Soapy is my rabbit. When people first touch him, they are surprised at how soft his fur is. I have noticed that he seems to make everyone who meets him a little softer, too.
One day, Soapy and I visited a shelter for women who had been abused1 by their husbands. None of the women or their children smiled at me, and they appeared uninterested in Soapys cage. One little girl didnt even raise her eyes. Workers at the shelter told me that she had been there for over a month and had not spoken for the entire time. Nothing they had tried took effect.
Spreading a blanket2 on the floor, I opened Soapys cage and told the group that Soapy would come to talk to them if they sat on the blanket. Several of the children did this, including the silent girl. In a short time, Soapy appeared and slowly hopped3 from one child to another. After touching Soapy, the children sighed softly or smiled. Soapy continued hopping, and the children and their mothers gradually4 began to talk about Soapy.
Finally, Soapy hopped towards the silent girl. She sat tensely5, just staring. Soapy stopped before her and quietly laid his chin6 on her knee. I was surprised, because Soapy hardly ever did that. The girl slowly leaned7 towards him. When her face was within inches8 of his, she carefully reached out, circled him with her arms, and whispered to him softly. When she released9 her hug, I saw a smile on her face.
Soapy, in his cloud of soft, warm fur had touched something deep in the child, something that had died from too much hard experience. His innocence10 and trust appeared to make those same qualities start to grow in her. Many times, I have seen how a lovely animal can heal where words have no effect. It seems that the language of the heart is simple after all.