項目信息/Credits and Data
客戶/Client: 無錫美新微納傳感廠/Memsic Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
設計團隊/Design Team: UDG+SEU
建筑設計/Architectural Design: 錢強,李小健,遲曉昱,李柯/QIAN Qiang, LI Xiaojian, CHI Xiaoyu, LI Ke
建筑面積/Floor Area: 14,057m2
結構形式/Structure: 框架結構/Frame Structure
外裝修材料/Exterior Material: 鋁板,玻璃,素混凝土/ Aluminum curtain wall, Glass curtain wall, Plain concrete
攝影/Photos: 姚力/YAO Li
1 總平面/Site plan
This is a composite building combining the functions of office, research & development, and production. The design adopts "square" and "circle" as basic architectural forms and landscape compositional means, reflecting the ancient yinyang theory's philosophical interpretation of space.
The fa?ade gives emphasis to horizontality, with a 2.5m-wide eave projecting from each floor. This device conveys a profound sense of tranquility inherent in traditional buildings; meanwhile, it helps avoid direct sunlight toward the interior, so that the research & development office space can have soft, indirect natural light. The high, transparent glass curtain wall largely blurs the building's vertical boundary, and from the interior one feels the horizontal expansion of the overhanging eaves. The building facade, an aluminum curtain wall, uses thermal transfer technology to give the dark-grey aluminum sheets a special texture and tactility, thus returning to the simple nature of the building. On the north and west facades hang perforated aluminum sheets; the size and density of the holes can be adjusted according to the subtle change of the sunlight.
2 四層平面/Floor 4 plan
In the interior design, the stairs connecting the north entrance hall and the south exhibition hall rise gently between the glass curtain wall and the smallbrickwork interior wall. Walking up the stairs, one feels the coexistence of the traditional and the modern, with amazing experience brought by the flowing space. There is a patio on the south-east side of the 5th floor and one on the east side of the 6th floor, with commanding views of the Wanshan marsh.
Research & Development Building of Memsic Semiconductor Co., Ltd., Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, 2011
Principal Architect: QIAN Qiang
3 六層平面/Floor 5 plan
4 外景/Exterior view
5 內景/Interior view