劉 偉
(湖北警官學院國際警務(wù)系 湖北武漢 430034)
劉 偉
(湖北警官學院國際警務(wù)系 湖北武漢 430034)
警務(wù)英語 實戰(zhàn)型 教學法
The major functions of the police are∶(1) order maintenance (the peacekeeper role); (2) social service (the social worker role); and (3)law enforcement (the crime fi ghter role).
Order Maintenance∶The Peacekeeper Role
Students are frequently surprised to learn how much of police work involves activities we refer to as order maintenance. This is the peacekeeper role of the police. Yet maintaining social order in the community consumes a large part of a patrol offi cer’s time and energy. When citizens call the police for help, quite often they are calling not so the police can stop a crime in progress, but to intervene in a situation that is out of order.
Social Service∶The Social Worker Role
The second major function of the police is social service. Historically, the police were given responsibility for rendering aid and assistance directly to the people largely; they were the only public agency open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to take care of immediate problems.
Law Enforcement∶The Crime Fighter Role
The third major function of the police is law enforcement, thus casting police officers into their most familiar role as crime fighters. Examples of law enforcement activities would include∶responding to crimes in progress (burglary, robbery, rape, assault, and so on); taking a report from a crime victim; investigating a crime; checking out a prowler; questioning a suspect; making an arrest.
1. Discuss the major roles of the police.
2. What’s your opinion about the social worker role?
3. How do you understand the crime fi ghter role of the police?
4. Do we need the police? Why or why not?
5. Does the order in which the three roles are listed presume their relative importance to the society?