何 莉, 曹廣福
(廣州大學(xué) 數(shù)學(xué)與信息科學(xué)學(xué)院, 廣東 廣州 510006)
何莉, 曹廣福
(廣州大學(xué) 數(shù)學(xué)與信息科學(xué)學(xué)院, 廣東 廣州510006)
Bergman-Sobolev空間; Toeplitz算子; 本性范數(shù)
Denote by R the real number set, N the natural number set and N*the positive integer set.
Forβ∈R and 1≤p<+∞, the Sobolev space Lβ,pis the completion of all functionsf∈() for which
Forp=2, the space Lβ,2is a Hilbert space with the inner product
Here,L2denotes the usual Lebesgue spaceL2(,dA) and the notation·,·L2denotes the standard inner product inL2.
Whenp=+∞, the corresponding Sobolev space is written as
with ‖f‖Lβ,∞=‖βf‖L∞+‖f‖L∞.SinceeachfunctioninLβ,∞can be extended to a continuous function on the closed unit disc} by Sobolev’s embedding theorem (see Theorem 5.4 of Ref.[1]), we will use the same notation between a function in Lβ,∞and its continuous extension onin this paper.
In this paper, we calculate the essential norm of Toeplitz operators on Bergman-Sobolev space with positive integer derivative in terms of the boundary value of the corresponding symbol.
Lemma 1For eachλ∈
Proof. See Proposition 3.2 of the paper given in footnote*HE L, CAO G F. Toeplitz operators on Bergman-Sobolev space with positive integer derivative[J]. Sci China Math Ser A, 2016, preprint..
Proof. See Lemma 3.3 of the paper given in footnote①.
Proof. See Lemma 3.4 of the paper given in footnote①.
Lemma 4Letu,v∈Lβ,∞andζ∈. Then, limλ→ζ).
Proof. See Lemma 3.5 of the paper given in footnote①.
Theorem 1Letu∈Lβ,∞,β∈N*. Then, ‖Tu‖e=maxζ∈}|u(ζ)|.
Proof. Setρ=maxζ∈|u(ζ)| for simplicity. Choose some pointη∈so thatu(η)=ρ. For anyK∈,
byLemma4withv=1, this indicates ‖Tu‖e≥maxζ∈|u(ζ)|.
②LEE Y J. Compact sums of Toeplitz products and Toeplitz algebra on the Dirichlet space[J]. Tohoku Math J, preprint,2016.
for everyj>j0.
Moreover, sinceuis continuous on, we can choose somer∈(0,1) such that |u(z)|≤ρ+εfor everyr<|z|<1.
asj→∞. Since
for eachj∈N*, it is not difficult to get that
for everyj>jβ. Notice that
for eachj∈N*, where
asj→∞, we have
Direct calculation follows that
by Minkowski inequality. Since
by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, where
is a positive number, there exists an integerj*≥0 such that
whenj>j*because ‖kfj‖A2→0 for each integer 0≤k≤β-1 asj→∞ by Lemma 3. Furthermore, for everyj>jβ,
Then, by combining the inequalities (1), (2) and (3), we have
asj>max{jβ,j*}. This implies that
The main result is the calculation of the essential norm of the Toeplitz operators in terms of the boundary value of their corresponding symbols. That is
Theorem 2Letu∈Lβ,∞,β∈N*. Then,
AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank professor YOUNG J L in Korea for helpful discussions.
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【責(zé)任編輯: 周全】
date: 2016-01-05;Revised date: 2016-04-18
s: National Natural Science Foundation of China (11501136); The key discipline construction project of subject groups focus on Mathematics and information science in the construction project of the high-level university of Guangdong Province (4601-2015); Guangzhou University (HL02-1517) and (HL02-2001)
Essential norm of Toeplitz operators on Bergman-Sobolev space
HE Li, CAO Guang-fu
(School of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China)
In this paper, we study some properties of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman-Sobolev space. Mainly, we calculate the essential norm of these operators in terms of the boundary value of their corresponding symbols.
Bergman-Sobolev space; Toeplitz operator; essential norm
O 177.1Document code: A
1671- 4229(2016)04-0018-04
O 177.1
Biography: HE Li(1986-), female, Doctor of science. E-mail: helichangsha1986@163.com.