(Chinese-Germ an Ed ition)Winner of the Friedhelm Denninghaus Prize 2015
Chinese Characters:Cognition
(Chinese-Germ an Ed ition)
Winner of the Friedhelm Denninghaus Prize 2015
·Available in both Germ an and English
·15 lessons w ith 295 characters
·Exercises and games designed to develop students' abili to recognize and use characters
·From the “Chinese Language, Chinese Characters”textbook series, p lanned by Dr. Brigitte K?lla of Zurich University, expert in teaching Chinese
·Entry-level textbook for use a fter Chinese Characters:Writing and Chinese Language: I
·Com p lete w ith instruction m anual
The Friedhelm Denninghaus Prize is awarded every two to three years for outstanding achievem ents in the promotion of Chinese education in Germ anspeaking countries by the German Association of Chinese teachers (FaCh).
Wang Yexin is a professor and PhD advisor a Beijing Language and Culture University and expert in etym ology and calligraphy.
Both the Germ an and English editions of the entire series are available at www.theworldofchinese.com/store/