When people first hear that I was home-schooled, they think I'm not a fully developed, social individual. What they picture is a modern Little House on the Prairie, where a bunch of siblings all learn in a one-room log cabin1), isolated from other kids.
My new friends at Harvest Collegiate High School were fascinated about my past education. If I thought talking to strangers who didn't understand home schooling was tedious2), it was nothing compared to my first few weeks at a public high school. I didn't realize how much of an alien concept it was to them.
"Did you actually do work?"
"I wish I could be a home-schooler; it must be nice to be able to sleep all day."
"Don't you lack social skills?"
"Why'd you decide to go to a normal school?"
I tried to answer some of my classmates' questions with my family's story. When my oldest sister was ready for kindergarten, my parents visited different schools. At the time, they were friends with a family that home-schooled and my parents were impressed that the children were articulate3), excited to learn, and interacted well with adults. My parents decided to give home schooling a try because my mom didn't work and could commit to being our first teacher.
When we were little, my mom strived to make schoolwork fun. We would go on apple-picking trips in the fall, or color while she read us historical fiction. My sister went through a phase where she was obsessed with birds of prey, so we studied different kinds of birds for a bit. As we got older, my mom taught us most of the time, but we also joined other home school classes around the city that collectively hired professional teachers.
It was fun to have my mom and sisters with me every day. I never knew any different, so it seemed normal.
Despite the implications4) of the term, home-schoolers do not stay home all day.
For me, a typical day in 8th grade began with waking up around 8 a.m. and doing a math lesson, or reading a book from my history curriculum. At 11 a.m., I'd head to my friend's house on the Upper West Side for a science class. Jessie, the science teacher who was hired by the parents of the seven girls in the class, brought whatever equipment we needed for that day. We did labs, watched documentaries5), and some days we read from a textbook and had discussions. The class was two hours, once a week. After that I ate lunch and then went to play rehearsal directed by one of my friends. This was in a space on 57th Street rented by a home schooling organization called Different Directions that we had befriended.
Generally, when a class is taught in someone's home, it is in the living room, or at the dining room table. The subject can be inspired by anything: a textbook curriculum, a TV show, something found in nature, or a student observation about the world. We often play games to demonstrate something we are learning about, or to help us learn vocabulary words. Rarely does the teacher just lecture; the students are usually involved.
I take tests, get grades, and occasionally get homework, but I don't get report cards. Despite the flexibility, homeschoolers can't just study one subject, or not study those we don't like. In New York State, we have to fulfill requirements given to parents by the Department of Education.
Last year, I decided I wanted to attend public high school because most of my home school friends were switching. Also, I have two older sisters who decided to go to public high school where they had more opportunities than home schooling could provide. For example, my 19-year-old sister Casey went to a high school that had an internship program, and she was able to intern at a hospital. She liked it so much that she is now studying nursing at the University of Pennsylvania.
After I switched, I realized there are pros and cons to home schooling. I liked that I could eat and do work at the same time, I got to sleep until 8 a.m., and I got to hang out with my mom more than if I was in public school.
I liked that I could take as much or as little time for each subject as I needed. Not having that choice is a problem some public students complain about. Either they say they're bored because the class moves too slowly or they fall behind and can't catch up.
Having a flexible schedule was also a plus. For instance, I discovered early on6) that I need to do math first thing in the morning; later on I become too drained7) to focus. (I don't like math.) In high school I don't have the ability to change my schedule to suit my learning strengths and weaknesses. I also don't like that I have to be in one building all day.
In high school, the pace of the school year is much more structured and if you fall behind, there are consequences. I discovered that's actually a good thing for me. Because you can go at your own pace in home school, there was more than one year where I would reach the beginning of June and realize that I still had a lot of work to do. One year, I still had 30 math lessons to complete. For the next several weeks, I was finishing this up every night and on weekends. Although I was determined not to make the same mistake the next year, I did. The high school structure helps me time-manage my workload better.
Still, it's hard to say whether I like home schooling or public school more. They are simply different experiences. If home schooling is fishing for8) knowledge, public school is like being handed it, fully cooked and well-seasoned.
For example, one year I was reading a historical fiction series about WWII, and it really sparked my interest. Over the next couple months, as I read the books, I used much of my spare school time to research the historical figures and significant events I was reading about.
But public school exposes you to things you might not have chosen for yourself. In my freshman year, I was required to take a class called Looking for an Argument, which taught us how to look at sources, form an argument, write an essay, and debate. Every week we were given a different controversial topic, such as stop and frisk9), or if buying expensive things makes you happy. I liked it a lot, yet I probably wouldn't have taken it if I'd had the option.
I think I add to the diversity of my high school as being one of the only home-schooled kids. Now, my classmates who used to think that all home-schoolers were socially awkward realize that, in fact, we're not all that weird.