Mouse looks out from his hole and says:“It is cold.”Bear says:“Yes,winter is coming.”小老鼠從洞里探出頭來說:“真冷啊。”熊寶寶告訴他:“對啊,冬天來了?!?/p>
Bear looks at the calendar and says:“Time for bed!I'm so tired.I will sleep all winter long.”“But Bear,”Mouse cries,“you will miss winter!”
Bear rubs his eyes and says:“I am so sleepy.I don't care.”Mouse says:“You will miss ice skating on the lake.”
Bear pulls the curtains and says:“I don't care.”“You will miss snowmen with carrot noses!”cries Mouse.
Bear says:“I don't care.”Mouse says:“I will miss you.”Bear gives Mouse a hug and says:“I will miss you very much.But my little friend,a bear needs to sleep all winter long.”
Mouse tucks Bear into bed and says:“Good night,Bear.Sleep tight.I'll wake you up in spring when flowers bloom and birds sing.”小老鼠為熊寶寶蓋好被子說:“晚安,小熊。睡個好覺。到了花兒綻放、鳥兒歌唱的春天,我會叫你起床的?!?/p>