Department of Mechanics and Mathematics,Tbilisi State University,Chavchavadze str.1,Tbilisi 0128,Georgia
K′aroly NAGY
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,College of Ny′iregyh′aza,S′ost′oi str.31/B,4400 Ny′iregyh′aza,Hungary
Department of Mechanics and Mathematics,Tbilisi State University,Chavchavadze str.1,Tbilisi 0128,Georgia
K′aroly NAGY
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,College of Ny′iregyh′aza,S′ost′oi str.31/B,4400 Ny′iregyh′aza,Hungary
The main aim of this article is to prove that the maximal operator σκ?of the Marcinkiewicz-Fej′er means of the two-dimensional Fourier series with respect to Walsh-Kaczmarz system is bounded from the Hardy space H2/3to the space weak-L2/3.
Walsh-Kaczmarz system,Marcinkiewicz-Fej′er means,Maximal operator,a.e. convergence,weak type inequality
2010 MR Subject Classification42C10
For the two-dimensional Walsh-Fourier series,Weisz[1]proved that the maximal operator
is bounded from the two-dimensional dyadic martingale Hardy space Hpto the space Lpfor p>2/3.The d-dimensional version of this result was reached in[2].In[3]the author proved that in theorem of Weisz the assumption p>2/3 is essential;in particular it was showed that the maximal operator σw?is not bounded from the Hardy space H2/3to the space L2/3. On the other hand,it is proved that in the endpoint case p=2/3,the maximal operator of the Marcinkiewicz-Fej′er means of the double Walsh-Fourier series is bounded from the dyadic Hardy space H2/3to the space weak-L2/3[4].
In 2006,the almost everywhere convergence of the Marcinkiewicz-Fej′er means of twodimensional Walsh-Kaczmarz-Fourier series was showed[15].Moreover,the second author discussed the properties of the maximal operator,that is,the maximal operator is of weak type(1,1)and of type(p,p)for all 1<p≤∞.In[16,17],it was proven that the maximal operatoris bounded from the dyadic Hardy-Lorentz space Hpinto Lpspace for every p>2/3. We also proved that the assumption p>2/3 is essential[18];in particular,we showed that the maximal operatoris not bounded from the Hardy space H2/3to the space L2/3.
In this article,we generalize the results of[15-17]for maximal operatorand prove that the maximal operatorof the Marcinkiewicz-Fej′er means with respect to the Walsh-Kaczmarz system is bounded from the Hardy space H2/3to the space weak-L2/3.
Let P denote the set of positive integers,N:=P∪{0}.Denote Z2the discrete cyclic group of order 2,that is Z2={0,1},where the group operation is the modulo 2 addition and every subset is open.The Haar measure on Z2is given such that the measure of a singleton is 1/2.Let K be the complete direct product of the countable infinite copies of the compact groups Z2.The elements of K are of the form x=(x0,x1,···,xk,···)with coordinates xk∈{0,1}(k∈N). The group operation on K is the coordinate-wise addition,and the measure(denoted byμ)and the topology are the product measure and topology.The compact Abelian group K is called the Walsh group.A base for the neighbourhoods of K can be given in the following way[5,19]:
These sets are called dyadic intervals.Let 0=(0:i∈N)∈K denote the null element of K,In:=In(0)(n∈N).Set en:=(0,···,0,1,0,···)∈K,the nth coordinate of which is 1and the rest are zeros(n∈N).
For k∈N and x∈K,denote the kth Rademacher function.can be written,where ni∈{0,1}(i∈N),that is,n is expressed in the number system of base 2.Denote|n|:=max{j∈N:nj6=0},that is 2|n|≤n<2|n|+1.
The Walsh-Paley system is defined as the sequence of Walsh-Paley functions:
The Walsh-Kaczmarz functions are defined by κ0:=1 and for n≥1,
For A∈N,define the transformation τA:K→K by
By the definition of τA(see[9]),we have
The norm(or quasinorm)of the space Lpis defined by
The σ-algebra generated by the dyadic 2-dimensional cubes Ik×Ikof measure 2?2kwill be denoted by Fk(k∈N).
Denote by f=?f(n),n∈N?a one-parameter martingale with respect to(Fn,n∈N)(for details,see,for example,[1]).The maximal function of a martingale f is defined by
The space weak-Lpconsists of all measurable functions f for which
In case f∈L1,the maximal function can also be given by
For 0<p<∞,the Hardy martingale space Hpconsists of all martingales for which
A bounded measurable function a is a p-atom if there exists a dyadic 2-dimensional cube I2,suchR that
c)supp a?I2.
An operator T which maps the set of martingale into the collection of measurable functions are called p-quasi-local,if there exists a constant Cp>0 such that for every p-atom a,
holds,where I2is the support of the atom a.
The Dirichlet kernels are defined by
where αk=wk(for all k∈P)or κk(for all k∈P).Recall that
The Fej′er kernels are defined as follows:
The Kronecker product(αn,m:n,m∈N)of two Walsh(-Kaczmarz)system is said to be the two-dimensional Walsh(-Kaczmarz)system.Thus,
If f∈L1,then the number?fα(n,m):=K2fαn,m(n,m∈N)is said to be the(n,m)th Walsh-(Kaczmarz-)Fourier coefficient of f.We can extend this definition to martingales in the usual way(see Weisz[1,20]).Denote by Sαn,mthe(n,m)th partial sum of the Walsh-(Kaczmarz-)Fourier series of a martingale f.Namely,
The Marcinkiewicz-Fej′er means of a martingale f are defined by
In 1939,Marcinkiewicz[21]has proved for f∈LlogL([0,2π]2)that the means σnf defined for the two-dimensional trigonometric Fourier series converge f as n→∞.Zhizhiashvili[22]improved this result for f∈L([0,2π]2).The analogous result for Walsh system belongs to Weisz[23];for Vilenkin system belongs to G′at[24].
The 2-dimensional Dirichlet kernels and Marcinkiewicz-Fej′er kernels are defined by
For the martingale f,we consider the maximal operators
Theorem 3.1The maximal operatoris bounded from the Hardy space H2/3to the space weak-L2/3.
Corollary 3.2(G′at,Goginava and Nagy[17])Let p>2/3.Then the maximal operatoris bounded from the Hardy space Hpto the space Lp.
We shall need the following lemmas(see[1,17]).
Lemma 4.1(Weisz[1])Suppose that an operator V is sublinear and,for some 0<p<1,
for every p?atom a,where I×I denotes the support of the atom.If V is bounded from Lp1to Lp1for a fixed 1<p1≤∞,then
Lemma 4.2(G′at,Goginava and Nagy[17])Let m1≤m2,A>N,n<2A+1,and
Lemma 4.3(G′at,Goginava and Nagy[17])Let A>N,n<2A+1,and
Lemma 4.4(G′at,Goginava and Nagy[17])Let A>N,n<2A+1,and
Lemma 4.5(Nagy[25])For k∈P and(x1,x2)∈K2,we have
Lemma 4.6(G′at,Goginava and Nagy[16])Let p>1/2.Then the maximal operatoris p-quasi-local(see inequality(2.1)).
Proof of Theorem 3.1We apply Lemma 4.1,and suppose that a∈L∝is a 2/3-atom with support IN×IN.As σna?x1,x2?=0,if n≤2Nwe may assume that n>2N(|n|≥N).
It is evident that
Step 1.Calculating over(KIN)×(KIN).Let n=2A+m,where 0≤m<2A(that is,|n|=A).Then from Lemma 4.5 and by equality(2.2),we have
Let m1,m2=0,···,N?1 such that
Then,applying Lemma 4.2,we get
It is evident that B1x1,x26=0 implies that
for some r and q2,where 0≤r<m1,m1≤q2≤m2.
we obtain
Hence,we can suppose that
It is simple to calculate
we conclude thatm2,q2/∈Ar.Hence,we can suppose that
Then,it is evident that
Consequently, Now,we discuss the term B2.It is evident that B2x1,x26=0 implies that
for some m1≤r≤m2,r≤q2≤m2.
we conclude that
Hence,we can suppose that
Then,we can write
Combining(5.2)-(5.4),we conclude that
Step 2.Calculating over IN×(KIN).By Lemma 4.5 and equality(2.2),we have
implies that
Then,we have
Applying Lemma 4.3,we get
some 0≤r≤m2,r≤q2≤m2.Then we can write
implies that
We consider the following two cases.
a)Let 0≤q2≤(3N?λ)/2.Set
We can write that
Hence,we obtain
b)Let(3N?λ)/2<q2≤m2.This implies that
Combining(5.7)-(5.9),we conclude that
Step 3.Calculating over(KIN)×IN.This case is analogous to Step 2 and we immediately get
Combining(5.1),(5.5),(5.10),(5.11)and Lemma 4.6,we complete the proof of Theorem 3.1.
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October 28,2013;revised June 20,2014.The research was supported by project T′AMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0051 and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation grant no.13/06(Geometry of function spaces,interpolation and embedding theorems).
Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)2016年2期