機器人定位; 視覺里程計; 特征提純; 機器視覺; SURF; RANSAC
中圖分類號: TP242
文獻標志碼: A
Monocular visual odometry with RANSACbased outlier rejection
SUN Zuolei1, HUANG Jiaming1, ZHANG Bo2
(1. Information Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China;
2. Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201210, China)
In order to enhance the algorithm performance of the monocular visual odometry, the visual feature extraction and the mismatched feature rejection are studied. The SURF descriptor is employed to extract features of monocular images and match features in the adjacent image sequence. The fundamental matrix and essential matrix are derived using the normalized eightpoint method. The 3D coordinates of matching points are calculated with the triangulation, and then the camera translation and rotation between two frames of images are estimated based on 2D2D model. As a result, the system of monocular visual odometry is constructed. To improve the algorithm performance, RANSAC algorithm is adopted to reject the feature mismatching in the first calculation, and the camera translation scale is achieved by the ground data. The experiment result demonstrates that RANSAC algorithm can effectively eliminate feature mismatching and reduce the cumulative error of the monocular visual odometry.
Key words:
robot localization; visual odometry; feature refining; computer vision; SURF; RANSAC
收稿日期: 20151208修回日期: 20160324
基金項目: 國家自然科學基金(61105097, 51279098, 61401270);上海市教育委員會科研創(chuàng)新項目(13YZ081)
孫作雷(1982—),男,山東棗莊人,副教授,博士,研究方向為移動機器人導航和機器學習, (Email)szl@mpig.com.cn
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