(西南民族大學(xué)藥學(xué)院,四川 成都 610041)
(西南民族大學(xué)藥學(xué)院,四川 成都 610041)
目的綜合報道獅耳花在植物學(xué),藥理學(xué),植物化學(xué),生物活性,毒理學(xué)及其商業(yè)方面的研究.方法對1900年~2015年的文獻(xiàn)進(jìn)行廣泛查閱,包括電子數(shù)據(jù)庫Scopus,SciFinder,Pubmed,Google Scholar中的摘要,全文文章和相關(guān)書籍.結(jié)果獅耳花中主要含萜類化合物,尤其是半日花烷型二萜類.還有很多化學(xué)成分被認(rèn)為并非來自獅耳花,比如,具有輕度神經(jīng)興奮性的益母草堿,從未出現(xiàn)在獅耳花提取物中.結(jié)論盡管對獅耳花的研究和應(yīng)用已有很多報道,但是仍需要對該植物中的未知成分進(jìn)行深入研究,尤其對有神經(jīng)性作用的相關(guān)成分進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)分離和鑒定,具有重要的學(xué)術(shù)價值.
獅耳花Leonotis leonurus(L.)R.Br.系唇形科獅耳花屬常綠灌木,淺棕色方莖,全株密被柔毛,幼株莖纖細(xì),灰綠色.單葉對生,葉片紙質(zhì)或亞革質(zhì),通常鐮狀橢圓形,有時為長圓狀披針形或倒披針形,具粗鋸齒,表面綠色,背面淡綠色,氣味刺鼻,花叢生于莖上部葉腋處,長40至70毫米,花序柄圓柱形,花萼12到16毫米長,直徑4毫米,筒狀花冠40至49毫米長,橙色并且覆蓋橙色毛[1-2].
圖1 獅耳花Fig.1 Leonotis leonurus
2.1 人類疾病治療
2.2 傳統(tǒng)獸藥應(yīng)用
2.3 娛樂性使用
表1 獅耳草的民間應(yīng)用Table 1 Traditional uses,preparation and mode of administration of Leonotis leonurus
圖2 獅耳花半日花烷型二萜類化合物基本結(jié)構(gòu)Fig.2 General structure of labdane diterpene
表2 獅耳花半日花烷型二萜類化合物Table 2 Labdane diterpenoids from Leonotis leonurus
表3 獅耳花中的雜環(huán)化合物(除二萜類化合物)Table 3 Miscellaneous compounds,other than diterpenes,from Leonotis leonurus
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Progress in pharmacieticul research of Leonotis leonurus
WANG Xiao-ling,YUAN lv-yi
(School of Pharmacy,Southwest University for Nationalities,Chengdu 610041,P.R.C.)
Objective To summarize the botanical aspects,ethnopharmacology,phytochemistry,biological activity,toxicity and commercial aspects of L.leonurus.Methods An extensive review of the literature from 1900 to 2015 was carried out.Electronic databases including Scopus,Sci Finder,Pubmed,Google Scholar were used as data sources.All abstracts,full-text articles and books written in English were considered.Result L.leonurus contains mainly terpenoids,particularly labdane diterpenes.Other compounds reported by some authors have been isolated from the plant,including the mildly psychoactive alkaloid.Leonurine has however,never been reported in the extracts of L.leonurus.Conclusion Despite the publication of various papers on L.leonurus,there is still demand for definitive research and clarification of other compounds.Research has proven the psychoactive effects of the crude extract of L.leonurus,but confirmation of the presence of psychoactive compounds,as well as isolation and characterization,is still required.
Leonotis Leonurus;labdane diterpenes;pharmacological activities