Call for Papers Special Issue on“Genome Stability’’
We are very pleased to announce a special issue,to be published in June,2016,on“Genome Stability’’in the journal Genomics,Proteomics & Bioinformatics(GPB). This special issue aims to provide a platform for specialists or experts in the field to report their results and share their opinions on the topic. We are inviting you to submit high-quality papers to this special issue. The guest editors for this special issue are Dr. Zhao-Qi Wang (The Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute(FLI),Germany),Dr. Xingzhi Xu (Capital Normal University,China),and Dr. Daochun Kong(Peking University,China).
The maintenance of genome stability is a central event in the growth and development of all living organisms. However,genomic DNA is constantly attacked by cellular activitygenerated metabolites,or by external genotoxic agents such as UV. Fortunately,eukaryotic cells,through tens of millions of years of evolution,have developed a variety of mechanisms that act on DNA replication,DNA lesion repairs,chromosomal segregation,and coordination of cell cycle events,to ensure genomic stability and faithful inheritance of genetic materials in each cell division cycle.
DNA repair defects are associated with many hematological,immunological,and neuronal disorders as well as progeroidism. Genome instability is one of the hallmarks of malignant transformation. In the process of tumorigenesis,genomic alterations appear in assisting the acquisition of tumorigenic mutations to support the survival and proliferation of tumor cells. Therefore,comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms by which genome integrity is protected should greatly empower the prevention and treatment of cancers and other pathologies.
This special issue covers the following topics:
?DNA damage signaling
?DNA lesion repair
?DNA replication
?Cell cycle checkpoint control
?Impact of histone modifications/chromatin structure on DNA metabolism
?Development of anticancer drugs
Original studies,reviews,methods,and reports on tools,etc. are all welcome. The deadline of submissions to this special issue is February 1,2016. Accepted manuscripts to this special issue will be published free of charge.
Manuscripts should be submitted online at http://ees.elsevier.com/gpb/. Please indicate that your submission is for this special issue. The detailed Guide for Authors is available on this website as well,with manuscript template and EndNote output style template provided.
For further information,please contact us:
Dr. Zhao-Qi Wang(zqwang@fli-leibniz.de);
Dr. Xingzhi Xu(xingzhi_xu@cnu.edu.cn);
Dr. Daochun Kong(kongdc@pku.edu.cn);
Editorial Office(editor@big.ac.cn).
Genomics,Proteomics & Bioinformatics2016年2期