cm. The pH value of the substrate block remains unchanged. The compress strength of the substrate block is above 0.14 MPa, which can meet the requirement of grabbing of manipulator during the transplanting process. When the modified urea formaldehyde is added, the height, stem diameter, root length are improved by 27.81%, 15.40%, and 18.10%, respectively. And the leaf area, fresh and dry weight are improved by 89.86%, 57.00%, and 79.2%, respectively. In addition, the substrate blocks with 50% resins are suitable for the root growth of cucumber seedlings. III-H-UF is the best resins that the nutrient release rate is in accordance with the nutrient requirement characteristics of the cucumber seedlings. The formula of the substrate blocks is suitable for the cucumber seedlings growth. Every seedling tray increases by 0.9 yuan when blended with modified urea formaldehyde resins. And every seedling increases by 0.0125 yuan for seedling tray with 72 holes.
substrates; mechanization; physichemical properties; hydrolyzed soy protein; modified urea formaldehyde; substrate block; grow seedlings; cucumber
S216; X71
曲萍,博士,副研究員,主要從事農(nóng)用生物降解材料的研究。南京 江蘇省農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院,農(nóng)業(yè)設(shè)施與裝備研究所,農(nóng)業(yè)部長江中下游設(shè)施農(nóng)業(yè)工程重點實驗室,210014。Email:qupinghappy@163.com
※通信作者:夏禮如,碩士,研究員,主要從事設(shè)施農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)與裝備的研究。南京 江蘇省農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院,農(nóng)業(yè)設(shè)施與裝備研究所,農(nóng)業(yè)部長江中下游設(shè)施農(nóng)業(yè)工程重點實驗室,210014。Email:liruxiajaas@126.com